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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    This was the reason why i was after the PJ's size...

    It's Earths answer to the PuddleJumper.At 46FT long with a diameter of just over 20ft it's a merging of Alteran/Ancient-Tau'ri/Asgard tech.

    No hyperdrive, will probably only have one or two railguns or the cannon used in most Fighter Jets atm. Crew of two capable of carrying six people plus the crew. The thin white line on the front will be a spotlight/Searchlight once i get around to being able to do the effect fully.

    Here it is next to the Archer (Green blob is a 6FT tall person)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    A lot of people noticed the stargate in it only had 8 chevrons. In the article, the author claims the Asurans developed an 8 chevron gate for it. Just wondered what you all thought of that?

    cause they don't like shrimp...

    *everyone stares*

    what? havn't you heard the ninth chevron takes people to the universe full of shrimp.

    *tsk* and you call yourself fans! :rolleyes::p:lol:

    Like the human PJ Dr Lee. :cool: Simple and works well. :thumb:
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well everyone's already decided the 9th chevron definately isn't for time travel, so it's got to be sci-fi's next most used plot device...shrimp...makes perfect sense to me lol. I just meant I hadn't put any thought past the thought they just got it wrong that's all, but I suppose the Asurans are bored of trying to figure out what their parents put on that extra bloody chevron for so they built one without lol.

    And very nice Dr Lee, I think it makes sense for us to have our own PJs. We have a fair few to study so you'd have thought we'd be able to figure out a design of our own based on the Ancient ones.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I've now got all of the hangars completely covered except for the side entrance of course. There's a ramp that comes out when the side door opens now. Will post a render soon.

    Bar, can you tell me what you mean with "maybe there should be just a little protrusion of them into the upper surface of the hangar ceiling?"
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    I've now got all of the hangars completely covered except for the side entrance of course. There's a ramp that comes out when the side door opens now. Will post a render soon.

    Bar, can you tell me what you mean with "maybe there should be just a little protrusion of them into the upper surface of the hangar ceiling?"

    I just meant that if the hyperdrive spires retract below the level of the deck, there should be evidence of a suitably sized "box" that they retract into.
    That's all i was gettiing at. It just seemed to me that they were retracting into nowhere.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Ah now I get your meaning. The spires actually retract into the box on top of the hangars. The "gap" (which doesnt actually exist) where the spires retract into would go through that box completely and also into the top of the hangar. I could lower the box though and have them retract down into the bay a little instead though, could look quite cool.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Update on the transport-

    Decided to try and detail the interior as i couldn't get a reflective texture to look good in the window.


    Not yet sure what type of lighting to have in the ship. Will probably include a couple of storage lockers between the pilots and the bench seating.

    With all the outer panels and textures included.

    The white strip on the front of the ship is (I'm hoping) going to be a spot/search light of sorts but i'm not sure what kind of light to use.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    led lights will do the job lol
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Ah now I get your meaning. The spires actually retract into the box on top of the hangars. The "gap" (which doesnt actually exist) where the spires retract into would go through that box completely and also into the top of the hangar. I could lower the box though and have them retract down into the bay a little instead though, could look quite cool.

    Yes. That's all i meant.
    Although we have become accustomed to seeing Goa'uld technology morphing away into nothing, we are not yet used to seeing the same thing on Earth ships.
    It still looks great, though!
    I would love to see an animation of the ship sliding past the camera, seeing the spires emerge, and entering hyperspace...

    And Dr. Lee:

    I like your Jumper so far. Perhaps another good Tau'ri design element which might work is the intake above the cockpit from the 302? This motif can be seen in other places than the 302 itself(The control consoles of the Daedalus look like the intake). And perhaps some sort of "fold-down" wing mechanism, which can be made to fit flush with the body, but can fold out for conventional flight?
    And as regards the ship fitting thorough the ring.
    I have made my own speculations on the size of the Stargate itself.
    I make the centre gap 5.18 metres(17 Feet) across at the absolute maximum, and 6.96 metres(22.8 Feet) wide on the outside of the ring.
    It's actually less wide than people realise.
    Here are some images of my WIP Stargate(With a 1/24 Gi Joe for scale, and also a couple of "non-Stargate" vessels, also for scale):



    I don't know if any of this is of use to you.

    Actually(On a similar subject), what program do you guys use for these marvels?
    I recently obtained a copy of LightWave, and i am terrified of having to learn how to use it...
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I personally never got on with Lightwave. I never understood the point of having 2 separate programs for modelling and rendering. I use max myself. As far as I'm concerned it's got the easiest layout of all the programs I've tried, once you get used to it.

    And as regards to the spires, they didn't exactly morph into nowhere. Each section of the spire fits into each other, which altogether fits into the gap between the top of the box and the bottom of the roof of the hangar. I've fiddled about with it and now there's a noticable protrusion into the hangar where the spire now lives.

    Do both the starfighter and viper fit through the gate then?
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I was given a couple of meshes which were made with LightWave.
    That's the reason i need to use that program.
    I don't intend to switch to CG modelling in perpetuity.

    And as for the fighters, the Jedi fits easily, but the Viper clears with only millimetres to spare(It would work out to less than 40 cm in 1/1, so i think the Viper MKVII would need to thread the needle very..... slowly......)
    Back on topic!
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well it may be that you'd get on better with it than I did anyway, I was already fairly used to the interface of max but as you're not really used to a particular interface you might get on better.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Well it may be that you'd get on better with it than I did anyway, I was already fairly used to the interface of max but as you're not really used to a particular interface you might get on better.

