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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Some very nice designs popping up here.

    I have returned from the depths of non-modelling and have started greebling my 305 again, I haven't done much more but hopefully I can keep up the process and try and get the upper side completely done sometime soon

  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    very nice work on the Citation freek.

    also good gob goes to Dr Lee and nikin for there work on your ships aswell

    Regards Jesh

    also other news:( at the time that my plane was taking off to go to florida my gteat grandma passed away... so I didnt make it down there in time:( :sob:
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    F**k...... Puts my comp problems into perspetive.

    Still dunno i m able to recover anything from my hard drive.... And from the looks of things it's going to be at least wednesday before someone can take a look.

    Just hope my famil stop blackmailing me for compter time.

    I've never really thought about what the 'spikes' on the nose of the -304s were for:rolleyes:
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    I have always known them as sensor spikes
  • Robert HarrisonRobert Harrison1 Posts: 16Member
    Well yes Sensors are an idea, but we have never really seen how the ship opens a Hyperspace Window! i know she uses the smaller engines for Movement thou HS, but how does it open a window?! Made sense to have them as Generators.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    robert they are sensors. we use the same type of hyperdrive as the asgard, goul'd and ori but none of their ships have the spikes, nor did the prometheus. they are sensors
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Well yes Sensors are an idea, but we have never really seen how the ship opens a Hyperspace Window! i know she uses the smaller engines for Movement thou HS, but how does it open a window?! Made sense to have them as Generators.

    The four hyperspace engines on the rear end are what open the hyperspace window.
    They pulse just before it opens.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I decided to continue working on a 302 model I once started. Here is the result so far.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    looking very good, I don't know why but the area around the cockpit looks a bit weird to me, probablythe angle
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    the cockpit looks too small to me or the vents behind the cockpit is too big.... I dunno which.


    Looks like my 3D Max files are saved!!!! Just managed to access my Hard drive and it's a good news/Bad news situation.

    Good news- Files saved so i don't have to do a ton and a half of work to replace anything.

    Bad news- looks like the Hard drive is Failing so it MAY have to be replaced... Which is not needed right now:mad:
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    yea the cockpit area looks a little off, perhaps a bit short. Maybe it's a 1 seat version of the F-302?

    Nikin, lookin good so far. I would like to do some physical models of my own, but I think I'd end up with a whole bunch of things glued to my head or something drastic like that. I've done something like that before on plastic model kits. So maybe everyone should keep the glue away from me. :lol::D

    Now, for me.
    I've got a few updates for you, and a treat too. Well alright, maybe you won't consider it a treat since it's not impregnated with caffeine and sugar, but oh well. Anyways...first is the Citation v4 in standard space background, the second is something new, a landed Citation with a desert background doing some unloading. It's still not done, I just wanted to see what it would look like. Believe it or not, but the hardest part was the landing "feet". For some reason those buggers took me forever to do. I think I did an ok job on them. Anyhoooo, what do you all think?

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    The citation is looking good, I like the scene of it landed and the forklift gives an excellent idea of the scale.

    Glad you like the model, and just to justify your comment, I got superglue remover for a reason lol. It's partly painted black now on one side to see how it looks when it is uniform in colour, and it is a base coat. It looks muh more finished like that even if it is only the one hangar painted
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    It looks very good.
    Does it have a large internal hangar space?(Big enough for a Stargate? docianime16.gif)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    It looks very good.
    Does it have a large internal hangar space?(Big enough for a Stargate? docianime16.gif)

    Not in the main hull area, but it would fit in either side. They'd be just big enough to hold a stargate, why? To quote Teal'c, "I sense something extremely nefarious Daniel Jackson." :lol:

    And before anyone asks:
    Yes, that thing in the front is part of the hyperdrive system. I already mapped it out and I put a large single sublight engine in the back, so there was little space out back for the hyperdrive engine too. So I put it up front. No reason it has to be out back. Only the emitters need to be out back. So, the "engine room" is actually in between the sublight engine and the hyperdrive generator. The round part you see sticking out the nose is actually partly the hyperdrive coolant system. It's not the hyperdrive itself, that would be too unprotected. I also thought it would be cool to have some sort of system that utilizes the unique properties of naquadah, particularly the superconductive properties. As we all know, naquadah can absorbe thermal (heat), electrical, radiation etc, and allow you to draw it from the naquadah to power things. So why not put something out front that can do that? As the ship enters an atmosphere, the friction would generate lots of heat on the leading edges. Having a naquadah thermal exchanger would give the ship an extra source of energy to power the sheilds, which if configured right would protect the ship from damage yet still allow the exchanger to draw power. Neat idea huh?

    I also realized something about the cargo bays too. With very little modification, the loading system could be converted to hold large missles. Just imagine this....A cargo ship is about to be attacked by a bad guy, who thinks that this cargo ship is like all the others they have attacked. Yet as the bad guy comes into range all of a sudden a few large missles drop out of the cargo bays and streak toward the bad guy. Imagine the load the bad guy would drop in his pants if something like this happened. Ahhh human ingenuity. :D
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Not in the main hull area, but it would fit in either side. They'd be just big enough to hold a stargate, why? To quote Teal'c, "I sense something extremely nefarious Daniel Jackson." :lol:

    Not at all. I just like the idea that a ship could be carrying around it's own Gate...
    The possibilities are endless. The ship could be damaged, and all they need is proximity to a planet, and they can dial Earth(Or an Alpha-Site), to get help.
    Re-inforcements could be brough through also, and in the event the ship was irreparably damaged, they could set the auto-destruct and escape through the onboard Gate...
    It's just a crazy idea i had a while back.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    Not at all. I just like the idea that a ship could be carrying around it's own Gate...
    The possibilities are endless. The ship could be damaged, and all they need is proximity to a planet, and they can dial Earth(Or an Alpha-Site), to get help.
    Re-inforcements could be brough through also, and in the event the ship was irreparably damaged, they could set the auto-destruct and escape through the onboard Gate...
    It's just a crazy idea i had a while back.

