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3DUSS Vengeance - Dreadnought Class

PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
edited December 2016 in Work in Progress #1
This is my attempt at the Vengeance from Into Darkness. I started modeling this about a year ago but stopped due to inexperience with the software. I have built up my skills since then and am now back into the modeling.

This is what I have so far. I just finished blocking in the secondary hull and pylons yesterday. I'm going to make a start on the Bridge / Neck section next.

And just a quick question for you guys, what do you recommend for a good image hosting site?
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  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Looks like you've got a good start.

    I use DeviantArt, it's great.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    Well it's been a while since I last posted so I thought I might give you guys an update.
    Here is the last Progress image from the previous model version:

    I have recently started over on the model (Version 3 now) because I found some better reference images to use, (thanks eaglemoss:thumb:) and created some orthographic views from those to help me model. Those Images can be found here:

    At the moment I have modeled part of the saucer, a nacelle pylon and one of the "Phaser Balls of Death".

    Here is an image of the phaser ball next to the legendary Ent-A to give a sense of scale. The Phaser ball is about as wide as the Ent-A's secondary hull at it's widest point (just in case the perspective was playing tricks on your eyes).

    Credit goes to Madman for the 2009 Enterprise and Raul Mamoru for the Ent-A mesh.

    I should have some more progress shots up soon.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    Nice work so far on the Vengeance. I really like that phaser ball, that's really cool. Though, like the rest of the ship, (and the Enterprise, for that matter) it's too large for my taste. But, I know that's how it was in the film. (I watched it once)
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Looks good. I'm not a fan of the scale of the JJVerse either. Trek ships aren't mean to be that big.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks guys. I know the scale isn't to everyone's tastes, but even if this ship was half the size I would still love it.
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    Funny, not many people try to build "The Great Contradiction".
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    oldmangreg wrote: »
    Funny, not many people try to build "The Great Contradiction".

    oldmangreg, could you please explain what part of the Vengeance is a contradiction? English wasn't my best subject at school, so I'm just trying to understand, that's all.
  • EnterpraisEnterprais197 Posts: 124Member
    WOW very nice work so far! I'm praying the Gods that you will share this model someday with all of us :D :rolleyes: I just very impressed with this ship and I wanted to made some animations with it, but I'm very bad at modeling stuff in 3d.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    When I finish modeling this beast (no idea when) I plan on doing an animation of all the secret stuff that wasn't really shown on screen. But before that happens I have no idea what I want to do with the finished model. At the moment I'm probably going to let a few select people have access to it so they can create content with it.

    And for those people that are curious I am modeling this ship in 3DS Max.
  • EnterpraisEnterprais197 Posts: 124Member
    Oh, I'm so envy to those lucky people who will have access :o
    P.S. I use 3ds max in my animations too :D
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    Hey guys,

    I know it's been a while since I last posted any updates, between starting a new job and doing applications for University I haven't been spending much time on the model recently.

    But anyway, here are some renders of where the model is at.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    I hear you on the starting a new job bit. It takes up a lot of your time. Plus, you're doing University classes too? That's a lot at once for sure.

    Anyway, the model is looking good. Don't worry about taking a long time between updates, we'll still be here. ;)
  • EnterpraisEnterprais197 Posts: 124Member
    Thats very cool!) And what is good too is that it will have almost "like in movie" proportions and size of all elements.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    I hear you on the starting a new job bit. It takes up a lot of your time. Plus, you're doing University classes too? That's a lot at once for sure.

    Anyway, the model is looking good. Don't worry about taking a long time between updates, we'll still be here. ;)

    Thanks Evil.
    I'm not at Uni yet. In NZ Uni starts in February and finishes in November. At the moment I am applying to start next year, which means submitting applications, making portfolios (It's a design course), finding accommodation, choosing papers etc. My plan is to have this model finished before I leave.
    Enterprais wrote: »
    Thats very cool!) And what is good too is that it will have almost "like in movie" proportions and size of all elements.

    That was the plan from the start. I've done a lot of research and concluded that the length the designers wanted is 1460m, which is a little bit over (10m) twice the length of the Nu-prise. One part that I am fairly confident has the right proportions is the front part of the saucer cutout. It's the only part I measured from the actual ILM model.

