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PracticalBlood Angels Army Project (pic carpet bombing ftw!)



  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Looking great so far, dude. :thumb:
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    That is looking bad ass!
  • ArmondikovArmondikov0 Posts: 0Member
    Now, of course, the most important question; what are you calling it and have you got the rule sheet made yet?
  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    Meph wrote: »
    Any ideas are always welcome, as well as interesting artwork that might inspire me.
    Inspire you say.
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Well, rules-wise I was thinking to just keep it as a stormraven, but with cargo capacity that actually looks like it could transport more than 3 marines sandwiched together like in a sardine can. And in any case the weazpons loadout will be identical. :D

    Ah, inspiration... more I'd say, more!
  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    Pfff....apparently Imageshack are prudes. All the good bits were covered, so I don't know what the problem was. Bloody yanks - can't even stand a bit of bare skin.

    Those were part of an Il-2 noseart collection. I'd suggest Blood Angels tastes would tend more towards pinups of Sanguinius rather than nekkid chicks. That sort of thing is probably more the province of the Imperial Guard.
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    lol, yeah, bewbies and hourglass hips are probably not that high on a marine's inspirational list. :) but besides the large planned decals for the side plates, a little custom pinup/icon might be a good idea.

    Anywhoo, I expect to bith finish the LR as well as the almost finished infantry in the very near future. My main reason to pause the infantry was the lack of enough decals for the BA symbols. I was planning to do a full A4 sheet of self-composed decals as I've got some printable decal paper lying around but I managed to find a FW BA decal sheet on ebay for a cheep price so now I've got little BA wings a plenty. :D
    So now I'm in no more time pressure to cook up a decal sheet in Photoshop.

    Speaking of which, I actually will have to commence soon as the decals need to be in place on the Stormraven before the weathering starts... This also creates some incentive as I also need to use the full A4 sheet for custom decals; The side panel art, the tail art, perhaps some custom size blood drops and wings, some mumbo-jumbo for scrolls, the Stormraven's name to go on the thin side plates, the pilot's name, maybe some hazard signs etc...

    As for the side art; here are some idea's I quickly composed in PS. Some feedback?

  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member

  • ArmondikovArmondikov0 Posts: 0Member
    Hang on... are you planning on somehow printing that or actually painting it? The latter would be badass, of course, but mental.
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Yup, printing, this project is already mental enough. :D
    I have both inkjet and laserjet decal paper, transparent as well as white. You cook something up, you print it, lightly seal it with a spray of varnish, and apply just as any other decal. ^^
  • IRMLIRML256 Posts: 1,993Member
    just out of interest meph, have you noticed more replies to this thread since the forums were merged?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    I don't know if he's gotten more replies, but I like the merged forums. It's nice having all the WIPs and finished art in one stop. :)

    Nice composites, Meph. Did you do the drawings or are those made from stuff you found on the web?
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Hmmm, not really I think. More views, definitely, but non-frequenters seem to be bit too timid. ^^

    *EDIT* That's artwork from the web. I'd like to draw/paint some custom work myself but I have neither the time or patience to produce something to the quality which I'd like. I have to be a bit economical or it'll never get done. :D
  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    You'll have to use white decal paper for full colour stuff like that. If you've got a colour laser, I would suggest that would be the better option.
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Yup, I've got a few A4 sheets of both white and transparent. And a mate of mine has a colour laser printer. Tech-wise I'm all set. :)
  • ArmondikovArmondikov0 Posts: 0Member
    Meph wrote: »
    *EDIT* That's artwork from the web. I'd like to draw/paint some custom work myself but I have neither the time or patience to produce something to the quality which I'd like. I have to be a bit economical or it'll never get done. :D

    What's your projected time frame? I might have some time and have been meaning to do some more 40K art.
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Well, to be honest, it could easily be several weeks before I really, really need to apply the decals. First I need to drybrush and gaze the red, mask off the to-be black sections, and paint up all the other different colour area's before I have to have the decals into place before I start weathering.
    That, combined with some work on the Large termy, means I won't be going that fast.

    If you feel the urge to flex your oldskool 2D muscles, and feel up to a directed exercise, don't feel shy. ^^
    But whatever you feel like, I won't mind using some edited existing art like I posted but of course the whole thing would look better with some specific, unique artwork.

