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Model file formats

[Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
Could anyone provide a rundown of the common 3d model file formats. I know .mb is Maya and .max is 3dstudio but what are .Mod files and how do you use them.
Also what are the other formats out there and how do you convert between them?
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  • SastreiSastrei171 Posts: 0Member
    I'd recommend just googling each format you have a question about. As far as I'm aware though, nearly every program reads .obj. As well, nearly every program has at least one proprietary format I think.

    What program uses .mod files? Remember that nearly every game you encounter will have it's own set of formats.

    Validating my first bit of advice: MOD (file format - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

    Lemme guess, the Neverwinter Nights option would be where you found it?

  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    If I remember there is a program called Milkshake (or something like that) that can convert files. BTW, .lwo are for Lightwave.
  • D.M.J.D.M.J.0 Posts: 0Member
    You speak of Milkshape. chUmbaLum sOft
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    thanks for your responses

    I couldn't find out how exactly .mods are used. There are other types of files that use the extension including an audio format but I think they are for models in games. I was able to find a 3ds to .mod converter but not the other way around and I still dont know how one would directly edit one. I'll give milkshape a try and see what it can do.
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    IIRC ".mod" was used by a variety of older games, including the "Star Trek - Armada" series.
  • peppermanpepperman0 Posts: 0Member
    Star Trek Armada games used *.sod format models
    Bridge Commander used *.nif format models
    Star Fleet Academy used *.mod format models

    Models formatted for these games would be for use in these games and little else.
  • StarshipStarship471 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    I know that exists a free plugin for Milkshape, which can convert from nif, mod and sod to 3ds for example. Studio max can import 3ds files, so, you can play with the mesh. ;)
    Sometimes I do this myself, just to see the nif, mod and sod files better. :D

    Already forgot: the plugin is available at chUmbaLum sOft
  • TheGreatRajaTheGreatRaja171 Posts: 0Member
    once on an age ago MOD was a music file :D

    then again I'm old ;D
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    thanks guys, I'm going to try to convert with milkshape and see what comes of it.
  • F9thCenturusF9thCenturus331 Posts: 5Member
    thanks guys, I'm going to try to convert with milkshape and see what comes of it.

    Word of advice when using Milkshape to port models from one format to another. In my experience, most of the time Milkshape will cause a texture to light itself very brightly when it's not supposed to be lit up at all. There are also cases in where the entire mesh is mirroed and everything is backwards.

    These issues are fairly easy to resolve when the models are imported into other model programs such as 3D Studio Max, but, when it's happened to me, I found it rather annoying and couldn't stand for it.

    Just thought I'd let you know just in case you run into it and didn't know about it.

    Also, if you import .mod files into MILKSHAPE, be careful, cause not always does Milkshape load the model. Sometimes it'll crash. Why, we've never been able to find out.
  • DeadlyDarknessDeadlyDarkness0 Posts: 0Member
    .mod could also be for the Starfleet Command series. I suggest the Assimsoft milkshape 3d importers/exporters. Also, try opening the file in wordpad. It might have a file header that would give you a clue as to what to open it with.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    So I wasn't sure how to install the plugin for milkshape. I copied the ".dll"s into the program file folder. They show up in the file menu under "import" and export like they should but when I attempt to open the files the program crashes.
    any ideas?
  • JeffrySGJeffrySG321 Posts: 477Member
    Not sure if Blender can open that format but it's free and can open/save many different formats... might be worth a look...
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