    I used this image:

    I then traced the outline, found the models vanishing point, then measured the intersection points:

    Good thing I'm not doing that on every part of the ship.
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,753Member
    I'm glad trek ships are getting larger on screen. I've seen comparison charts of ships from games and the like--not just merzo--and the trek ships just vanish.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    To be honest, the first ever Star Trek film I saw was the Abrams reboot in 2011 or 2012 (I can't remember now). Thought it was great, watched all the movies and binged 7 seasons of TNG. To me all the ships in the prime universe are small.

    But size doesn't matter right? ... guys?
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    Hey guys,

    Been a while since I last posted so I guess I should show you some more progress shots. Sorry If the renders are a bit dark, I have decided to go with a darker material for the ship to make it more screen accurate. Hopefully the size of the render makes up for it.



  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    I think of this ship as the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk of starships, the shapes are rather rigid.

    Coming along nicely. :)
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
    Gigabyte RTX 3080 Gaming OC 12GB
    1TB NVMe SSD, 2 x 1GB SATA SSD, 4TB external HDD
    32 GB RAM
    Windows 11 Pro
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    You're making good progress on this. Fortunately, I have a bright monitor, so I don't mind the dark images. ;) Though, it looks like you have some missing, flipped or nonplanar faces.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks guys, great to see the renders are okay.
    Though, it looks like you have some missing, flipped or nonplanar faces.

    Thanks Evil, at the moment I am still in the blocking in stage of modeling so those missing faces are actually non-existent faces. Don't worry, they will be fixed.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    Ah, gotcha. :thumb:
  • EnterpraisEnterprais197 Posts: 124Member
    Yeeah, updaates!:thumb: Very nice and accurate so far!
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,753Member
    Something I'd like to see. A Probert type refit but with Vengeance type construction.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    This time I haven't got any actual update images to show, they haven't really progressed much since last time. But let's just say that I'm getting close to starting the High Poly/Detail part of the model. Recently I've been putting some thought into what weapons are actually on this beast. And what extra details I actually want to model.

    So here goes,

    USS Vengeance Weapons:

    Torpedo Types,
    - Photon Torpedo (average sized federation torpedo)
    - Micro Photon Torpedo (smaller sized torpedo, made for use on the Phaser Sentries)
    - Advanced Long Range Torpedo (Khan's torpedoes)
    - Neutron Torpedo (Larger torpedo that launched smaller torpedoes, like the first weapon that attacked the USS Kelvin)

    Phaser Types,
    - Type VII Phaser (Normal Beam phaser, weren't shown in the film)
    - Pulse Phaser (The phasers we see in the film with a curved trajectory)

    From reading about the design it turns out that the phaser bolts curve because they are fired at warp, but because JJ like the effect so much they kept it even when they weren't at warp. So they should have been travelling straight.

    Weapons Count:

    Torpedo Turrets - 73
    - 59 Average sized launchers
    - 14 Neutron Torpedo Launchers
    Pulse Cannons - 18
    Type VII Emitters - 22

    Rail Guns - 2
    - Deployed from the underside of the saucer and fires a spinning disc that can go through shields

    Phaser Ball of Death - 2
    - 8 Type VII Phaser Emitters
    - 16 Pulse Phasers
    - 2 High Power Pulse Phasers

    Phaser Sentry - (Unknown Payload)
    - 4 Torpedo Launchers
    - 12 Micro Torpedo Launchers
    - 21 Type VII Phaser Emitters

    That is pretty much all I have been able to come up with from the material that I have found. But like with all good ships, to make it come alive it needs to have moving parts. Which is why I'm planning on making my own animations showing all of the hidden features not shown in the movie. Nothing too fancy though.

    Here is the list of things I plan on animating plus some details on what they are:

    Torpedo Turrets,
    All of the torpedo launchers are mounted on gunnery towers which sit inside the ship most of the time. When Torpedoes are to be fired they rise up out of the hull. Each has a specific amount of launchers, ranging from 1-6 per tower. These launchers aren't seen in the movie so I will have to use my own artistic license for them.

