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  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Glad you like it. My plan is there would probably only be one of these in orbit of planets of real strategic importance, maybe not just planets but general areas as well. Then there would be maybe a handful of smaller similar bases stationed in orbit as well, also acting as outposts in various places. Then my final station idea is a much smaller unmanned (except for maintenance) defense satellites basically like the one seen at the end of Season 1 of Atlantis. Together they would form a complete defensive net around Earth and other important planets.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    I think it just might be bigger than Atlantis. The Argo isn't exactly a small ship, and with it dwarfed like that, it easily puts it in the Atlantis range. From what I have seen, and despite the "Official" size estimate from Bruce Woloshyn of only 1.5Km, the on screen evidence suggests a 3Km size range for Atlantis. And I think I remember that you sized the Argo around 700m right? So yea, it's a bit bigger than Atlantis. And that's really my only caveat, that it's a space station and it's larger than Atlantis and built by the Tauri. A land based station that big I could see. That would be much easier to build.

    The other thing is, why not put the "enclosed" bays lower and in a circle around a "central core" section? This way a ship wouldn't interfere with any other if more than 1 was trying to take off or land in the bays. Plus, it would spread the weight load around. And, in my weird way of thinking, with each bay not being directly part of the others, then each bay could become operational as it was finished and construction could start on the next bay until that one was finished. And so forth and so on. Something that large would take 10 years to finish, and I don't think they'd want to wait that long to start using it. But if small and certain sections became fully functional, then they could use it and then more of it as time went on. What I'm saying is, wouldn't it be a bit more moduler?

    Am I making any sense? Not quite sure if even I quite understand what I am trying to say. :eek: I'm half asleep and in a Benedryl fog, darn my allergies. Then again, I am allergic to grass, so I haven't had to mow a lawn for the last 20 years. :D That REALLY erked my dad because he couldn't yell at me to mow the lawn anymore when we found out I was allergic to the grass. The only time I have a problem with it is when there is grass pollen in the air and when it is cut. Actually, I was allergic to the type of grass we had. My parents switched the type of grass they used for the lawns last year, and even they have had less problems with it. I think they used to have Kentucky Blue grass beforem and now I think they have Zoysia grass. Wow, way off topic. My mind just started to wander.

    Anyways. What I was thinking was, given our limited building speed and capabilities, wouldn't it have a more moduler design? Where would the people sections be? Would the station be just a ship yard or a multi-purpose station, given it's size?

    Or, pay no attention to me, I am drugged and a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket right now. :shiner:
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    it looks like most of us have had a bad few years.. really sorry freekzilla that sounds no good at all:(
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the comments Freek. I had a feeling I may have overdone the size. What I meant was I'd planned for the station to be much smaller than Atlantis. Bare in mind that this station is the same time frame as the Argo, which was slated to be around 17 years from the current timeline, give or take. At that time, I figure we'd have better construction techniques, not saying we could knock one out in a couple of wet weekends but enough for it not to take 10 years though. I've extended the lower docking pads quite a bit so the Argo will fit on there now, the whole station is a lot smaller. My idea was that whenever the Argo needed work done it it would have a separate drydock area larger than all the others, will work on that see what I come up with.

    The idea of the station being more modular was going to come into play further down...literally. The habitat section isn't there yet. All you can see is docking/ship repair areas and various sections for things such as military, station security, science, hydroponics, command, engineering, training etc. The habitat section would contain crew quarters (obviously), education, recreation, libraries, bars and whatever else I can think of.

    The enclosed bays are separate (well, 3 pairs anyway), so each compartment is fully independant and could have been used as each one was completed. I'm thinking of making some sort of construction ship. The compartments would have been built on earth then the construction ship would "tow" it into orbit where it would be added to the rest of the station.

