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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Updates on daedalus. 99% finished with the sides now going to start the top and bottem.

  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    It's looking really nice.
    Any chance of a view from the underside?(The classic "coming out of hyperspace" shot)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Bar wrote: »
    It's looking really nice.
    Any chance of a view from the underside?(The classic "coming out of hyperspace" shot)

    When the bottem is finished. Which is all I have to go really with onlu a few more sides.

    Anyways Im done for today. Now I just have the top, bottem and backside to finish then she will be done. Fixed the lighting rig so now more of the ship is visable.




    Comments and suggestions please. I hate being ignored.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Casperhead wrote: »
    Comments and suggestions please. I hate being ignored.
    Well it may not be that your getting ignored, it's just hard to add anything to a conversation when all you can say is wow, amazing, or excellent work.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Well it may not be that your getting ignored, it's just hard to add anything to a conversation when all you can say is wow, amazing, or excellent work.

  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Casperhead wrote: »
    Well at least that's what I've have been told a few times by some other people.
    Still great work as always. :)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Well it may not be that your getting ignored, it's just hard to add anything to a conversation when all you can say is wow, amazing, or excellent work.

    Casper, it's just that you leave us speechless. I mean, what can we say? The only flaws I can see is that my name isn't the one listed as the one who created it, which is my fault 'cause I can't do anything that good; two, there's no background for it to interact with, and three, I'm jealous and pissed because it makes my models look like doggy-doo-doo. LOL!!! ;)

    Now, if there had been more serious flaws, or if it had completely sucked, you would have heard about it. And since it doesn't suck, all we can say is SHAZAM! WOW! OMG! COOL! AWESOME! But what else can we expect from you? It's not like you're going to make anything crappy. We just expect excellence from you, and you always deliver.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Casper, it's just that you leave us speechless. I mean, what can we say? The only flaws I can see is that my name isn't the one listed as the one who created it, which is my fault 'cause I can't do anything that good; two, there's no background for it to interact with, and three, I'm jealous and pissed because it makes my models look like doggy-doo-doo. LOL!!! ;)

    Now, if there had been more serious flaws, or if it had completely sucked, you would have heard about it. And since it doesn't suck, all we can say is SHAZAM! WOW! OMG! COOL! AWESOME! But what else can we expect from you? It's not like you're going to make anything crappy. We just expect excellence from you, and you always deliver.
    *points finger at Casperhead*
    See I told you. ;)
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    bar can you please go to a site that converts currency and post the rough price for p&h and the model for all countries so we all know what were in for :)
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    The good news is that it will be getting made in the US, so the shipping will be minimal to those of you who stay there.


    Regards Jesh

    also very butifall ship casperhead:thumb:
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    bar can you please go to a site that converts currency and post the rough price for p&h and the model for all countries so we all know what were in for :)

    Well, you can do that yourself, dude!
    Keep in mind any costs i have mentioned are purely speculative.
    I will update as soon as i have ANY info at all.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    well i am looking at $150 Australian money. i can still get that in a few weeks if i try:) which i will
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Well it will be at least a month before even the molds are made, so no need to rush.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    i am hoping my mum will let me buy a laptop for $13 a week and a tropical fish tank so i can finally get my fish back from my friend so i will try do some extra work if i can find any but i should get the money in time
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    good news i have the next few lessons of woodwork to my self and i might be able to make a wooden Severus model
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    cool news Tadz... did this thread dei or somthin??

    Regards Jesh
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Never fear. Occasionally, this thread "hibernates" for a little while inbetween updates.
    It will rise again...
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah this thread has done this a few times. People will be back. Unfortunately I've not been on here much because my dad went into hospital last week and they don't know what's wrong with him. He almost died last year when he went in so it kinda brought back memories. But I figured I needed to do something to take my mind off of it so I'm coming on here and going to do some modelling as well. And also I'm sorry to Raynor about not being in touch regarding the Yakami.

