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3DUSS Lilith - Post Refit-Excelsior era starship

Don't ShootDon't Shoot391 Posts: 117Member
edited September 2017 in Work in Progress #1

It's been several years since I've done anything trek or posted here but now I have some free time off work and I've decided to build something I've always wanted.

The last we see of brand new movie era technology starships is the launch of the Refit-Excelsior class "Enterprise-B" in "Generations" and then we skip ahead (chronologically) to the TNG era where we see a lot of different TNG designs and in a few occasions we get a glimpse at past ships that were in between, like the Soyuz class or the Constellation class.
Now we know that the Ambassador class is the direct successor of the Refit-Excelsior and suppose to bridge the gap between the "Enterprise-B" and the "Enterprise-D" but the gap between the launch of the "Enterprise-B" and the "Enterprise-C" is nearly 50 years.
A lot can happen in 50 years and I want to explore that time period of technological development and try make a ship that would fit closely in between but closer in time to the movie era styling.
My goal is to take familiar parts from movie era starships and upgrade them to look a bit closer to TNG aesthetics but without loosing that movie era mechanical feel.

I don't have a finished concept in my head so I'll be just making this as I go along so if you have any suggestions or ideas I would love to hear them, though I can't guarantee taking all of the advises you give.
Post edited by Don't Shoot on


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