    I have absolutely no clue.
    If only you could see me. It's like seeing a chimp trying to use a keyboard by using a hammer...
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    you are absolutly right scorpius. it does depend on personal preferance. I use max aswell, I have tryed to use blender, milkshape, and skechup. from those experiences I will stick with max.

    bar we have all been there at some point in time:) so no worries.

    wow every thing is looking pretty darn sweet guys good job:thumb: I cant wait to see more!

    Regards Jesh
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    I have absolutely no clue.
    If only you could see me. It's like seeing a chimp trying to use a keyboard by using a hammer...

    You mean that's NOT how you're supposed to use a keyboard? Well I suppose I do get through a lot of keyboards this way lol
    scootes wrote: »
    you are absolutly right scorpius. it does depend on personal preferance. I use max aswell, I have tryed to use blender, milkshape, and skechup. from those experiences I will stick with max.

    I actually started out with that was a long time ago lol. I originally started this whole 3d thing because I wanted to get into game modding. Pretty soon I found myself enjoying the modelling and playing with other people's meshes more than trying to mod meshes into games. Plus I get bored of games quite easily so I just stuck with the modelling.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    And Dr. Lee:

    I like your Jumper so far. Perhaps another good Tau'ri design element which might work is the intake above the cockpit from the 302? This motif can be seen in other places than the 302 itself(The control consoles of the Daedalus look like the intake). And perhaps some sort of "fold-down" wing mechanism, which can be made to fit flush with the body, but can fold out for conventional flight?

    They could be used on the engine struts, yeah.....

    *Strokes chin in thoughtful manner*
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Sounds good!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Guys, your ideas about nine chevron, Asuran gatecannon and Asgard superhyperdrive reminds me something from my last project. I've been thinking about using stagate in ship's travel. What if I have giant Asgard transport device on both sides of open gate and I can store all memory of ship in something small, like puddle jumper. Than I can move entire fleet through classic small gate in matter of minutes.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    You mean like what they used to do in Star Trek sometimes with the transporters, keeping the "pattern" of the person being transported in the buffer to be rematerialised later. You're talking about this sort of thing but at a much higher scale: dematerialising the ships, holding the ships' patterns in a buffer inside the jumper or whatever it is, the jumper going through the gate then rematerialising all the ships on the other side. That what you mean?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Yeah, something like that.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    That is very clever Raynor...
    Very clever.
    You'd need all the equipment needed to fit in the Jumper though.
    All you need to do is make a CG box with lots of wires and blinky lights, and it'll work!(This is SciFi, not rocket science! If a device has enough blinky lights, it must be capable of what you mentioned!!!).
    That would be cool:
    The Daedalus is flying towards a space-gate(Under heavy fire), and one of her flight pod doors open. A Jumper comes out, heading directly for the gate. The Jumper dials another space gate, and just before going through, the entire Daedalus is beamed into the buffer, and as soon as the Jumper emerges, the Daedalus is re-materialised...
    That is a brilliant idea.
    Well done there.
    I wish i'd thought of that.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Well, players of my SG web game had tons of similiar ideas... that's partially how I learn to hate technobabbles. Things like that were too much powerfull... but I think somehow like that would be race be able to get anywhere in blink of an eye.
    Another clever thing was, when players have been fighting for Atlantis, using time dilatation device to accelerate time on Atlantis to gain faster rate of fire and time for fighters rearm.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    perfect if you want to rob a planet! :D Also, neat party trick :p

    and yes, anything with enough blinking boxes (and a big red button) it'll work :D

    and Bar, stop giving the writers ideas :p
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    That's a clever idea too.
    The idea of the "Jumper transporter" might be a bit more believeable if it were a large device(Maybe three times three times the length of a standard Jumper), but that was able to be TOWED behind the Jumper?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Thats an interesting idea Raynor... Wonder what the power requirements would be to transport a 304?

    Do these look ok?

    Also i've added some lights in the cabin of the '308' (Still not got a name) Both the actual lights and the light sources. The black triangles will be storage areas once i get around to building the covers

    One problem i have got is that the light is seeping out of the ship. is there a way of removing this problem?
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Those look fine to me.
    I do have a concern your Jumper is slightly too wide, but it's not the end of the world.
    What do you mean by "the light is seeping out of the ship"?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    It's fine. I checked it out with a 22FT box and rotated around the centre point of the ship.

    Basicly the two light points from inside the ship are showing up on the grey 'Floor' below the ship
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    It's fine. I checked it out with a 22FT box and rotated around the centre point of the ship.

    Basicly the two light points from inside the ship are showing up on the grey 'Floor' below the ship

    The whole reason i mention this again, is that a couple of pages back, i stated what my guess was regarding the gate's actual size.
    Here's my post.
    I may be wrong, but look at the little figure.
    My numbers say it's no greater than 17ft across(On the INSIDE...).
    But, i have no firm proof of those numbers other than my on personal sizing which i did for my model build.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Basicly the two light points from inside the ship are showing up on the grey 'Floor' below the ship

    Ah, it seems you've come across the same problem I had when building the cargo bay on the Yakami. I've still not managed to figure out how to resolve the problem. And I will need to when I carry on with the hangar deck of the Valkyrie.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    *cough* Wikipedia *cough cough* Long answer: diameter is 22 ft or 6.71m

    If it's wrong then it's all Choo's fault :lol: His measurements are what i've based the size on.
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