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3DStar Trek fighter

SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
edited March 2015 in Work in Progress #1
So I haven't been able to touch Lightwave in almost 2 yrs because of my job. Now that I've lost it, I'm taking time to get re-acquainted with my old friend. And to do that, I thought I would start with something a little small...


the outer body texture is just temporary btw.

I'm currently working on the bomb bay interior and detailing it. When I'm done and if people are interested in playing with it I'll release it.
Post edited by SakuraTakeda on


  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    Great original design, needs am impulse engine. I might ad 'shield pods" or actually some sort of modular pods that could let the ship be rigged for certain missions. Sheild pods, stealth pods, weapon pods, sensor pods, etc.

    The fins need to go, maybe replace them with option pod mounts.
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
    I appreciate the suggestions, however I have a design plan I am following that I have in my mind. The nacelles and the canards are seperate so there will be a lot of flexibility in what you can do.8.jpg9.jpg Plus I plan on adding mission packs later. I just want to get the base model done first. ^_^
    8.jpg 88.5K
    9.jpg 334.8K
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    BTW, is this in blender?
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
    No Sir, it's Lightwave.
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    hope you dont have to be without work for too long, but it looks like your free time is being used very productively :) i like the design!
  • Soran77Soran770 Posts: 0Member
    Great Design so far I'm really excited to see where this goes, and if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to pair it up with a Starship I'm working on!
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    awesome fighter. looks somewhat organic in shape(as in the types of curves used) still very nice.
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
    bomb bay HD.jpg

    A close-up of the torpedo bay.I'm still detailing the inside.

    Thank you all for the nice comments.
    Soran, nice design. I like the saucer. ^_^ If you want to use these with your ship, that's fine.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1173 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,617Member
    Nice little fighter design! I'm a sucker for canards, so I like it.
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
    Cannons HD.jpg

    OK I caved. Not sure if these will stay but I added phaser cannons to the canards along with some stablising fins. Given the shape of them, I may just call it a Harpoon-class fighter.
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    More cannons? what are you, a Klingon or something???

    haha, jk. lookin good :)
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
    LOL. No, I don't have the ridges for that kind of life. :P But thank you. It's slow going but I'm enjoying it. ^_^
  • regemetregemet0 Posts: 0Member
    i would like to use this on my U F P S Rihannon wiki please.
  • L2KL2K0 Posts: 0Member
    warp nacelles are pretty delicate pieces. are you sure you dont want to hide them into some more armored part ?
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
    Regemet, go ahead. I'm not going to keep this model to myself. ^_^

    L2K, I have the nacelles where they are so if they get critically damaged, the can be jettisoned if they pose a danger to the ship. Or they can be removed for sub-light travel only. Deuterium tanks take up space that might be needed for a sub-light mission. I'm just trying to add some versatility to her. ^_^
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    one thing about a lot of weapons: Maybe the vessel has a multi role mission and might mount one set of weapons for say hitting hard targets (Capital ships) and smaller weapons for, say, hitting ground targets like troops and such.

    In ww2 many aircraft carried different weapons, the famous ME109 had machine guns in the wings and a cannon in the nose.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1880 CaliforniaPosts: 2,030Member
    Nice lines on this one! A beautiful ship! :)
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member

    I took some time off to think about what I want to do next with this, But I've got the first mission pack done, 2 phaser cannons which can take the place of the torpedo bay because of the extra power needed to pack a punch.
    Also decided on the deflector array and landing gear doors.

  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    it's looking good but still very organic(i am not to keen on organic shapes), perhaps make it a bit less smooth so it looks like the hull is made from curved metal plates rather than being so curvy. overall i like the canard and delta shape with those cool nacelles, i also like the placement of the engines, which look good with the way they bulge up from the rear fuselage(hopefully the exhaust will be straining to get out of the back even more than those engines look like they are straining to get out of the hull, lol). what are the blue rimmed areas near the nose, i keep thinking they would make good side windows for the cockpit. the landing bay doors are also nice but the cannons seem slightly out of proportion in the underside view. keep up the good work, but try to make it look more like something that was built and less like something that was grown.
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
    I am happy with the design and I'm not going to change much on it anytime soon, only add more detailing. As I said in another thread on another forum, the organic, smooth lines may have been subconsciously influenced by the Galaxy Class starship design, because it's what is sitting atop my CPU case as I model. The blue rim is the ship's deflector array, designed in much the same way as the Sovereign Class Yacht. But the blue line on the sides of the canopy are sensors. The pilot will see what appears to be a window there.
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    I might redo the blue glow of what I assume are the impulse engines to something a different color, like orange. Great ship all in all, wish I had your talent.
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
    When I release it, then you can change them to whatever color you wish. you can decide on if you want nacelles or not. tail fins, canards, cannons or torpedoes.. There's a lot of customization I'm putting into this because everyone is different. I hope people will have fun with this one. And I don't see myself as talented. I just want to have another model out there I am proud to have made. ^_^ Well, that and to have actually finished it too. :P
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member

    I worked on hull texturing. It's kind of a blend of Sovereign and Galaxy class style in regards to the colors and shapes. But there is a long way to go. Right now I'm playing with the shapes and colors.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    looks weird. More like a small runabout....
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    really liking that romulan style dark and light patching either side of the cockpit and either side of the engine intakes. i really MUST create a ship with that sort of texture one day(even if i model the dark bits rather than texture them in.). i am not quite sure what Aresius means by a runabout(i have hardly seen any star trek, just the films) but i think that a stretch along the y axis(forward backwrd axis) may improve the shape as the fighter looks slightly too short. very good anyway, are you modelling the cockpit or an other internal stuff?
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
    Yes, I will be modeling a cockpit too. If all goes well, I hope to have a generic pilot for it as well.
  • I.G.88I.G.880 Posts: 0Member
    The design is just bad ass love the lines she looks great cant wait to see it finished
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    I might not have a complex texture for the basic hull. Remember big ships have that paneled look because they're BIG, they have to be made in pieces and assembled. A ship like this is small, most of it's hull could be made in single pieces, so not a lot of hull paneling.

    Now technically you could justify a complex hull texture maybe by saying it's a stealth coating or some sort of anti detection system that defeats sensors.
  • SakuraTakedaSakuraTakeda1 Posts: 0Member
    it's actually there to add some visual interest for now. I look at it a lot and this texture keeps my interest far more than plain grey. Although I do think digital camo would work too.... hmm...
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    Well, the feds can't use cloaks due to some treaty with the roms, but they could work around it with advanced camo and stealth systems.
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