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3ds max 7 wireframe render help please!

CurryClanAZCurryClanAZ0 Posts: 0Member
Hi, I'm really really new to 3ds max and I'm working on max 7. I have not learned how to render myself and am using a borrowed mesh that I downloaded to practice on. However I have not quite figured out how to remove the textures and render it only in wireframe to see what I have to work with. I would love to render a .jpeg of the item as a wireframe so that I can look at what's there. Then see how to find a way to modify the wireframe and add new textures for education purposes. No book or tutorials came with software :( Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you :D
Post edited by CurryClanAZ on


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    well first of all. maybe i didnt understand your question right, but you want to see a wireframe right? so why dont you just look using the viewport... NOW if you mean that the viewport is rendering with the textures, in order to change that just right click on the viewport name... im assuming u would be using perspective. once the menu pops up just click wireframe

    Also, you should have a manual and tutorials with the software... check the help menu thats where they should be

    Hope i helped, feel free to ask more
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    I suggest you follow the tutorials that came with max7 They will take you through all the simple stuff. (acualy the max tuts are some of the best out there a bit wordy but eh)
    If your wanting to see a wire in the Viewport right click the upper left corner of the VP and choose wireframe from the drop down menu.
    edged faces give you the result seen in the image A shaded view with the wires shown. Wireframe alone would not be shaded.

    If your wanting a wirefram render youll have to go into the render properties and choose wireframe see image.

    to get this menu click on the teapot icon that has the little window in it.

    well crap for now itll have to be attachments since my webhost seems to be down.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • CurryClanAZCurryClanAZ0 Posts: 0Member
    since all i got were cds and no book where are the tutorials located?
    thanks for all the help the viewport wireframe was a great tip.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    the tuts are installed with max go into the help menu.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • L2KL2K0 Posts: 0Member
    what may interest you is this :

    open the material editor (M).
    select a slot (reset it if you have to [the litle sphere with a big X]) choose the color you want (black or so).
    in the "shader basic parameter" click the box wire
    in the "extended param" choose the seize you want.
    now, in the environement (8) (render>environement) choose a contrasting BG color. (white or so)
    assign the material to all objects (select all, assign)
    F9 and you got it

    and what is fun to do is to composite in PS the real render with the wire.
    it's what people do to show how good they are with low poly and normal maps.
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