    I might try my hand at some "in construction" images at some point
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I think there is a bit of confusion here. Just because this station is as big as Atlantis, doesn't make it unreasonable.
    Keep in mind that even with access to Asgard technology, the Tau'ri construction would still be lower tech than the Ancients(Meaning for them to build a station as "capable" as Atlantis, would be far larger, so this station could be the same size, but far less advanced, because of the lower technology available).
    It's like the difference between the NX-01 Enterprise, and the Refit Enterprise. The refit had five times the crew complement, even though the ship was physically a similar size, because the technology on board was better/smaller.
    The station seems fine to me...
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Carach wrote: »
    an interesting concept, and those are some large bullets heh......
    i think they are helicopter machine gun pullets and they don't even have to hit u to kill u so thats why when a heli comes ur way u may as well drop down and kiss ur ass goodbye :D
  • DukeDuke0 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    I think there is a bit of confusion here. Just because this station is as big as Atlantis, doesn't make it unreasonable.
    Keep in mind that even with access to Asgard technology, the Tau'ri construction would still be lower tech than the Ancients(Meaning for them to build a station as "capable" as Atlantis, would be far larger, so this station could be the same size, but far less advanced, because of the lower technology available).
    It's like the difference between the NX-01 Enterprise, and the Refit Enterprise. The refit had five times the crew complement, even though the ship was physically a similar size, because the technology on board was better/smaller.
    The station seems fine to me...

    i agree with Bar here, good work as always scorp, love your work man!
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    glad you like it mate.

    And good point Bar, so I've split the difference. The station is smaller than it was last night but larger than I was going to make it this morning.

    Attached are a few pics of where it stands at the moment. Two of the whole station but the third shows my preliminary design for the Argo Maintenance Bay opening, and it really is in the roughing out stage at the moment. The 4 doors first move outwards slightly, then swivel outwards to the position you see them in in the picture. The 6 main maintenance bays don't extend as far back as they did before as I wanted to make the argo bay further in so it didnt stick out as much, so there's definately only space for 1 ship per bay now.

    Next on the list of things to do is extending the base further down to create the habitat sections
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I like it.
    With Asgard replicators and beaming technology, you could probably manufacture large sub-assemblies in position, or even make them in another part of the station, and beam them into place.
  • DukeDuke0 Posts: 0Member
    hey does anyone have an ortho view of the 302's or know where i can get one? thanks
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Duke wrote: »
    hey does anyone have an ortho view of the 302's or know where i can get one? thanks

    Go to Ed Giddings site. Click SCHEMATICS and you should finsd orthos which look more or less like the 302(There are some flaws, but what else do you want for free?).
  • gwibergwiber0 Posts: 0Member
    Surprised to see no comment or criticism of the last current episode before the movies.

    To be honest. I felt like my intelligence was insulted on one basic premise.

    Why didn't they spend their time for a day or two while int he time bubble repairing the shields? I mean honestly, nothing Sam said indicated they couldn't have repaired them, and turned them on WITHIN the time distortion, As soon as they popped out; the beam would have slapped a full strength shield. (She did indicate the distortion was some kind of bubble around the ship. there should have been room to turn them on. Even if there wasn't if you powered the system let it build to capacity then released it at the same time you released the time bubble...)

    Not to mention the utter devastation that tactic could bring.

    Power gun. fire, stop time, you have a volley already out the gate and inbound. Charge the guns, restart time, fire, stop time, recharge the guns, restart time, fire; rinse and repeat.

    The sheer apparent volume of fire coming from the ship would be astronomical in appearance, and make ME poop my pants if I were the enemy. I mean who cares if its 5 minutes or any hour between salvos? You are totally unthreatened during that period, and if you have taken any hits to shield of hull. You can just loll about making repairs duirg time stops.

    Again can you imagine the look on an enemies face. "I hit it! I KNOW I Hit it! Why the hell isn't it STAYING hurt !?!?!?!"

    I liked the episode really. The end is a nice way to go out. But that one little tech glitch throws a lot of it for me.

