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3DSolaremes Starfleet Bridges

solaremessolaremes79 Posts: 45Member
edited June 15 in Work in Progress #1
It's time to start my own thread. Since a longt time, I had the dream to create my own Star Trek interiors and I have always admired artists like Tadeo D’Oria, Sean Robertson or Donny Versiga and their perfect works. A while ago I finally started learning Blender myself, believing that I would never be able to model an entire bridge. I initially followed an online course and then needed something more “trekkier” to try my hand at. I finally found Sean's TFF bridge part model in the release section of this forum and started having fun with it. Learning by doing, I finally worked my way from detail to detail and learned something new with each object. At this point, thank you Sean for providing your model, which basically opened the world of 3D modeling to me!

My first bridge should be based quite closely on Sean's model and I found a Phobos class ship to be quite suitable for it. I chose the USS Deimos, a sister ship to the prototype. For it’s bridge I chose an Excelsior-like design, which I wanted to give a slight lost era feel to by adding some carpet in a TFF shape. The TUC-like ceiling was completely modeled from scratch.
While the Ergoform chairs are also from Sean, I used the captain's chair from Falke. The movie Okudagrams come from These displays were created by Adge Cutler, who kindly allowed me to use them for my work.

Long story short, here are the first results of my work. I hope you like it and look forward to feedback!









Post edited by solaremes on


  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,400Member
    Oh, I like this a lot! I really like the choice of making the well darker and having that blue for the island/tongue in the center. It's the right amount of colour, I think.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    That's some great work. It has Enterprise-A mixed with Excelsior vibes, which means it would fit in a number of ships from the late TOS movie era.

    Sean is definitely a great guy to learn from. He's always been very generous with sharing his work.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,400Member
    Oooh, the blue is making me think of the Cerritos having that yellow paint, in one of the commentaries it was suggested that's because it's an engineering ship. So I'm thinking a rile like that for the interiors, blue interior means it's a science ship, red is a command ship, etc... so when you board a ship you immediately know what its function is.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    I love how you took elements from different ships of the era and mixed them in a new way, great work!

    One suggestion I'd have is to use a WeightedNormal modifier on all pieces, you can see on the sixth image the central ceiling spoke having what I think are some wonky normals.

    lol, definitely don't consider my work perfect, I don't; I appreciate the sentiment though. Looking forward to what you do next!
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • solaremessolaremes79 Posts: 45Member
    edited June 17 #6
    Oh, I like this a lot! I really like the choice of making the well darker and having that blue for the island/tongue in the center. It's the right amount of colour, I think.
    Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
    Oooh, the blue is making me think of the Cerritos having that yellow paint, in one of the commentaries it was suggested that's because it's an engineering ship. So I'm thinking a rile like that for the interiors, blue interior means it's a science ship, red is a command ship, etc... so when you board a ship you immediately know what its function is.
    Interesting concept, this directly gives me new ideas about what to do next ;-)
    However, there are also many examples in the Trek canon where the color code of the interiors would not fit into these classifications.
    That's some great work. It has Enterprise-A mixed with Excelsior vibes, which means it would fit in a number of ships from the late TOS movie era.
    Thanks, that was exactly the idea behind the selection of colors and materials.
    Rekkert wrote: »
    I love how you took elements from different ships of the era and mixed them in a new way, great work!
    One suggestion I'd have is to use a WeightedNormal modifier on all pieces, you can see on the sixth image the central ceiling spoke having what I think are some wonky normals.

    lol, definitely don't consider my work perfect, I don't; I appreciate the sentiment though. Looking forward to what you do next!

    Thank you for the compliment!

    Regarding the ceiling spoke: I noticed the error too, but I had no idea what could be causing the artifact. But I knew that at least you would notice it ;-)
    Thanks for the tip, I will try to fix the error.
    Post edited by solaremes on
  • solaremessolaremes79 Posts: 45Member
    edited June 17 #7
    In the meantime, I've created a cutway of this bridge. I'm quite happy how it turned out.

    Feel free to comment.

    Post edited by solaremes on
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    I like the cutaway. :+1:
    solaremes wrote: »
    Regarding the ceiling spoke: I noticed the error too, but I had no idea what could be causing the artifact. But I knew that at least you would notice it ;-)
    Thanks for the tip, I will try to fix the error.

