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AnimationChris2005's Stuff



  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    trekki wrote: »
    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for the pictures of DS9 and the Phaser banks.

    No problem.
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  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member

    Those multicolored phasers were a real chore. lol
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Very cool stuff!
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    scifieric wrote: »
    Very cool stuff!

    Thanks. :D
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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    Windows 11 Pro
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    The cube is great. I support using the New Version of the Cube ala First Contact...BUT
    I think the lights should be changed to be white blue and yellow lights like the original.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann741 Posts: 1,368Member
    That seems like a good compromise. I admit that it's weird to see the Enterprise D fight a newer Borg Cube, but I can totally understand the reasoning, and the new cube feels more formidable.
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Yea, it'd be cool to see a TNG-series cube, but it's so complex, the modeling would be a nightmare... I'd considered it, but my self-esteem went down quickly. lol.

    I want to create a more Voyager-like cube the next time I use the Borg.

    I'll see what I can do about the lights though. :) Like different lights for each little inset or what exactly do you propose? Right now, each little section has one green omni light.
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member

    Something wonky going on with the Cube in the third shot... will be fixed by the next WIP video, which will likely be the last one for this project. :)

    I might not do Part II directly after this, but then again I might... just have to wait and see. ;)
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    Chris2005 wrote: »
    Yea, it'd be cool to see a TNG-series cube, but it's so complex, the modeling would be a nightmare... I'd considered it, but my self-esteem went down quickly. lol.

    I want to create a more Voyager-like cube the next time I use the Borg.

    I'll see what I can do about the lights though. :) Like different lights for each little inset or what exactly do you propose? Right now, each little section has one green omni light.

    I would do the lighting as close to the original as possible. The TNG Cube's lighting was amorphous and discreet. THere were not huge glowing sections of green just pockets of white-blue light in a crack here and there and it looked how they described it. "Borg vessels were highly decentralized, with no distinct bridge, living quarters, or engineering section." That's how the lighting looked. I think it would really unique blending to cruder Borg Cube from TNG's lighting with the complexity of the Cube from First Contact.

    I was considering doing a precise Borg Cube Thread but I couldn't nearly get enough clear views.
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Saquist wrote: »
    I would do the lighting as close to the original as possible. The TNG Cube's lighting was amorphous and discreet. THere were not huge glowing sections of green just pockets of white-blue light in a crack here and there and it looked how they described it. "Borg vessels were highly decentralized, with no distinct bridge, living quarters, or engineering section." That's how the lighting looked. I think it would really unique blending to cruder Borg Cube from TNG's lighting with the complexity of the Cube from First Contact.

    I was considering doing a precise Borg Cube Thread but I couldn't nearly get enough clear views.

    I'll see what I can do. :)
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member

    Fixed the jittery cube shot and changed the lighting a little so it's not solid green... thoughts?
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    Much, Much improved
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Saquist wrote: »
    Much, Much improved

    Awesome. :D

    I did find a render of evidently the only 3D model of TNG-series cube out there. The detail is mind-blowing, but also had to be maddening to model. xD

    I'm thinking of modifying this model when I'm done to get rid of the huge insets and just making the model look similar to the Borg Cube in Voyager.
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Part I complete here:

    Should I do Part II next, or something else... say... the Klingon vs DS9 battle from "The Way of the Warrior?" :D
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member

    I decided to do this, it's been a while since I've done a DS9 project...
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    I watched both. DS9 will be difficult...I hope you got enough RAM.
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Saquist wrote: »
    I watched both. DS9 will be difficult...I hope you got enough RAM.

    Should be... I've got 8GB... which is still mediocre. xD For a lot of the shots, the background ships look almost 2D, like all the little Bird's of Prey... so that should be easy to do and fake. The explosions will be the big hurdle... especially for debris. Might have to prepare some low poly game models to use as exploding objects to splice in with the high poly models.
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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    Windows 11 Pro
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    My new EVGA Nvidia GTX 960 SC 2GB video card arrived today. :D Viewport performance in 3ds max is so much smoother.
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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    Windows 11 Pro
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    Chris2005 wrote: »
    My new EVGA Nvidia GTX 960 SC 2GB video card arrived today. :D Viewport performance in 3ds max is so much smoother.

    Yeah I have the 980 it effectively replaced my two 580's GTX..
    At 8 Gigs your work is impressive. I figured you'd need at least 16.
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Saquist wrote: »
    Yeah I have the 980 it effectively replaced my two 580's GTX..
    At 8 Gigs your work is impressive. I figured you'd need at least 16.

    I went with this one, because it only required a single 6-pin connection and it was small, lol.

    I try to condense things... it may make the process a little more cumbersome, but what I do for the glows, etc. is once I have the layers all in place, I solo all the layers that are blended using the Add blending mode, export them out into an image sequence, re-import it, then turn off all those other layers, do the same for the elements that are "Screen" which isn't a lot since I use a Linear workflow now... so it's basically 3 layers for each object for the final comp, one is the "Diffuse" pass, then the AO pass, then the re-imported consolidated passes. :)

    Which is why I end up with so many files. xD
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member

    With some help from Tobias Richter, I was able to create a Max version of his Maya wormhole, since both programs have similar feature sets...

    Another project I've not visited in a long time... the last time I visited this sequence was back in 2010, you can see it here:
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member

    Not much progress to show, as I've been sick for the past few days, so I wasn't doing much with it, but now comes the arduous process of rendering all the Klingon ships for this first shot. xD

    Which means, I won't be trying to position all the ships in the exact same location as the original shot. I still need to get the D7/K't'inga model all ready for the project too.
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • John MarchantJohn Marchant336 Posts: 96Member
    Like it allot. Get well soon.
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Like it allot. Get well soon.

    Thanks. :) I'm pretty much all good now. :D
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
    Gigabyte RTX 3080 Gaming OC 12GB
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    Windows 11 Pro
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Heh, must've given it to me, coming down with something myself.


  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    Heh, must've given it to me, coming down with something myself.



    :p Well, I hope you have a speedy recovery. :)
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
    Gigabyte RTX 3080 Gaming OC 12GB
    1TB NVMe SSD, 2 x 1GB SATA SSD, 4TB external HDD
    32 GB RAM
    Windows 11 Pro
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member

    There are Birds of Prey in the first shot, lol. Rendering all these ships are holy cow. xD

    Just noticed I forgot the credit for the K't'inga... the K't'inga's by Prologic9. :)
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member

    Been a while since the last WIP video... not much progress, but some... because well, there's a lot of ships to render.
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    That's a lot of ships. This sort of thing was a big part of why I loved DS9 so much, they weren't afraid to push the boat out and really go all in for their space battle sequences.

  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    That's a lot of ships. This sort of thing was a big part of why I loved DS9 so much, they weren't afraid to push the boat out and really go all in for their space battle sequences.


    Thanks. :D Yea, it certainly is.
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
    Gigabyte RTX 3080 Gaming OC 12GB
    1TB NVMe SSD, 2 x 1GB SATA SSD, 4TB external HDD
    32 GB RAM
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