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3DTroop Transport



  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    edited June 2022 #512
    Alright @BlueNeumann , Liking what you are coming up with in your sketches, a couple inspired this bridge that I can see as the bridge for your version of the Black Hole's Cygnus you posted long ago...

    This thought of a minimal bridge:

    and this amphitheater:

    While I see the actual control stations as being minimal, I see the whole thing having a Steam Punk feel.


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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    I was definitely thinking the Eternal Midnight could be my take on the Cygnus, which I already had more of a luxury feel to it with the London Eye Pods (iPods?)

    the spherical bridge is interesting... it's reminding me of Cerebro a bit, albeit with a viewing gallery. And a bit like the final orchestra-style control room from Ender's Game.
  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    edited June 2022 #514
    Some advancement




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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    Cool! That first picture is reminding me a bit of this moment from Red Dwarf.


    Looking at the scale, I feel like this might fit... I don't know if i had a name for it, but this sort of intergalactic ark from the near end of the universe. Time travelers from every era have been brought to this place to preserve part of their culture. This is so perfect for the end moment when they look out, as the sun sets on their world, and the universe is open to them.
  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    I am a bit curious why you set the bridge so high in the dome. Possibly because it's all windows, while the auditorium's chairs are on the bottom of the arc because the image is inside the sphere.
  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    I am a bit curious why you set the bridge so high in the dome. Possibly because it's all windows, while the auditorium's chairs are on the bottom of the arc because the image is inside the sphere.

    At the time it had a certain esthetic appeal (this incredible, chill producing dizzying height), but as I progressed, not so much. I would probably move the whole thing down further (with an incredible chill producing dizzying expanse above)
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  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    Hey Folks, been some time since I came around... (Only mostly dead... :p ) here is one something I am working on...

    Well some rebuild and new stuff, anyway..

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  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    and something I haven't rendered out yet.

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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    I like both! But I really like that cockpit, the big windows being framed by those two lines of stark, sharp panels.
  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    Checking out ground fog in Daz

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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    Looks great!
  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    Another view of the bridge

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  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    edited June 2022 #525
    And a render of the supply ship:

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  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    Latest bridge work on the Supply Ship:


    I have also gone through and fixed most of the images in this thread, so if you feel like it you can review my over 10 years of model design...

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  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    Worked some on UniCorp HQ, NOW with Elevator!

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  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    Anddd one more...

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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    edited June 2022 #529
    Very nice. I love the old school model greebling on it, but when I picture the inside, I picture every terrible bureaucracy in the world combined. You go to the awful dirty tube station, you go up the cramped elevator which takes forever, you gotta go through customs, you go to your crappy office.. everything is like old and hasn't been updated in forever... it's Office Space and Brazil and all that crap.
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  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    edited June 2022 #530
    Very nice. I love the old school model greebling on it, but when I picture the inside, I picture every terrible bureaucracy in the world combined. You go to the awful dirty tube station, you go up the cramped elevator which takes forever, you gotta go through customs, you go to your crappy office.. everything is like old and hasn't been updated in forever... it's Office Space and Brazil and all that crap.

    All except the top floor on the tallest building, which is decked out in marble, solid oak desks, leather seats, and gold trimmings (or whatever is the most valuable product at the time...)

    EDIT: Oh, and it's almost always vacant....
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  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    So, I installed Stable Diffusion GRisk GUI and been doing some experimenting. At the risk of starting controversy, what are your thoughts on AI images, what place do you see them fitting into? I personally think they could be a quick "Boy! I have a creativity block today, what does the crystal ball say..." type of place.

    I haven't really been super impressed so far but maybe it's just my prompts? Here are a few results:

    First try at a space ship:
    {'text': 'a spaceship in the style of Ron Cobb', 
    'resX': 512, 'resY': 512, 'half': 1, 
    'seed': 704805780, 'origin': None, 'origin_W': None, 'steps': 50, 'vscale': 7.5, 'samples': 1}

    {'text': 'a spaceship towing cargo in the style of Alien and Ron Cobb',
    'resX': 512, 'resY': 512, 'half': 1, 
    'seed': 751946106, 'origin': None, 'origin_W': None, 'steps': 50, 'vscale': 7.5, 'samples': 1}

    {'text': 'Space truck, Mega Structure, complex picture, fine detail, like Nostromo, style of Ron Cobb', 
    'resX': 512, 'resY': 512, 'half': 1, 
    'seed': 751946106, 'origin': None, 'origin_W': None, 'steps': 50, 'vscale': 7.5, 'samples': 1}

    {'text': 'Space truck, Starrigger, Mega Structure, complex picture, fine detail, like Nostromo, style of Ron Cobb', 
    'resX': 512, 'resY': 512, 'half': 1, 
    'seed': 4011671862, 'origin': None, 'origin_W': None, 'steps': 50, 'vscale': 7.5, 'samples': 1}


    Let the discussion commence!
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  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    edited September 2022 #532
    Did a couple of movie posters too, See if you can figure them out...





    in the style of Norman Rockwell :)
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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    Ha! Been playing with the demo of Stable Diffusion myself, actually! Even did some Star Wars stuff.