    Anyway, hopefully it'll pick up in here soon as in 3 days time it's the thread's first birthday.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    sorry bout you dad my mum recently had cancer and this year has been the most stressful year of my life in fact only 1 good thing has happened for me this year and that was my first niece was born. almost lost 2 of my best mates a few months back and i have a few friends in need of help but anyway back to subject i have started the wooden Severus model and the nose of the ship is hard to make it should be done in a week.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I hope your Dad pulls through, Jay.
    I'll have to see if i can have some progress on one of my models for the threads birthday.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    I hope your Dad pulls through, Jay.

    yes I hope so too.
    Bar wrote: »
    I'll have to see if i can have some progress on one of my models for the threads birthday.

    I too shal have an update on Hammond for everybody and if I get time I shall have the nose section built on Tadz Serverus model. I shal post those pics on the threads birthday aswell.

    Regards Jesh
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Hope your pops is ok. I kinda know how you feel, my mother is slowly dying of cancer, my father has the begining stages of Alzheimers, on top of the crap I've gone through the last few years. If I hadn't diverted all my life stress with what else, stargate and the 3d here, I woulda put a 40cal in my head a long time ago.

    All I can say is, if there is nothing you can do, rather than sitting and doing nothing but worrying, pick up the mouse and get crackin, or you will crack. Not getting that stess out will do you more harm than you realize. Trust me. You won't be any good to your pops if you get sick too. And if anything, I'm sure it would help him if you brought him some prints of what you are working on and asked him what he thought. You know, get his mind off it too. Stress does an incredible amount of damage to your health. And when you are sick you can't do much, so it's best to keep your mind busy and someplace else.

    And Scorpius, you are right. This thread does take naps now and then. The number of WIPS has been a bit low the last few months. There is a LOT of people M.I.A. that used to post here a lot. And that really bugs me; did I do something to piss them off or something?

    And now, I have a concept WIP I put together on my laptop, as my main machines are all busy rendering for someone. All I had left was my old and new laptops. And I don't even use my old laptop anymore, it's a 133Mhz machine after all. It's nothing more than a glorified type writer now. I can't do much on my new laptop, it's Vista and only has 512MB ram; I gotta get 512 more atleast. Anyways.....I call it the A-100 Razorback.

    The idea behind this little bugger is that it's entirely made of off the shelf components. It is geared towards a deficeincy of the F-302; that being a limited amount of armament. The F-302 doesn't carry a lot of missles, or a large amount of gun ammo. The gun ammo it does have isn't very effective on anything larger than a Death Glider or Wraith Dart. So instead of trying to increase the missle count of a new fighter, a new route was taken. The incredibly effective and thus far widely feared GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling gun used in the A-10 Warthog was put center stage in a new fighter. The gun was eventually paired up, and then that pair was paired to make a quad 30mm Gatling gun fighter that looked like something out of Star Wars. Each wingtip has an upper and a lower gun mounted directly below it. The ammo feed was changed from a rear mounted magazine to a side feed mechanism with all ammo stored in the main fuselage and fed down the "wings". And yes, the depleted Uranium armour piercing ammo is standard issue. The idea was, since there is an over abundance of spent fuel from nuclear reactors that they have no way of safely disposing of, why not throw it at the bad guys? The goverment can charge lots of money for supposedly disposing of commercially managed spent fuel, thus creating revenue to pay the bills, AND supply a key part of the ammo and eliminating the extremely hazardous material from earth bound sites. In the end, the radioactive material is eliminated and everyone is happy; well everyone except the bad guys. :flippy:

