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3DStar Trek : A fleet from scratch



  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    I know how you feel man, somehow I end up filling up my ships with interiors as well. I'm not yet sure if it gives a break from modelling the ship itself or is actually just a distraction...
  • DoomspongeDoomsponge0 Posts: 0Member
    Wow, this is going to be a monster to render but oh so very worth it in the end. Still, if it's hard, it's usually a sign it's worth doing.

    I took the easy way out with my ship interiors. Building them up as separate sets, might make a soundstage out of them.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Very cool though, you could put this stage of a ship (with some textures on them of course) into a drydock. ;)
  • DannageDannage236 Posts: 634Member
    Brilliant stuff. I once started a trek ship from the interiors, but started with major components like impulse engine and computer cores... Never got as far as figuring out if building it from the inside out was better, or just made things harder as you realised things didn't fit into your design... :D This stuff looks awesome though, I will be looking to you for continued inspiration.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Dannage wrote: »
    ... Never got as far as figuring out if building it from the inside out was better, or just made things harder as you realised things didn't fit into your design... :D

    It never does unless you have a pretty small ship. On the plus side, things as *wiring* and *supplies* can be tucked away in those spaces that you can't use. Step 1: design ship. Step 2: ... Step 3: PROFIT! :D
  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
    Not a massive update but a little bit of progress.....
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  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    It's looking great. Small updates are just as good as big ones. :D
  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
    Just an update. Another set of windows done, an overview shot and I've tweaked the sensor dome. but it's still not emitting enough light i think....
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  • DoomspongeDoomsponge0 Posts: 0Member
    I imagine the light emission problem will be solved once the ship gets its skin. Talking of which, this is a really unusual but incredibly cool way you're putting it together. It actually looks like the ship's being physically built in a drydock slowly.
  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
    Forgot to post this yesterday...testing lifeboat "stuff"
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  • StarshipStarship475 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    Looking good!
    Interesting to see how the "real" building evolves. :)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Truly a work-in-progress. I love it.
  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
    Saucer airlock in place. will need a lot of detail added in but tyhe concept is there.
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  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Now, that is a cool idea for an airlock. Very nice. :thumb:
  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
  • fluxfirefluxfire181 Posts: 604Member
    Nice showcase video. I rather like your design idea for the air lock... might want to use that idea my self at some point :D
  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
    Rebuilt the lifeboat housings top and bottom. was harder than expected.
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  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    It looks like they have some smoothing errors. They're not visible in the lighting on the underside, but they are on the top.
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Love the Saber-Class "freighter" variant on page 1. But for this last Cheyenne-Class / Constellation-Class (variant? upgrade?) design, where's the deflector dish?
  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
    @evil_genius_180 I've had a look and I'm not seeing 'em. can you repost with a highlight?

    @hellsgate - same place as on the cheyenne/constellation class. or maybe the Ent-D saucer.
  • DoomspongeDoomsponge0 Posts: 0Member
    The Ent-D saucer does actually have a deflector, it's the four large square 'window' looking thinbgs in one of those recessed sections just in front of the ventral registry. I mean, a deflector doesn't have to be a blue glowy dish thing. They can, and most certainly do, take other forms.
  • PearsePearse0 Posts: 0Member
    I think evil genius may be thinking those are lifeboat hatches, rather than the housings for them.

    The video's pretty nifty. It really looks like a quick flight around a ship in drydock.
  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
    On the subject of deflectors dishes in Star Trek, you'll find that only Starfleet appear to use the integrated deflector/sensor array seen on the "classic" ships. Alien races invariably don't have visible deflectors so there obviously other ways to accomplish the same goals. To that end feel free to make something up that fits :)

    In the meantime some small updates...

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  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    Doomsponge wrote: »
    The Ent-D saucer does actually have a deflector, it's the four large square 'window' looking thinbgs in one of those recessed sections just in front of the ventral registry. I mean, a deflector doesn't have to be a blue glowy dish thing. They can, and most certainly do, take other forms.
    I'm of the opinion that someone made that up, I think that was always just a set of big windows until someone wanted to explain the lack of deflector on the saucer
  • adjunct37betaadjunct37beta348 Seattle, WAPosts: 60Member
    IRML wrote: »
    I'm of the opinion that someone made that up, I think that was always just a set of big windows until someone wanted to explain the lack of deflector on the saucer

    I think (and I should probably look this up first) but I think it's in the Next Gen technical manual that those four windows are actually the saucer's deflector. Again, I don't have the book with me but i'm pretty sure Doomsponge is right.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    I think (and I should probably look this up first) but I think it's in the Next Gen technical manual that those four windows are actually the saucer's deflector. Again, I don't have the book with me but i'm pretty sure Doomsponge is right.

    Indeed, it was Andrew Probert's original idea. But then, unfortunately, the witers failed to listen to the designers as usual.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • DoomspongeDoomsponge0 Posts: 0Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Indeed, it was Andrew Probert's original idea. But then, unfortunately, the witers failed to listen to the designers as usual.

    I don't recall them ever specifically contradicting it. Last I checked 'in canon', those four squares were never officially explained either way. And if we're of the opinion that only things that're officially mentioned in-canon can exist, then we're all kind of screwed because in order to adhere to it, we must cease to exist.
  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
    Are the D blueprints regarded as a canon source?

    (can't believe I'm encouraging this.....)
  • DoomspongeDoomsponge0 Posts: 0Member
    That's up to the viewer, really. Which a lot of people seem to forget.
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