    We call those smoothing errors and they do crop up. They can be caused by a number of things. Sometimes it's just non planar faces, other times it's just due to having a mixture of flat and rounded surfaces. If it's the latter, one thing you can do to quickly squash those is, in object mode, select your part, hit the "object" menu and select "Shade Smooth by Angle." This usually defaults to 30 degrees, but you can customize the amount of degrees if it still doesn't look right. If it's caused by non planar faces, sometimes triangulating the faces will help, other times you've got to do things like use that Weighted Normals modifier that Rekkert mentioned.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    How great is this. A newbie who is clearly gifted. Very nice work @solaemes. I think you're playing with the big boys now and more than holding your own.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    Very nice!
  • solaremessolaremes79 Posts: 45Member
    Very nice!
    I like the cutaway. :+1:
    Thank you both:-)
    We call those smoothing errors and they do crop up. They can be caused by a number of things. Sometimes it's just non planar faces, other times it's just due to having a mixture of flat and rounded surfaces. If it's the latter, one thing you can do to quickly squash those is, in object mode, select your part, hit the "object" menu and select "Shade Smooth by Angle." This usually defaults to 30 degrees, but you can customize the amount of degrees if it still doesn't look right. If it's caused by non planar faces, sometimes triangulating the faces will help, other times you've got to do things like use that Weighted Normals modifier that Rekkert mentioned.
    Thanks, this really helps. At the moment I do not have time to dive into this, but I will definately try to fix this.
    How great is this. A newbie who is clearly gifted. Very nice work @solaremes. I think you're playing with the big boys now and more than holding your own.
    That's nice of you! But I don't want to take credit for other people's work here. Please remember that most of the modeling work was done by Sean. I've created comparison renders that show the set from the same angle to demonstrate where I started over a year ago.



  • solaremessolaremes79 Posts: 45Member
    Over the last two weeks I’ve reworked various objects. The weighted normal modifier helped with some objects, but with others I had to correct some modeling errors. I completely remodeled the ceiling and the small console dividers, revised the railing supports and finally optimized various materials.

    I’ve also changed the rendering resolution to a 16:9 format and increased the render quality, which better highlights many details.




  • NevetsNevets203 EarthPosts: 137Member
    Very nice. I'm thinking it needs more blue flooring, especially on the upper level. Again, very nice.
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918272 Posts: 460Member
    I actually picture this bridge fitting an Odysseus-class ship - the USS Lexington NCC-1709-A in particular (
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    Awesome stuff
  • solaremessolaremes79 Posts: 45Member
    Nevets wrote: »
    Very nice. I'm thinking it needs more blue flooring, especially on the upper level. Again, very nice.
    I actually tried adding more blue to the floor. But the bridge would look too blue and adding more carpet would make the room look too TNG-era.
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    I actually picture this bridge fitting an Odysseus-class ship - the USS Lexington NCC-1709-A in particular (
    You're right. The bridge would also fit well with the Lexington.
    I already have an idea for a bridge of the USS Lexington from the old Starfleet Command game ( The ships are quite similar.
    Awesome stuff
    Thanks a lot!

  • Rusty0918Rusty0918272 Posts: 460Member
    @solaremes - What is your idea for that bridge? I'm curious!
  • solaremessolaremes79 Posts: 45Member
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    @solaremes - What is your idea for that bridge? I'm curious!
    For the Lexington, I imagine a bridge in the TUC-Ent-A layout, but in blue Excelsior colors, with Hag Capisco chairs and with an MSD behind the captain, but without the niche from the Excelsior.

    After completing the Deimos Bridge (at least for now), I wanted to evolve the aesthetic a little more towards TUC. I initially considered doing the Enterprise-A bridge, but decided to keep the basic TFF layout for now. I removed the carpet, modeled the TUC captains platform and the outer side of the lower circle. The TUC/TFF helm console was created from scratch - quite a nightmare and still not perfect, but I'm happy with the result. I also modeled the TUC front railing and adapted the viewscreen area fitting to the Ent-A. In Addition, I changed the TUC bulkheads between the side station with the TFF console dividers which are also used in the rear area.