    Each gun is rated for a max of 5000 rounds per minute, have tighter tolerances for use in space, and have a special powder prepellant with an extra oxidizer for that extra kick. The guns may not be rail guns, but the larger caliber and the very high kinetic energy retension in space thanks to the heavier Uranium, makes this gun a lot tech hard hitting juggernaut. With around 50,000 rounds, it has ammo to stay in the fight. But with 4 guns like that, you don't need anything more than a quick tap of the trigger to squirt out enough mayhem to make even Baal cry for him mummy. These ships are not high tech, it follows it's lineage back to the much loved and butt ugly yet INCREDIBLY effective A-10 Warthog. It's tough, rugged, and simple. It is designed to go ahead of the F-302's to "sweep" the path clear of "obstacles"
    so that the F-302 can make better use of their limited missles. No Death Glider or Wraith Dart would want to get in the line of fire of this beast as it would be cut to shreds faster than crap through a duck. Even the much larger Al'Kesh would be advised to stear clear of the A-100. Almost 99% of everything aft of the cockpit is for fuel, engines, and ammo. All environmental equipment and most electronics are forward in the "nose" section. It is a single seat fighter. In case you didn't want to do the math, it shoots 30mm rounds (the F-302, F-15/16/18/22 all use 20mm rounds @ 3,000rpm) at a rate of 5,000 rpm each, or 333 1/3 rounds per second. I've included a pic of the 30mm rounds so you know just how massive these rounds are. It's not really desinged to operate in an atmosphere, but it can if need be. It would suffer from mobility and speed reductions. It's mainly designed to operate in space. It's not as wide as an F-302, but about as long.

    Again, it's only in a concept phase. But what do you think of the "story" I created for it's background? Did I make it sound interesting, exciting and logical?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    an interesting concept, and those are some large bullets heh......
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    thanks for the words of support guys. It's not like the last time when he was in intensive care and high dependancy and looked like he wasn't going to pull through (he did obviously, only to then contract MRSA while recovering...don't you just love the NHS...non-brits probably won't know what I'm on about). So it doesn't seem as serious as it was then, but it just brought back a lot of memories is the main thing.

    Anyway, love the new fighter Freek, I think we need more fighters around here, I will eventually get round to designing and building my one. The guns themselves look great. I think I'd possibly make the wings either longer, or have them so they actually start further down the ship closer to the cockpit and gradually get longer. Not sure if I made what I meant clear but hopefully you get the idea.

    I may have something to post later on, started on something entirely new (something that has been on my list of things to do for a long while now)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Hey guys, I just learned a new Military combat term:

    Explosive Redecoration

    Can you guess what that means? LOLOLOLOL!!!!

    And Scorp, I agree. Wings need to start further up. They are too far back. Maybe start the inner portions of the leading edge farther forward to give it a sort of F-18 look to it.

    I'm going to redo everything except the guns anyways. I already redid the canopy. Man that was hard. I finally had to settle for a less complicated glass panels instead of the MUCh more complex multi angle panels on this one. It was just too hard getting the panels to line up with the top, bottom and front frame rails all in a single piece of glass. I just keep having issues with "Do I want it this way or that way, I can't decide" Know what I mean? AGH!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I really hope your dad pulls through too Scorpius. :thumb:

    freekzilla wrote: »
    And Scorpius, you are right. This thread does take naps now and then. The number of WIPS has been a bit low the last few months. There is a LOT of people M.I.A. that used to post here a lot. And that really bugs me; did I do something to piss them off or something?

    Also you got to take into account that theres no new episodes to talk about. Once Atlantis and the DVD movies start up i will bet you good money this thread will be more alive than a wraith pub crawl :D ....hang on :eek: :p

    Oh, and i'm taking a break from the Cook, doing something a bit different ATM. :cool:

    Freekzilla: couple of suggestion: how about making the nose a bit longer, something along the lines of the Blackbird and then sticking a big a$$ cannon under it:D :devil:

    Oh, and what about swivel mounted cannons for a larger field of fire? Just my two cents :thumb:;)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    I really hope your dad pulls through too Scorpius. :thumb:

    Also you got to take into account that theres no new episodes to talk about. Once Atlantis and the DVD movies start up i will bet you good money this thread will be more alive than a wraith pub crawl :D ....hang on :eek: :p

    Oh, and i'm taking a break from the Cook, doing something a bit different ATM. :cool:

    Freekzilla: couple of suggestion: how about making the nose a bit longer, something along the lines of the Blackbird and then sticking a big a$$ cannon under it:D :devil:

    Oh, and what about swivel mounted cannons for a larger field of fire? Just my two cents :thumb:;)

    Oh you are so like Jack O'Neill and Sheppard with your "BIG HONKIN SPACE GUNS". LOLOLOLOLOL! Te he he. Not that that is bad or anything.