    Well, the crazy part I definitely believe. :lol:LOL! I'm just teasing you!!! But yes, it could carry a gate in either of the side bays. It wouldn't take up the entire bay either. only the back 4 cargo containers would be missing. So, it wouldn't be a huge sacrifice to carry a gate. I don't think it would be a normal thing to do so, but one of those special "Just in case" situations. :D
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    I also thought a onbored Gateroom would be cool and also for some recon support from Atlantis ( puddle jumpers with drones hehe ) and also freek that is smart thinking, it would help if they were entering a unknown planet :thumb:... idea coming for the severus :)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Woot! 43 more posts to 3000! That's just incredible!

    I try to be very inventive. That's why I favor different and unusual yet usefull designs.

    I just wish some of those M.I.A. posters from days gone by would come back. It's very depressing that so many people have come and gone. Not to mention the slower pace the thread has taken. A few times I have considered shutting the thread down because of this. I keep thinking that those who don't come and post anymore is caused by something I have done. And that just wears on you quite a bit after a while. Is it my fault? Did I do something? :(

    I just love the creativity and community of it all. It's what drives me. And when someone leaves, I feel the loss tremendously.
  • SGC_Sam FisherSGC_Sam Fisher0 Posts: 0Member
    I'm trying to post my ships but every photo in Sketchup I take makes the models look like dren.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    I'm trying to post my ships but every photo in Sketchup I take makes the models look like dren.

    dren??? Huh?
  • SGC_Sam FisherSGC_Sam Fisher0 Posts: 0Member
    You've never watched Farscape? It means crap, s**t and that sort of thing.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I'm trying to post my ships but every photo in Sketchup I take makes the models look like dren.

    dude. seriously: post it. Were not going to bite your head of cause its crap. Trust me, we've all properly seen worse. :eek:
    (namely my efforts :p :help: )

    Besides. now i want to see it!! :shiner:

    and without stargae, how am i supposed to get my farscape fix? :p :lol:
  • SGC_Sam FisherSGC_Sam Fisher0 Posts: 0Member
    Stupid extension limit, I'm going to have to triple-post. Here's A through E.

    And keep in mind, my models are the definition of Works-In-Progress.
  • SGC_Sam FisherSGC_Sam Fisher0 Posts: 0Member
    F through J.

    I'll say what everything is with the last of the photos.
  • SGC_Sam FisherSGC_Sam Fisher0 Posts: 0Member
    K through O.

    Okay, in the photos A to D, are my two main ships. The one on the right in photo A is my battle ship sort of thing. It's close to 700 feet right now and 112 wide. I'm going to put on some sort of weapons pod on the sides, but I'm stumped there.

    The one on the left in photo A is my escort sort of thing. It's going to be flexible i.e, able to be modified very easily. It's 312 feet long, 65 feet for the neck and 118 feet at it's widest.

    In photos E through H, is my main turret. It's 63 feet long, 30 feet at it's widest, and 8 feet at it's thinnest. It's 12 feet high at it's peak and it's 5 feet at it's lowest. I have modeled it after the Navy's Advanced Gun System.

    In photos I through K are my weapon barrels. The one on the left in photo I is my 10mm rail gun barrel. It's going to be for my CIWS system but I have yet to design the turret. It's 1 foot at it's widest and 8 feet long at the moment
    The middle in photo I is my 155mm rail gun barrel. Again, I have yet to design the turret. It's 1 foot 4 inches at it's widest and 11 feet long at the moment.

    The one on the right in photo I is my 1 foot coil gun barrel. It's going to go on my main turret which from now on will be called the Advanced Gun System, Coil. It's 2 feet 3 inches at it's widest and it's 35 feet long at the moment.

    In photos L through O is my Cargo ship/Alkesh sort of thing. It's 112 feet long, 26 feet wide at the neck and wingspan is 84 feet.

    I will write more tomorrow on the specs. For now, it's time for bed.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Woot! 43 more posts to 3000! That's just incredible!

    I try to be very inventive. That's why I favor different and unusual yet usefull designs.

    I just wish some of those M.I.A. posters from days gone by would come back. It's very depressing that so many people have come and gone. Not to mention the slower pace the thread has taken. A few times I have considered shutting the thread down because of this. I keep thinking that those who don't come and post anymore is caused by something I have done. And that just wears on you quite a bit after a while. Is it my fault? Did I do something? :(

    I just love the creativity and community of it all. It's what drives me. And when someone leaves, I feel the loss tremendously.
    no dont close it ever!!! lol and i think it goes slow because thats times when everyone is still thinking or updating there project
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I think it is because stargate was not on right now. All it takes is for the production crew to create ONE more new ship, and this thread will be very active once again.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Hey guys.
    Mr Brother has made some montage clips in the past using TV show footage(Perhaps some of you saw his "Endless CSI Miami one-liners" clip on Youtube?).
    Anyway, yesterday he made a montage clip of all the cool shots from the Atlantis finale.
    It's only eye-candy, but i know you will all like it.
    [ame= - Stargate Atlantis First Strike CGI Montage[/ame]
  • Robert HarrisonRobert Harrison1 Posts: 16Member
    SGC_Sam Fisher, i like the larger of the two ship, the Bridge module is very good... Well done...
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    my computer is too slow to run that clip but i can kinda see it buts its really jumpy and from what i see it is a nice clip :)
This discussion has been closed.