    The result is a TUC bridge in the TFF layout. In my head canon this is the bridge of the USS Churchil in the year 2290:





  • StarshipStarship584 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 2,000Member
    Great work all around!!

  • Rusty0918Rusty0918272 Posts: 460Member
    @solaremes - seanr did a Churchill bridge way back in 2001 - his had an alcove with a conference table at the back of the bridge though with the Excelsior/TNG style helm/nav and a "butterfy" command chair seen in TMP-TVH.

    With your Lexington-class bridge, out of curiosity, would it have the TFF / TUC Ent-A helm/nav or the Excelsior/TNG helm/nav? I'd prefer the latter for that. I'm a bit surprised you went with that for the Phobos - I was more expecting the Ent-A one.

  • solaremessolaremes79 Posts: 45Member
    edited August 21 #21
    Starship wrote: »
    Great work all around!!
    Thank you!
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    @solaremes - seanr did a Churchill bridge way back in 2001 - his had an alcove with a conference table at the back of the bridge though with the Excelsior/TNG style helm/nav and a "butterfy" command chair seen in TMP-TVH.
    Yes, I remember that bridge and thought the open conference room concept was pretty cool. I didn't remember it being the Churchill though. Basically, this current TFF/TUC bridge could fit any other Starfleet ship of that era. I think every Trekkie has his own idea of ​​which bridge fits which ship ;-)
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    With your Lexington-class bridge, out of curiosity, would it have the TFF / TUC Ent-A helm/nav or the Excelsior/TNG helm/nav? I'd prefer the latter for that. I'm a bit surprised you went with that for the Phobos - I was more expecting the Ent-A one.
    The Lexington bridge would definitely have Exc/TNG stations and would have many similarities to the TUC Excelsior and my Deimos bridge.

    Regarding the Deimos bridge: I wanted to combine as many different styles as possible and make the bridge modern (early Lost era). The idea was that the USS Deimos is a sister ship of the Phobos, which was commissioned later. The prototype USS Phobos could then be easily equipped with the classic Ent-A helmet console. Basically comparable to "my" Churchill bridge...maybe just in a different color and with TFF central platforms. What do you imagine for the Phobos?

    Post edited by solaremes on
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918272 Posts: 460Member
    @solaremes - For starters I was thinking a single turbolift instead of two, perhaps behind the center seat a la the Reliant in TWOK, and of course the Ent-A helm/nav console. Also, go with a different upholstery color - perhaps green instead of red or blue?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    perhaps green instead of red or blue?

    I agree, green is a nice change of pace. It's under used on Starfleet ships. But, when it's used correctly, it's very striking, like the (obvious fabric wrap) green that they used for the tactical console of the USS Yamato in the episode Contagion:

  • solaremessolaremes79 Posts: 45Member
    OK, green is really a challenge, especially for the TFF/TUC era. But I gave it a try for the Phobos.
    Since the Phobos is a bit older than the Deimos but otherwise identical, I left the turbo lifts as they are for now. But I plan to build a Miranda bridge with just one lift later. I turned the ceiling struts by 45° and also removed the side elements on the viewscreen (both in line with TFF). I left the rest of the TUC ceiling as it is but removed the small lamps.

    I colored the upholstery, the console panels, the console handles and the helm carpet matt dark green. However, I chose gray for the doors because otherwise the bridge would have looked too green.

    I'm not 100% satisfied with the result yet, but as I said: green is really difficult to make a good impression. At the moment I find the color scheme of the bridge a bit too boring. What do you think?


  • Rusty0918Rusty0918272 Posts: 460Member
    Well, it doesn't look that bad. I'd like to see your Lexington take though.
  • solaremessolaremes79 Posts: 45Member
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    Well, it doesn't look that bad. I'd like to see your Lexington take though.
    Thank you very much. Maybe I'll come back to this green design later. But for now it's time to test other setups of the consoles and turbolifts. The Lexington is already in the works ;-)
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918272 Posts: 460Member
    Once seanr releases his Galaxy-class bridge, one thing you might want to try is doing a variant of this that's for a Galaxy-class battle bridge (NOT the Enterprise-D - maybe the USS Constellation: NCC-71956 - Rekkert did the main bridge for me for that one.
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