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Starship Nell

KirtemorKirtemor426 Posts: 100Member
edited February 2013 in Looking for... #1
I would like to make a request. Is there anyone out there who would like to take on creating a 3d mesh of the starship nell (Battle Beyond the Stars)? I would love to have this model but it is beyond my abilities at this time. I am willing to credit all renders of her to the creator and he/she can decide if they want to release it publicly. some references below more upon request.
Post edited by Kirtemor on


  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    interesting shape, i have never even heard of this ship before and i am quite sure that there is not one on the google 3d warehouse where i get some models from( you could take a look though). in all the 3d model sites i have seen i have never found anything on this ship, sorry i can't help. hopefully someone here will know of it.
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    the middle image looks a bit like a ball sack!
  • McCMcC373 Posts: 704Member
    For those curious, this ship is from Battle Beyond the Stars (which Kirtemor mentioned in his post). An otherwise fairly forgettable film, it has this going for it:
    Roger Corman hired James Cameron as a model maker in his studio, and after the original art director for the film had been fired, Cameron became responsible for the special effects in Battle Beyond the Stars, or, as Cameron later put it, "production design and art direction." This was Cameron's first "big break" in the entertainment industry, and it helped propel his career. While he initially worked on camera rigging, he soon started working on special effects, and designed spaceship's corridors, for instance, out of spray-painted McDonald's containers. Cameron paid great attention to detail, and hardly slept for weeks while working on the film; however, his hard work paid off, since it opened the door for his later success.
  • KirtemorKirtemor426 Posts: 100Member
    not a ball sack, lol... breasts!
  • snowtiger61snowtiger610 Posts: 1New Member
    I know this is a realy old topic ..but i still love these pics ..recently i wanted to buy the resin model but it is like £126 + postage, it was one of the models that i found as an (STL) file and seeing that it could be printed as a 1 foot ish model or as big as 3 foot long (omg) that (and other hard to get models) made me think about getting a 3d printer, now the tech is i have and having just finished printing it off ..i am very happy with the result..
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