    As a brainstorm; some more iconic work suited to the format of 6x2cm would be awesome. The 'widescreen zoom' of my quick prefabs can be considered a bit oddly modern in terms of compositon and style. I'm thinking medieval art meets soviet propaganda, in winged Angels of Death style. ^^

    Or if you really want to throw it out there. I've already decided to name the craft "Canticum Cetus" in honour of Whalemusic360 over at who was generous enough to offer me one of his hull extension sets he had ordered way before the presale sold out (and I could no longer purchase one from the producer for at least a good number of weeks). So he offered to sell me one of his, at normal price+shipping, all the way from friggin' Texas, which was awesome. :D
    So, Canticum Cetus means whale song. ^^ Somehow I find it still suits the Blood Angels, especially if you think of a Whalesong... of Doom, DOOOOM! Angry marines, force of nature, impassioned wrath, unstoppable force of impending dooooom!
  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    In that case, don't forget to include a bowl of petunias in the picture.
  • ArmondikovArmondikov0 Posts: 0Member
    DCB wrote: »
    In that case, don't forget to include a bowl of petunias in the picture.

    I wonder if it'll be friends with me? Hello ground! :D
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Oh, here's a good inspirational find.

  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Oh, very nice indeed. Good find DCB!
  • ArmondikovArmondikov0 Posts: 0Member
    I might start a 2D WIP thread to go through the process of drawing something and see if you like it enough to warrant using it, or I can post a few ideas here. Something with Sanguinius in all his bishy glory sounds like fun.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Meph wrote: »
    Oh, here's a good inspirational find.


    That's really sweet. :)
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Armondikov wrote: »
    I might start a 2D WIP thread to go through the process of drawing something and see if you like it enough to warrant using it, or I can post a few ideas here. Something with Sanguinius in all his bishy glory sounds like fun.

    Cool, sounds like a good idea. In worst case you produce a nice piece of artwork, in best case I've got something wick"ed to slap on that model, and a pilot's name to go next to the cockpit. ^^
  • BinkermanBinkerman0 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent work on the ship Meph ! ....

    What you're planning to do with some nose art and names, reminds me of a WIP pic I posted in my 40K vehicle thread way back in April 2010 ... planning out the paintjob for my Valkyrie, .. (been busy with other things and will get back to that soon) ... and shows nose art with Pilot names, .... though in this pic you can't see the pilot names that clearly, (where those red warning sign Triangles are) ... but has my name, and my dad's for the Navigator ... lost him to cancer a few years ago at only 52, ... but like to think he's somewhere watching ... making sure I don't crash and burn ...

    Whatever art you choose, you might want to try and blend it with the fuselage a bit Meph, rather than just a hard border around it, like the example you posted in Post #189 ... Think it would look better to have just part of the art, rather than trying to fit the whole piece onto the side of the ship, ... Pic attached might give you some ideas ....

    Though not entirely sure your ship would suit nose art, since its usually under the cockpit ... and think the style of your ship would suit the more military style of just a number stamped on the side (Stencil style) ... anyway, just some thoughts, ... your call Meph ...

    Great job so far mate ! :thumb: ....

    Jas Link To Full Size Pic
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, good points. I'm not going to do a separate piece of nose art. Just the bit on the side panel, and preferably that's not too contrasting or 'in-your-face'. I have to keep the look balanced and I've got already quite a few detailings planned.

    -The side panel art
    -Black blood drop shaped anti-glare marking around the cockpit
    -Two black stripes on one or both wings. (suggestions?)
    -Black tail rudders, like the Jolly Rogers
    -Symbol on said rudders, a la Jolly Rogers. I'm thinking maybe a nice 40K skull with crossed lightnings as a normal skull & crossbones does not seem appropriate on that scale on a space marine vessel. I don't want to make it too pirate'y.
  • ArmondikovArmondikov0 Posts: 0Member
    That really gives it the impression that someone airbrushed it on. Though I think that's most suitable for the Guard. With the Marines, you would kinda expect a full on mural that's been made especially and bolted on to the hull rather than painted on, so perhaps the non-integrated idea would work better there. Just a thought.
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, indeed. In any case it is actually bolted on as it's a separate plate. I think my gut feeling is saying that I should stay more or less in the Blood Angels palette, not too much contrasting colours. That means it should be predominantly red, black, golden bronze, and as secondary colours; green, white, yellow. Something in my mind keeps jumping back to the idea of a bas-relief, with 'false' depth and perspective. A bit like medieval murals and stained glass.

    This all just being random brain-spasms, wild ideas and brainstorming of course...
  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    Isn't that what normal maps are for?

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