    And would that time line make T'ealc like.. as old as Master Breytac? T'ealc ages awfully well don't you think?
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    You are forgetting that ALL the run time of the ZPM was devoted to maintaining the time bubble.
    To charge weapons, or put the shields up, you'd have to TURN OFF THE TIME BUBBLE.... Then you'd have to charge the shields/weapons.
    If you think they'd have the time for that, then you are forgetting the rather large amount of beam energy which was already on the way towards them...
    Leave the thinking to the big boys, sonny...
  • gwibergwiber0 Posts: 0Member
    I'd have to say NO. To that little issue. If all the power from the ZPM was in the shield time bubble to maintain it.

    Then they would have suffocated to death, not been able to run any of the holo systems. or make their food and water.

    Even it took them a week or two to charge the Shield generators for just a single hit, who cares? One has to assume some common sense ability. They had to possess capacitors of some sort. IN the end the battle could have taken a LOT less time than the 50 yrs the screwed around in.

    Charge batteries for a full strength single shield to take the hit. Stop time, charge for a shot, repeat several shots until you need to charge the shield again. 50 years that would NOT have taken.

    They had the ability, the writers were just looking for a certain kind of story. And skipped a pretty obvious tech-hole. And you can't tell me they don't know about or use capacitors. They have mentioned such things many times over the life of the series. Not to mention I am pretty sure the battery one uses everyday is a form of Capacitor. And just how many mini-naquida(sp?) generators do you think they had on board that could have SLOWLY done the job as well?

    It was a good episode. But I still cry foul on tech stupidity.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Don't be so literal. When i said it took all the power, i just meant that to power the shields, they would need to disengage the bubble.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I'd like to chime in with a comment at this really doesn't matter.

    I don't know (or care) much about the technicalities or science of the show. And bare in mind this is the 3d art gallery, we're meant to be posting images and discussing them not the finer points of wormhole physics, ZPM power management, stargate plotholes or anything else like that. No doubt if tadz sees the post he'll point you in the direction of his Stargate arguments thread
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    we have finally got someone else besides me that is argumentative and i have quit that at this stage so maybe we can tame this 1 as well. who ever that person is it is funner having friends than people who don't like you that think "what a twit he is just causing arguments for no reason" if u want to get your say out go to my argument thread okay. i will probably get someone having a go at me for saying that but i don't care :) BTW scorpius maybe u should be one of those people that predict the future lol :) the only reason i always tell people about my thread is because u guys always had a go at me for starting arguments:(. I've been there done that and now i know now that it is annoying and when people start arguments i am quiet likely to join in and help jack the thread so that is why i point people there so i don't get in trouble
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    lol, well to predict the future all you have to do is look to the past...or something like that anyway. I've never had a problem with the arguments themselves, more where they take place. Like I said in my last post this is the gallery so that's where the discussion should stay
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    they actually say at one point that the distort bubble replaces the shield as the cloak does on atlantis' shield. They have to remove the bubble and then activate the shields which takes too long and is shown when she explains it all and shows the ship blowing to bits several times.

    and most of us have already discussed the finale anyway, we've had a couple of months to do so
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    OK, the old man is going to chime in for a sec.

    1.) I both liked and hated the episode.
    2.) Yes there was quite a bit of tech plot holes. They don't use all of the ZPM's power at once. They could have recharged the sheilds while in the bubble, and then reactivated the sheilds as the bubble was deactivated with a simutaneous operation. We've already seen them raise the sheilds in less than a second, so why not now?
    3.) And the most important - When has SG been good about avoiding plotholes?
    4.) My biggest complaint of the SG shows, is that they frequently lack common sense, tactical and technological.
    5.) The part about not activating one thing before the TD bubble was deactivated was Merlins Phasing tech, NOT the sheilds. The phasing tech was only able to be run off the Asgard core, the sheilds could be run off the normal ships systems. In essence, there was two computer systems in place.
    6.) The worst part of it all was, IMHO, killing off the Asgard all together, especially the way they did. They could have had it so that the Asgard had to be put in stasis, or their consciences uploaded to a big honkin computer core until cure could be found.