    Pulse Phaser Turrets,
    There are 15 turrets hidden underneath doors on the top side of the saucer. I plan on animating the opening of the doors and how the turret rises up. Then also show the full range of rotation for each of the turret (rotation and pitch essentially). Like the torpedo launchers, I am going to come up with my own designs for these as well.

    Deflector Doors,
    Like a few people noticed from the movie, there are doors beside the deflector dish that open and close. These were speculated to be used as armour to give the deflector more protection, and they probably are. But according to the designers these were actually to stop emissions from the deflector and hide the ship from enemy sensors (stealth tech???). There are actually 6 doors around that area and I plan on animating them opening and closing.

    Bussard Collector,
    Like the deflector dish, the bussard collector is also shielded. All of the bussard collector parts (Intercooler, Coil Sensor, Magnetic Field Sensor and Particle Collector) are all only needed when at warp so they are covered when not in use. I am planning on showing how these doors slide back into the nacelle.

    Saucer Hangar Doors,
    After looking at the references available I have decided that the 4 doors on the underside of the saucer are used as access to get to hangars 1-4 respectively. This would give the ship a total of 10 hangars (4 in the saucer and 6 in the secondary hull) and one Shuttlebay. The animation will just show them opening and closing.

    Shuttlebay Doors,
    The shuttlebay doors are comprised of 4 separate pieces that all open in different directions. I know what direction the doors open in, I just donA’t know whether they slide or rotate (maybe a mix) when they open. I have a feeling that all of them rotate except for the bottom door. I will figure that out when the time comes.

    Phaser Sentry Launchers,
    These are the other spherical weapons that are located above the Phaser Balls of death on each side of the deflector dish. ItA’s not really something that has to be animated, but I think if anyone uses this model it might be easier for them if itA’s already rigged.

    Escape Pods,
    I will also try and animate (even though I have no idea how) the escape pods on this ship. There are 21 pods/hatches in the donut section in front of the bridge module. Maybe the hatches that I can see are used like launchers and fire multiple pods? This would make sense after seeing the escape pods from the new trailer for A“BeyondA”.

    Rail Guns,
    Last but not least, We can't forget the rail guns. They were shown on screen but never actually fired. I will model them and animate the sequence when they are deployed. I will also try and come up with a design for the projectile that the guns fire as well.

    Sorry for the wall of text, didnA’t think it would end up being this long. After reading this (I wonA’t be mad if you didnA’t), If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them. And of course, this is a big list of things to do. So I might not get everything done. I'll do my best though.
  • psCargilepsCargile417 Posts: 620Member
    It's things like "doors on deflectors to hide emissions" that showcases the abject stupidity and ignorance of the current vanguards of contemporary science fiction and fantasy in a time where information is literally at finger tips when all that has to be done is to shut the deflector off.
  • gerb200gerb200176 Posts: 114Member
    psCargile wrote: »
    It's things like "doors on deflectors to hide emissions" that showcases the abject stupidity and ignorance of the current vanguards of contemporary science fiction and fantasy in a time where information is literally at finger tips when all that has to be done is to shut the deflector off.

    The main deflector is supposedly still part of the shield system protecting the ship from small debris. Shutting it off seems like a bad idea.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    gerb200 wrote: »
    The main deflector is supposedly still part of the shield system protecting the ship from small debris. Shutting it off seems like a bad idea.

    Hmm, I totally forgot about that. I never doubt the ability of the designers for the new ships, especially the guys over at ILM. In my opinion it's when the director has their say that things start being inaccurate.

    That or it just looks way cooler when they don't turn off the deflector etc, and I don't blame them for that.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    It's been a while since I updated this thread, but Uni is finished for the year so I'm back into the Vengeance model. So here's an updated image for you guys:

  • EnterpraisEnterprais197 Posts: 124Member
    That's very awesome update!! Very impressive!) What are those blue glows on nacelles? I don't remember them in the movie.
  • PsychyoPsychyo0 Posts: 0Member
    They are the warp engine field grills. I'm still working on the lighting and design because the light shines through a bit too much.
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