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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well RL has kinda taken over for the most part. I was carrying on with a Gerry Anderson wiki project I'd started, at least I'd tried to. My gran had a stroke a few weeks ago so I've been looking after her quite a lot, my cat died over the weekend which I've grown up with, and last night my dad died. I intend on getting back to what I enjoy, modelling, to try and take my mind off stuff.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    F**k man......:(

    If you don't mind my asking, was it sudden?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    anything but I'm afraid. He was in hospital last January originally with complications to do with his diabetes. While he was recovering he contracted MRSA which very nearly killed him. He hasn't had a good year, more complications with his diabetes and he eventually went into hospital about 2 and a half to 3 months ago with lover problems, and that's what eventually killed him. So no, unfortunately, it was anything but sudden.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    sorry to hear that Scorp. My condelences. I sort of understand what you're going through. My mother's health is not very good at all either, neither is my dad's. And my dad is close to the age when most of the males on that side of the family have died. As far as anyone knows, no male on that side of the family has lived beyond that age in the last 150 years. So I can sort of understand the stress you're going through.
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    My sympathies to you Scorpius.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    mikala wrote: »
    My sympathies to you Scorpius.

    :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o Haven't seen you in a while Mikala!!! You back or just peeking in?
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Just a peek for now. Got nothing new going. Just got a working PC again.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Really sorry to hear scorp just last night my best friend went into hospital and if he had not it was sertain death, this has been the worst year for me and all of my friends, this year is cursed and i want it too end.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    This has been a crappy few months for me, scootes, scorpius and now tadz.
    (My condolences to both scootes and scorpius for your lose as well.)

    It's kind of like we are the most unlucky people on earth right now. :(

    Well with some luck I'll have a new update on my Tempest in the next few days but things have been going a little slower than my norm.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Last night i was shown this image by someone on a small stargate forum where i've got a small thread showing off my stuff.

    Unwisely he pondered weather i could SG-VERSE-ise that Helicopter. Unwisely for me that is as not five minutes after reading that post i had at least four different ideas running through my head:lol:

    This is what i have decided to go with and have done today...

    8-crew,maybe five or so additional passengers. Six manually operated Glider cannon stations. two fighter machine Guns in the front roof fin.

    no Hyperdrive- More of a short range attack ship based off, say, a 304 (Gotta check the sizes before i decided yay or nay) and the dedicated Carrier that is hiding amoungst my WIPS. 2 PuddleJumper derived engines attached to the rear roof fin.

    While it has got a very basic rear compartment i may not build an interior for this. If i do then it'll only be the rear compartment that i detail.

  • tadz wrote: »
    no dont close it ever!!! lol and i think it goes slow because thats times when everyone is still thinking or updating there project
    hey, what's the ship in your sig? It's looks nice...
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    hey, what's the ship in your sig? It's looks nice...
    the "CFS-311-01 Severus" hehe my design, choo1701 and scootes mesh lol all updates will be posted here and i will update my thread every few updates:D
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    *Annoyed grunt* Damn this free handgun mesh (Which came with a magazine caled 3D World if anyone else reads it) is really slowing up my computer.

    Well it's either that or this is about to go completely kaput:(

    Anyway i think i've scaled the thing down to the right size and i've decided to try and turn one of the lockers in the 309 GateJumper into a weapons storage.

    I'm going to try and add some P90s and flackJackets in there as well but i know that i'm not able to do a good enough mesh of either so if anyone knows where to find a free legal mesh of either then i will be extreamely grateful.

    On a different topic- the same mag had a copy of Bryce 5.5. just wanted to know if it's good or notb4 i load it up....

    Oh , no one likes my latest project?:p:lol:
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I like it.
    Will it actually have rotors, or be a full spacecraft?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Nope no rotors. the two engines on the back end of the rof and the two side engines will be the only propulsion (Hope i spelt that right :lol: ) used on the ship.

