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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    scootes wrote: »
    wow thats a beutifall ship there RJB:thumb:

    hey also from me an update of the Hammond. one is the new peice in the front section its there to help in landing, there is now a platform to land on so you dont need to fly into a small hole. next is the fliught deck showing the elavators with 302's on them. there is one large elavator in the back for large craft or to move more 302's to the flight deck for emergency deployment. there is also 4 other smaller elavators that can hold 2 302's a peice all C&C is welcome

    Regards Jesh
    Thank you.

    Not too much to comment on your ship so far but it does seem to be off to a nice start and I do like the idea of an extended landing platform.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »

    Looking good. It's like the Prometheus's bigger Brother... On steroids...
    Keep the progress images coming.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Gee, I go missing for a while and a bunch of stuff appears on the thread. You guys tryin to tell me something? :(
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Merely a surprise for your return Freek of course!

    And great work RJB, really looking good. I'm liking these new takes on the Prometheus. I think at the start everyone disliked the design so much they didn't want to do anything with it, now everyone's starting to get bored of Daedalus clones they're either going with completely original designs or trying to make ships based off the Prommie.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    The Promie had its good looks and its bad... if you ask me i like the Promie but there are certain angles where it looks well...S**t
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I like the diagonally positioned missile tubes.

    Very nice :thumb:
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Hello... i have been trying to make a symbol for the Severus( BTW any commits or ideas on the change?)... i have finally came up with one i kind of like :)... here it is: all c&c welcome
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Thank you guys.
    I tried to make it come off as a stepping stone between the Prometheus and the Daedalus with some elements from both but also keep a distinct personality of its own so I'm glad that youA’re liking the design.

    tadz - The symbol looks good but maybe make the circle larger and have the name wrapping around the ring. Also I'm just not sure about having aqua as a color choice.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Guys, have someone of you side, front and top schemes of puddle jumper, please?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    RJB wrote: »
    tadz - The symbol looks good but maybe make the circle larger and have the name wrapping around the ring. Also I'm just not sure about having aqua as a color choice.

    agree with making the circle and letters bigger and clearer. But very cool idea tadz.

    BTW: questions to RJB (and well anyone whos made an uber detailed Stargate Mesh...)

    1) first do you Max

    2) how do you do your paneling.

    Slowly working towards it on the Severus and i'm worried how to keep it both cool and original, yet model them in the quickest way possible.

    Any help would be great :thumb:
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well I can unfortunately answer the first one for RJB, he uses Lightwave. I was rather excited to be getting copies of his Excalibur and Ares meshes only to have the disappointment of finding out I couldn't use them cos I don't have LW :(:doh:

    But I'd like to know how you make your panel lines anyway RJB, I know a lot of techniques transfer from application to application if you know the equivalent tools.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    tadz - The symbol looks good but maybe make the circle larger and have the name wrapping around the ring. Also I'm just not sure about having aqua as a color choice.
    lol it was only that colour because i forgot to change it back to a grayish colour.. i was changing around the circle thing in the middle and yer i forgot
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Choo1701 and scorpius - Well here is a break down of how I go about my modeling.

    I start by selecting an area that I want to work on. I look over the area and try to think what the major and more complex details will be. Once I decide what I want I start working on the details for that area in a new and separately layer and then attach them to the the main model when I'm finished. Once I have my main detail in I take the rest of the area and put it in a new layer. Here is where I add the smaller and simple details like panels. All of the paneling is just stenciled on and then bevels out. I cut and add polygons as need to help make things more varied. Once done and the model is re-merged I move onto the next area. Nothing too special in what I do but as a tip when you make a piece of detail save it since recycling can save a lot of time over the whole of a model project.
    tadz wrote: »
    lol it was only that colour because i forgot to change it back to a grayish colour.. i was changing around the circle thing in the middle and yer i forgot
    Here is something I tossed together while waiting for one of my scenes to render.

    And here is an update for the tempest.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    cool thanks:)
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    tadz wrote: »
    lol it was only that colour because i forgot to change it back to a grayish colour.. i was changing around the circle thing in the middle and yer i forgot
    tadz wrote: »
    cool thanks:)
    I put a little more time into it, so here is the mark 2.