    I'm damn impressed with the Ron Cobb stuff, I don't know why his name escaped me when I was trying to cook up designs. I like how the second one looks like a dog carrying a stick in his mouth, that's kinda clever. But the thing is, Ron Cobb isn't just a rendering style, it's a mentality, it's how he approaches and solves problems.

    The thing is that art and design is problem solving, and what the Ai is doing is just mixing solutions together. It's not contemplating the problem, or how elements would work together, or anything like that.

    I was also reminded of the idea that detail can create the false illusion of good art, and how artists like Moebius and Picasso and so on went more simple and more basic as their skills developed (mine has to, but I wouldn't put them up with there).

    I could talk for HOURS about the AI and so on, but honestly I'm only quasi-impressed. It feels good at collating and mashing up reference, but the pool of reference doesn't feel very deep. I've done the smae prompt a couple times and I only see elements being shifted around the same baseplate image. And it makes me realize that everyone else is probably getting the same baseplate image, meaning what I'm getting isn't that unique or special. And it's probably easily identifiable. It really made me appreciate my deep warchest that I've built up over... geez, at least 22 years, digging through books and magazines and obscure movies and everything else to find interesting stuff that's off the beaten path. You would THINK that the internet and google image search would have replaced the warchest, and for a lot of people it has, but it feels very shallow. Sort of like how Netflix is a poor replacement for a video store or your own collection... but it SEEMS like it is on the surface.

    It also made me appreciate how much work the mind does making connections and understanding the context of images and so on.

    What I DO like, which happens once in a blue moon, is that the computer will make a choice that I wouldn't have made, or that wouldn't have occurred to me because I'm so used to the rules as they are. And that feels like a thing I can build off of, but... that still feels rare. And honestly, I was having trouble drawing and "fixing" what I generated because they're blobs at heart, they're not solid objects.

    I'll throw some of what I cooked up onto my thread and talk about it more though. Been debating ifi should share or not. But I figure a lot of this stuff is out there somewhere anyway.
  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    That was quite the essay Blue, And I think you summed it all up pretty well.

    I know when I am "building" a design, I'm thinking of the "why" that goes there (yes, allot of stuff is there because it looks good), and that would melt off on re-entry etc... The AI really is not concerned about that at all....
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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    Well, I don't know if it can think in those terms... so the best way to deal with that is not just ot adjust your expectations but figure out what it can do strongly and lean into that.

    it's not a replacement, it's a tool.

    But one thing I DO like, that I don't think I said, just conceptually, is that it's kind of forcing artists to be poets. We're having to find ways to express ourselves in words and code in order to coax the machine to give us what we want and the ones who master that will get the killer art. So it's like an arms race of expression. That's kind of cool. And I'm always up for things that force you to think differently.
  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    Sure, this AI is built for artistic expression, not engineering. It doesn't know antennas from intake manifolds. I agree that it could make for a nice springboard of sorts.

    Your thoughts on what it is forcing us to do is interesting, Often times I get a jumble of thoughts in my head about what I think I want from a model, but what comes out is nothing like what I was thinking. In human interactions, having to put things in words often times forces a change from the purely wishful thinking (or what I would like to have) to the practical (or what I really need.) In my case it forces me to work out the details which I hate dealing with.

    with the AI, I kind of think this is like telling a child to build a skyscraper when all they have seen is farmland, you have to work at it to get the results you really want. and if the base knowledge is not there..... If I want a space ship and all it has been exposed to are little green men and disk shaped UFOs then what are you going to get?

    The seed from the first illustration gives me versions of what I see as a helicopter when I fool with the settings


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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    edited September 2022 #537
    Yeah... it sounds kind of insulting, but it gives me an idea of what it's like in someone else's head. I realize how much of what I'm thinking doesn't come across, isn't natural to another person. Perhaps if the process was done in chunks, teasing out the truth in pieces or solving one problem at a time... making a finished work of art in one go is a big ask.

    it's so funny that you say a helicopter, I see a speedboat (though I have been looking at boats lately, so that might be part of it). But now I'm wondering "what from a helicopter can I merge with a speedboat?"

    Your comment about "a kid building a skyscraper when all he's seen is famrland" is interesting... because as I was analyzing the artwork, I was seeing myself as a kid, and it making the mistakes I made, and how I didn't quite see the world as an artist yet...
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  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    Hey, I surfaced a few I really like...



    And one I call Oreo...
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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    I'm digging that Oreo.

    I also like that tubby tanker thing floating over the planet... can imagine it being like a big people mover, a houseboat writ large.
  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    I like your Supply Ship and Unicorp HQ models very much. The Supply Ship render has a starfield background plate that a bit is brighter than the darkest shadows on the model, which I feel detracts from the realism a bit. The lighting on the Unicorp HQ matches its background plate much better. I'd love to see more of that supply ship!
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    Starrigger wrote: »
    Anddd one more...


    That screams Weyland-Yutani meets SG1.

    A long vessel with a Space 1999 Eagle spine with thin triangular craft stacked along its length…pointy ends down (ventral) would be nice.

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