    Might not use the XXX-3XX designations that they use in SG-1, Thinking of going with -4XX or something like that and might just leave the name as it's designation number
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Sounds good. I like the idea of the stocked weapons locker too. Keep us updated with that.
    I am working on something myself as a quickie project.
    It's a prototype testbed vehicle using Asgard anti-gravity technology.
    It will be the Lockheed-Martin X-51 "Snowflake". Utilising several top-secret technologies of anti-gravity unknown to the public(Based on the newly-aquired Asgard tech), the craft can travel at tremendous speeds, and can attain high orbit(It can also execute right angle turns at high mach speeds, with no adverse G-effects to the airframe or the pilot).
    The arrangement is a cockpit bubble for the pilot, surrounded by five smaller spheres all connected by a latticework which will give it the snowflake look. There will be no visible exhaust, and the five equidistant orbs will house the Reverse Graviton Projector engines. At the moment, i am thinking the craft will only be used for advanced recon(Being capable of hovering totally still with no visible exhaust, and with full stealth capabilities). It is not a fighter as such, but weapons can be underslung if required.
    I was aiming for something that would have an otherworldy "flying saucer" look. I was partially inspired by the fake Haiti UFO seen recently online. I know it looks really hokey, and not at all Stargate in the strictest sense, but i was trying to go in a different direction...
    Here are the pics of where i am at after about three hours of work.
    It will be fully greeblied up eventually...
    The main "snowflake" hull halves:
    A closeup of the pilot's bubble and control chair:
    Hull halves together with the bubble engines in place:
    And another closeup of the control bubble:
    The main body will rotate around the pilot as it flies(Slowly at first, but it will rotate faster the quicker the craft flies).
    This is only a what if project, so i'm not being to serious about it. Criticise away!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I was always wondering why writers never showed us Asgard, Goa'uld, Ancient ground vehicles. I mean, c'mon, they had to have something, logic demands it. :D Sure, most planet are just few villages and stargate, but for heavy fighting Asgard could not have only ships floating over battlefield, beaming technology can be jammed. And Jaffas, as everyone, must care for casualties, they need something for support infantry if enemy had strong anti-air. You can't conquer Earth-size planet with Earth-size population only with few Ha'taks, Keshs and bunch of Jaffas.
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Heavy duty plating and details. Great departure from the norm.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    love the detail on the underside... nice work :thumb:
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I have bitten of far, far more than i can chew with the idea that i could create a few of the SG Tau'ri weapons. Simply i haven't got a clue how to do them, my knowledge of 3D Max doesn't extend into the methoids needed to create them.:(

    Ah well.... Anyone know of either some 3d max meshes of P90s and shotguns or someone willing to build them for me?

    Loving the ruggedness of the Tempest. Thats certainly going to pack one hell of a punch, And take one too.:thumb:
  • t-castt-cast331 Posts: 0Member
    I didn't think it was possible to make a 303 look good, but RJB has done it.
    Great work.
  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Ah well.... Anyone know of either some 3d max meshes of P90s and shotguns or someone willing to build them for me?

    heres my p-90 I imported into sketchup. If you don't have sketchup to export it as a 3ds file send me a pm and I'll send you the 3ds file.

    P-90 by xjamesx - Google 3D Warehouse

    that model was made from measurement taken from a real p-90 so the proportions and everything should be exact except for the muzzle..

  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    nice work on the P-90 :)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    t-cast wrote: »
    I didn't think it was possible to make a 303 look good, but RJB has done it.
    Great work.

    That he has, that he has indeed. Su-weet work RJB.

    EDIT: Had something else here. But found out I reversed the length and width and the dimensions got me confused! DOH!
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Yay! 300 pages!

    Doing a load of panelling work on the 308 atm, might remember to get some pictures of it later.....
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Yay! 300 pages!

    Doing a load of panelling work on the 308 atm, might remember to get some pictures of it later.....

    I have my profile set to show 50 posts per page, so my page count is only at 75.
    But i know what you mean...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    First time posting here in a long time and first time making a model in a long time.


    It's a remake of something I posted on here a looong time ago. Belongs to a group of rebel Asgard who went into self-imposed exile thousands of years ago.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Hello to all! I love the site, there is just so much info here and I wish I had the time to read it all.

    I have been working on a small project involving the Stargate universe. It is a story about an "off the record, unofficial" SG base called Epsilon site green lighted by General O'Niell. Basically, during the time just before the Asgard decided to end their existence (sometime before the Carter replicator arc), The Asgard Mimir - the chief science engineer, designed an Asgard interceptor / fighter and small battle cruiser to better fight the replicators, then after the replicators were defeated in their part of the galaxy, they turned their efforts to fighting the Ori. These ships have the latest Asgard tech and they were designed for the Tau'ri to pilot them. They are slightly larger than the Go'auld death gliders - not sure by how much as I don't have a modeled cockpit yet.

    Here are some pictures of my work so far. I am still new with UV mapping and such but hope to have the problem licked soon. My meshes are intended for a small web series using Daz 3d or Poser and maybe a small game using the torque engine - not sure yet. It depends on the Stargate movies and future Atlantis episodes. I am taking baby steps now and don't plan on being done for at least a year, but I'd love to get some feedback from some seasoned modelers. This is my first real model so be gentle, thanx!!!
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    i love that asgard ship it is very nice :)
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