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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries is out:
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  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    edited December 2019 #34
    Just saw this, on my list now.

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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    I finally got around to starting Satellite Reign, which I backed way back when they had a Kickstarter going. Pretty neat spiritual successor to Syndicate
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  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Even though it a EA game, I picked up Star Wars: Fallen Order for the PS4 the other day at half price. (That did not take long for the prise to drop. LOL)

    I am only a few hours into the game and been really enjoying it.
    I can see why people are saying it very much like an Uncharted Game. But it still enjoyable.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    edited January 2020 #37
    I played Fallen Order for a few hours right after it came out and haven't touched it since. I really ought to do something about that someday...

    Meanwhile, I got back into Star Wars: The Old Republic again yesterday. I hadn't played in ages, and I've been having a blast with it. I created a Nautolan Sith Assassin. :)
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  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    edited January 2020 #38
    I'd like to buy one of these. It's a pong, coffee table.

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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    Picked up an Xbox Game Pass the other day (the library is very impressive, especially with 1 EUR first month), and have been playing Carrion:

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  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    edited August 2020 #40
    I've been messing around in Forza Horizon 4. I did only one race and then I've just been playing around. Lovely scenery, that one takes place in England. That's one thing I like about the Horizon series, they're open world and set in different countries.

    Edit: Still playing it. OK, right now I'm not, I'm downloading some DLC for it. ;) I've done some racing in it and it's pretty dang fun. I love the open world aspect of those games and actually driving to where you're going to go race. Plus, you can do different types of races. And, the game has a cool season change mechanic so that you can actually race in the same place more than once for a different experience. And, since I've played Forza Motorsport 7 and Forza Horizon 3, I got some free cars (my Mustang from Forza Horizon 3 and an F-150 from Motorsport 7, for some reason) and T-shirts for my character to wear. I like it when game companies reward you for playing their earlier games.
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  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Just finished that last Tomb Raider Game.

    On the PS4, I am heading back to Watchdog 2. I never finished the story on that.
    On the PS3, replying GTA4 and the two Episodes.
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Help im addicted to elite dangerous.. have to admit I get obsessive over games.. I cant hop from one game to another like most people can. I'm pretty monogamous when it comes to games.. I finaly got myself off wow only to nose dive straight into elite... now I'm on a 5 month trip to the black hole at the centre of the galaxy and I have no idea why but that's where I'm going.... the worrying part is its 5 months back.. then what am I going to do?? Back to running trade missions i guess loool
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    markmassey wrote: »
    I cant hop from one game to another like most people can.

    I do too much of that.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    I tend to stick to one game. But every now and then when I am playing a game. I get to a point I just can't get past. So I stop playing it and put something else in. After a while I'll go back and play the game I got stuck on and 99% of the time get past the point I was stuck on, on the first try or the second. (Drives me a little nuts when that happens.)
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    edited August 2020 #45
    Finally got around to starting Star Control: Origins.

    Mixed feelings going in, what with the unfortunate lawsuits between the original creators and Stardock, and because Star Control 2 is one of my favorite games ever. This one had a lot to live up to, but I'm mostly liking it so far. The Melee (or Fleet Battles like they are known today) aren't quite as good (what's up with the non-wrapping arena, and asteroids that slow you down) and the lander sections are probably going to get pretty tedious, but the writing is on point. All of the aliens are new, but they've all been pretty good so far. About 7 hours in now.

    [edit]: Oh, you should totally play Ur-Quan Masters, which is the open sourced 3DO version of Star Control 2.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    Finished and quite enjoyed Star Control Origins a while back. The writing and exploration were solid enough to carry the whole thing, even if planet lander sequences and combat were actually kind of bad compared to the original.

    On a gorgeous indie rogue-like kick it seems. Picked up Hades, simply because I'll buy everything from Supergiant :)

    Also, picked up Star Renegades on Game Pass:

    Not sure how if it'll get repetitive further in, but really enjoying it so far.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    Oh, I guess Star Wars: Squadrons is out too. Anyone playing that?

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  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    my first thought was star wars squadrons... hell yes... cant wait to have some dog fight action with my kids.... good job i didn't do the usual thing and just buy it... because it looks like you cant do local multiplayer with it...... sad face :(
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Well I have finished Watchdogs 2 and enjoyed that a lot more than the original game. I will be picking up Watchdogs Legion. Though not sure for which console yet. (My wife suggested we get the kids one big present between them for Christmas and small individual presents. For the big present we are going with the PS5. I just hope I can get my hands on one, because they are going to be flying off the shelf and will be very hard to get hold of before Christmas.)

    As to what I am playing now its Horizon: Zero Dawn. This game is stunning to play though and I am loving the story so far.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator

    (also still playing Hades)
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  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    I heard Cyberpunk is not that great on the PS4 and Xbone.

    As for what I am playing, I have gone back to GTA5 Online. But I am looking at getting the latest WatchDogs game. The first was okay, but I loved the Second.
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    I've not Played the online version of GTA5... really enjoyed the story mode though..

    we've just got the miles morales spiderman for the ps4..... I've not managed to have a go yet,, the kids wont let me near it..

    Still playing elite dangerous... had my first thargoid interdiction on Saturday, very exciting haha...
  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    edited February 2021 #53
    Believe it or not, this is a really good game. Very challenging. Can be a little distracting also...

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  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    There's also a sequel.

  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
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  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    Here's one for those who are into the combat mech genre:

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