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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Quick Churchill update here....


    The panneling isn't 100% finished, Still gotta do the nose and the ar$e fully.

    Decided to go with a different style of bridge viewport than the last one.I've also just dumped an Omni into the bridge to highlight the open space
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Well, since it seems that icons and logos seem to be the current theme right now, I thought I'd throw out some stuff that I have. Now, just to keep it straight, they are not mine, I found them on the net, but I did make some changes to the colors. They seem pretty cool if you ask me. Anyways, here they are.
    I like the middle logo :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    the hammond is looking like one badass ship, very nice. The logos look pretty cool, I agree that the 3rd one is my favourite. The panel work for the Churchill is lookinglovely as well. I need to get some more modelling done
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    I like the first one myself.

    that ship is lookin good dr. lee and same goes for you aswell RJB:thumb:

    first I have a little thing that I did cause I got bored so here ya go... you will see quite afew of these in the bays when I get done with the Hammond...

    next is a slight update on the reaper, I moved the top wings bak a little and add a person to show how the pilot sits in it... so here ya go.. enjoy!
    All C&C welcome

    Regards Jesh

    also other veiws of both will be provided upon request
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    I actually like all of them. Though my favorites are the 1st and 3rd. I just like the idea of having a common identifying mark on all SG ships. So, even though each ship would fly under it's own flag, that common marking would unite them against potential enemies.

    Scootes, nice. I like it. The design looks very unique. And some how familiar.

    Lastly, earlier I was thinking while sitting on the "throne" and an idea popped into my head. Has anyone thought about a "tug boat" type of ship? I know not all ships can have the best and fastest hyperdrive. And I know that if a ship's hyperdrive is damaged or burns out, they are basically stuck and S.O.L. So, shouldn't there be a ship that could come and latch on and "tow" the ship to a safe rapair location? Wouldn't need to be a big ship. Actually it needn't be much more than a flying hyperdrive system with a small crew. We know that the Prommy had points arond the ship where it was clamped down in the hangar, so couldn't that be a common element of all Tau'ri ships? And couldn't this new "tug boat" use some of those clamp points to latch onto? It could then manuever the ship and propel it through hyperspace, maybe even provide emergency power. Think of it as an "Intergalactic Triple A". :lol: Could be something interesting to see on here. Anyone want to try and tackle this?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I'll certainly have a quick peek into trying something like that.

    Does anyone know where to find some jpegs that'll be suitable as computer screens? I'm trying to look for stuff to put into the screens around the Churchill.

    Also i know that there are a few differetn numbers floating around for this but whats the rough dimensions for the DSC-304s? I'm going to try and put a basic-rough shape of the ship into my fleet line up renders...

    Ta in advance.

    P.S. - I'll try and get some new renders from the Churchill bridge up here later on tonight
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Also i know that there are a few different numbers floating around for this but whats the rough dimensions for the DSC-304s? I'm going to try and put a basic-rough shape of the ship into my fleet line up renders...

    The numbers i was using are 470 metres for the main hull, and just under 500 for the whole thing including attennae.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    I concur with Bar. I personally have been using a length of 450 meters for the Deadalus class BC-304's, not including the front antenna though. I have also been using a length of 300-350 meters for the Prometheus. Though, I may be wrong. Who knows for sure. Surely not I. :lol:
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    It's a shame they won't come out and give us an official measurement on both the Prommie and the -304s....

    *Runs off to try and convert the Meters into Feet*

  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    It's a shame they won't come out and give us an official measurement on both the Prommie and the -304s....

    *Runs off to try and convert the Meters into Feet*


    I've seen quotes from Bruce Woloshyn, the SG FX supervisor, where he gives a size for Atlantis as only 1.5Km and around 700m for the 304's. I however find this VERY dubious. There's no way the Daedalus is nearly half the size of Atlantis, twice the size of a US Navy aircraft carrier. There are many reasons why those dimensions is totally bunk and a half, but let's not get into that now. The best one could hope for is the general consensus. Know what I mean Vern?
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    well i have a rough estimate of the hight without all the attenas satilites etc i worked out it is around 45-60 meters high from lowest to highest...BTW Fire Fox crashed so excuse my spelling again:(
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice. I like. You've done very good work on the head area in this case.....te he he, wait wait, get it? Headcase. LOL! I just crack myself up. :lol:

    Alright alright, I know I'm no comedian. I'm just feeling a bit goofy today. I do like the Tempest though. In some ways, it far surpasses the canon Prometheus. Certainly your modeling is better than what was done for the Prommy; much more detailed. :thumb: I look forward to seeing more of this stormy lady. By the way, how or what are you going to texture it with?
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Nice. I like. You've done very good work on the head area in this case.....te he he, wait wait, get it? Headcase. LOL! I just crack myself up. :lol:

    Alright alright, I know I'm no comedian. I'm just feeling a bit goofy today. I do like the Tempest though. In some ways, it far surpasses the canon Prometheus. Certainly your modeling is better than what was done for the Prommy; much more detailed. :thumb: I look forward to seeing more of this stormy lady. By the way, how or what are you going to texture it with?
    Well I knew there would be some kind of head related jokes coming but I was sure they would be far dirtier. lol

    I'm glad you like the ship and as for textures, well I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Well I knew there would be some kind of head related jokes coming but I was sure they would be far dirtier. lol

    I'm glad you like the ship and as for textures, well I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

    Well, the thought did cross my mind. But I thought better of it. :D Now what's this business about putting a cross texture on the bridge? Te he he he. :lol: *rolling on the floor laughing, literally* I'm just pulling your leg. One of those moods ya know.

    now, may I suggest that you use a touch of color when you do decide to texture it. Not all over, just a dab here and there. I'm a fan of copper colors on ships, and try to use them as much as possible. They make for great piping and specialty panels and bits and parts. Just a suggestion though.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Well I knew there would be some kind of head related jokes coming but I was sure they would be far dirtier. lol
    well the origannal Prometheus class and Daedalus class had that look to them lol:D
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Scootes, nice. I like it. The design looks very unique. And some how familiar.

    how do you mean?... it could be because i have posted other pics of that stuff earlier in this thread.
    tadz wrote: »
    well the origannal Prometheus class and Daedalus class had that look to them lol:D

    so true... how can a mind as young as yours be that dirty Tadz?!?lol
    same thing went through my mind thou too...

    Regards Jesh
  • cjabatescjabates0 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    so true... how can a mind as young as yours be that dirty Tadz?!?lol
    same thing went through my mind thou too...

    Perhaps he is in a Catholic school. :devil: I know that's where my particular mind-bent comes from :D
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Lol, I also went to a Catholic school...seems to count for a lot!
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    how do you mean?... it could be because i have posted other pics of that stuff earlier in this thread.

    I just meant that, the design looks familiar. I know I had suggested something similar to that to someone a while ago. It just seems similar to what I had in mind when I was thinking "what if" and "how would it look", that's all. In other words, we were on a similar train of thought. And that's just scary if someone thinks like me. :lol: Or could someone be reading my mind? *stops thinking about the Swedish Bikini Team* :lol::D:lol:
  • TolbertTolbert331 Posts: 0Member
    Started with my new Battlecruiser. I hope i'll get it finished until i go for holiday on saturday.

    So far the Ship is around 1400 meters. The first version was about 1600 but i dont want to make a Star Destroyer so i cut the nose off ;)

  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    In other words, we were on a similar train of thought. And that's just scary if someone thinks like me. :lol: Or could someone be reading my mind? *stops thinking about the Swedish Bikini Team* :lol::D:lol:

    darnit freekzilla.... I was enjoying those thoughts!!!:lol:

    that is freaky if I think like you... my own mind scars me somtimes so I am worried about wat happens in yours:lol::D

    Regards Jesh
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Real nice work Tolbert, definately a bit of the republic assault cruiser from EpIII about it. It also reminds me of a fan design called...the Ajax I think it was. Can't remember who it was by, but the backside of it reminds me of it that's all.
  • drago-musewenidrago-museweni171 Posts: 0Member
    I think the ship is to long, the nose are to long.
    And its looks like Ramrod :D
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    cjabates wrote: »
    Perhaps he is in a Catholic school. :devil: I know that's where my particular mind-bent comes from :D

    No i am just an average 14 year old Aussie... well one that says what he thinks before thinking about it lol and my bunch of friends are good a sick jokes so i guess it aint all Aussie kids lol:thumb:
  • Robert HarrisonRobert Harrison1 Posts: 16Member
    i working title, not sure what number we are all upto...

    This is my go at a Stargate (post Asgurd tech) ship...

    early stages, the Two large gun in the bow are Large mass driver, the turrets are small rail cannons, and the small disks (that look like ring transporters) are Beam weapons.

    Comments are welcome...
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    actually I htink 310 is what we are up to now :lol: so what type of ship is it?? IE: battliship, cruiser, carrier?? that might help with the name abit or at least the designation...

    oh btw good job tolbert:thumb: I forgot to compliment you in my last post.

    Regards Jesh

    also...... WAHOO I am FINALLY 18!!!!!
  • Robert HarrisonRobert Harrison1 Posts: 16Member
    Not sure, but at the moment a Carrier craft, maybe something that would carry 500 or so Marines to be deployed... would also carry 24 302's and 2 Cargoships. I am also gonna add more ICBM tubes and Rail cannons, as well as Smaller RailGuns for point defence... Mjolnir - Thor's Hammer.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Happy B-Day Jesh have lotsa fun if u get what i mean... yet another joke that is not good for my age lol
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