    Swivel mounts won't work, for two reasons:
    A: Guns are too big for the space available,....errr, Did I just say that a gun was too big? Nonsense, no gun could EVER be too big. What I meant was, with the "swivel" or turret system, there would need to be MUCH more space. Thus defeating the fact that it is a fighter.

    B: Turrented mounts are not as structurally strong. In order to strengthen the wing enough to handle the firing loads at any angles, the win would need to be both thicker and deeper to have more structural members.

    Point is, you put the biggest gun on the smallest ship possible while maintaining safety and having the least complexity. This reduces developement, production and maintainance costs.

    Secondly, I think (4) 30mm Gatling guns are big a$$-ed enough. Have you seen what a 30mm round will do to a current gen main battle tank? Can you say swiss cheese? Heck, even the micro version of the Gatling gun with only 5.56mm ammo (M-16, M-4, M249 SAW) will turn your average family car into scrap metal. And a .50 cal (12.7mm) is enough to take out lightly armoured vehicles, if you use the AP ammo.

    Remember, this is supposed to be a "Anti-fighter" fighter made on the cheap with the purpose of clearing the path for the F-302's.

    Now onto another topic....
    What! No new episodes?!?! There are episodes on just about everyday! Even after 10 years and multiple viewings of each episode, they all still seem new to meeee. It's like, how many times have you seen Star Wars "A New Hope"? You still watch it, enjoy it, and talk about it right? Why can't Stargate be the same way? Even with no new episodes, I STILL eat, sleep, dream, poop, LIVE Stargate. I'd even buy Stargate underwear if they made it. Wouldn't you? LOL!

    Ahh, ye old pub crawl. Actually, I wouldn't know. I never made it to the crawl part. I usually only made to the point of getting to the pub, and then had to be carried out. Case in point, I fell out of a car in the parking lot of the liquor store and could not lift myself up the 6 inches to get back into the car. My callege mates had to stuff me back in. But that was after they came out with more beer, not that I needed any by that point. By the way, I had 16 shots of Jack Daniels, 3 pitchers of beer (equal to 5 beers each), and 2 10 oz. Long Island Iced Tea's, all in 3 hours. You could say I was a little drunk. :D
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Have you seen what a 30mm round will do to a current gen main battle tank? Can you say swiss cheese? Heck, even the micro version of the Gatling gun with only 5.56mm ammo (M-16, M-4, M249 SAW) will turn your average family car into scrap metal. And a .50 cal (12.7mm) is enough to take out lightly armoured vehicles, if you use the AP ammo.

    There are [ame=" clips on YouTube[/ame] of that type of thing.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Ok before I go to bed I thought I'd post a quick preview of my latest endeavour. One thing that's been on my list of things to do for quite a while now that I've wanted to have a crack at is a starbase. So here's what I've got after my work today. Couldn't tell you how long I've spent on it as I've stopped and started it so many times. I took inspiration from a couple of sources, the main docking areas (the 6 compartments) and the shape of that area are actually losely based on the station from Space Precinct. God knows whether any of you ever saw the programme, it was yet another Gerry Anderson (Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet etc) concept which I enjoyed. Other aspects of the station are based on Star Trek starbases.

    So with a little bit of random extruding and bevelling and so on and so forth this is where I stand at the moment. You'll notice a copy of my Argo model landed on the docking pad closest to us, there to give a sense of scale. Basically, the thing is huge...not as big as Atlantis though I don't think! There are a total of 20 external landing pads (I'll show where they all are tomorrow) simply for docking purposes and then the 6 internal compartments which are designed for ship maintainance (haven't decided whether each comparment holds 1 or 2 ships each yet).

    At the moment it's named simply Starbase-1 and I guess would follow SG team numbering.

    C&C welcome as always
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I like it!
    I can imagine a few of them in orbit of Earth as protection!
    I can't wait to see more.
This discussion has been closed.