    The bottom line is, the writing has gone down hill badly. Too many cheap and cheesy ploys have been used too frequently, which is what makes them cheap and cheesy. Ploy me once, cool plot twist. Ploy me twice, I see it coming. Ploy me three times, I think you're cheesy and lack any creativity. Seriously, they needed to get some fresh writers with new ideas on the show back in season 8.

    Anyways, back on topic. I decided to completely redo my A-100 Razorback idea. From scratch; except the gatling guns. Those came out nicely. I did use actual pictures as a reference though. One of the things I noticed was that the model was too fat and wide, but not long enough. I'm talking the cockpit area, not the wings. I've got a few new ideas I wanna test too.

    I think the idea of having a "gun ship" like this is cool though. Especially since it's intended to use a mish mash of off-the-shelf parts. And don't you guys think 4 30mm Gatling guns is plenty of firepower for a little ship like that? I could, just possibly put a missle under each wing, IF you really really think it needs it. Just remember that the missles the F-302's use are basically adapted Aim-120 AMRAAM missles. I could use a smaller missle like an adapted Sidewinder, which is nearly half the size of an AMRAAM. (nearly half because it is narrower and shorter. Aim-120 = 335lbs, Aim-9 is 190lbs.) Maybe I could have it that it has one station for a missle inboard of the guns, which could also have something like a rocket pod or a 40mm grenade launcher. (anything that could be adapted and used that is off the shelf, and therefore cheaper.) Hmmm, ideas ideas.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Oh, by the way. Tomorrow is this threads 1 year birthday. Would be nice to see some old M.I.A. faces again. :thumb:
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I hate Unending for many reasons, partially because I dislike the way which Stargate(s) went for last few years and it is all concentrated in Unending...
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Looking forward to tomorrow, quite a momentous occasion!

    As for the weapons on the Razorback, I reckon the firepower you've slated for it is plenty. As a compromise you could give it the ability to carry missiles for missions that specifically need them maybe? Also maybe not limit that to just missiles but other "accessories," I'm thinking a bit along the lines of the torpedo casings from Star Trek which were used for various types of torpedo (photon, quantum and tri-cobalt) and probes...and of course coffins (maybe not appropriate here lol). Anyway, just an idea.

    Hopefully I'll have a few updated renders of SB-1 to show you in a while. Been working on the lower section of the station and I think I've covered the modular idea and the idea of the station being built in stages.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    So one year old tommorrow. Someone to remeber to bring a cake. Cake is good. :D

    and don't get me started on Unending. COULD of done another Ori storyline tying up some lose ends from the last few episodes, but nope, lets blow up everyones favorite grey guys and give all there uber cool, sort of unstopable, super high technology to the heroes... .....

    Ugh. was like Fanfiction or something. :rolleyes:

    (i'll stop now. If i go on now i'll just keep on going... :p )
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    The whole blowing up the asgard thing I really did hate. They were always my favourite aliens on the show, particularly Thor. We saw hardly any of them through the latter seasons then suddenly they're gone for good. I hope they bring them back in some form.

    Anyway, back on topic. Here's a couple of renders of SB-1 as it stands. Not really much to say about it. Happy to take critiques and comments as always.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good.
    I look forward to updates.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    there better be a cake lol. the last episode they just needed the Tau'ri to have power to beat the Ori so the kinda rushed getting there i suppose but i did like it and some of the angles of the Odyssey where never seen before and looked crazy.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Happy Birthday to Calling All Stargate Fans! And congratulations to everyone who has been a part of it to this point.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member

    Cheers to a fantastic first year!

    On another note...
    You think the person who this was made for was a Stargate fan?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I think there's an outside possibility lol
This discussion has been closed.