  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    very nice, I love the tempest design
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    i no what would make a good badge...That symbol with the Severus behind it in a circle like the odyssey badge:) exept cooler:D
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    NIKIN wrote: »
    very nice, I love the tempest design
    Thank you
    tadz wrote: »
    i no what would make a good badge...That symbol with the Severus behind it in a circle like the odyssey badge:) exept cooler:D
    Well it's your to do with as you want, so enjoy. :)
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    thank you and i shall try:) BTW i just realized that your the person that made the Excalibur... very nice work :thumb:
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    tadz wrote: »
    thank you and i shall try:) BTW i just realized that your the person that made the Excalibur... very nice work :thumb:
    Your very welcome and if you need a hand editing it just send me a PM.

    So it took you that long to read my signature and find that out? ;)
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    nah took me that long to remember to say it in a message lmao
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Well I can unfortunately answer the first one for RJB, he uses Lightwave. I was rather excited to be getting copies of his Excalibur and Ares meshes only to have the disappointment of finding out I couldn't use them cos I don't have LW :(:doh:

    hehe sucks to be you... I have a program that allows me to import a lightwave mesh then export to a 3ds file:flippy: :D

    and in case you wer wondering what program it is... I am not tellin:flippy:

    ok nevermind I am a nice guy so the program I have is... haha still not tellin!:devil:

    Regards Jesh

    ok,ok.. here
    milkshape has the ability to import lightwave meshes and export as 3ds (or almost any other type of format). I use ver 01.7.0 beta
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well thanks for the tip but unfortunately it gave me the same problem we encountered when RJB exported directly to an OBJ (and I'm pretty sure it would have happened with 3ds as well) with a lot of the positioning slightly out, normals not the right way etc, basically it turns out a bit of a mess. I've got hold of a trial copy of lightwave so I'm able to at least look at the 2 beauties but quite frankly that's all I'm able to do, there doesn't seem to be a simply "render what the f**k you see on the screen right now" button like there is in max. I must admit I hate the layout of LW with a passion!
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Well thanks for the tip but unfortunately it gave me the same problem we encountered when RJB exported directly to an OBJ (and I'm pretty sure it would have happened with 3ds as well) with a lot of the positioning slightly out, normals not the right way etc, basically it turns out a bit of a mess. I've got hold of a trial copy of lightwave so I'm able to at least look at the 2 beauties but quite frankly that's all I'm able to do, there doesn't seem to be a simply "render what the f**k you see on the screen right now" button like there is in max. I must admit I hate the layout of LW with a passion!

    I have found that to be a pain too...
    I am a total noob to anything like this.
    I have had to resort to the print screen button to get anything from it...
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Taking a leaf out of Tadz and RJBs book i have attempted a quick creation of an emblem for my churchill class ship....


    As the ship isn't finished yet i've just added an image of where i was at the time.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I like the Union Jack.
    Nice touch!
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    very nice logo Dr Lee... wow it looks like I will have to try to make a logo now.. lol

    so anyways I have an update on the Hammond for ya guys. I have been working on the tower this time and sorta based it off of an Akula. so without further adu... here it is the latest off of the assembly lines.

    first pic is from the front and second is the back... enjoy! All C&C is welcome

    and this time I actually renderd from perspective!! happy now?:D also if ya want any other veiws I will be happy to post some others

    Regards Jesh
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    i love it :) very nice
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    very nice logo Dr Lee... wow it looks like I will have to try to make a logo now.. lol

    so anyways I have an update on the Hammond for ya guys. I have been working on the tower this time and sorta based it off of an Akula. so without further adu... here it is the latest off of the assembly lines.

    first pic is from the front and second is the back... enjoy! All C&C is welcome

    and this time I actually renderd from perspective!! happy now?:D also if ya want any other veiws I will be happy to post some others

    Regards Jesh

    Real nice work Jesh. I actually looked at the pics before I read your post and I thought to myself "ah, he's finally started using perspective instead of user" :flippy:

    I've not done much work on ships the past couple of days. I randomly started modelling my sitting/living room for no apparent reason lol. But I do intend on getting back into the Stargate Swing (think I might trademark that lol) today
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Well, since it seems that icons and logos seem to be the current theme right now, I thought I'd throw out some stuff that I have. Now, just to keep it straight, they are not mine, I found them on the net, but I did make some changes to the colors. They seem pretty cool if you ask me. Anyways, here they are.
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