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3DBuilding my own Connie, finally.

StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
edited December 2010 in Work in Progress #1
Gotta jump on the bandwagon! Someone at SciFi3d mentioned that a scifi modeler building a Connie,
is like a Jedi building his lightsaber. Sooner or later, he's gotta do it. So here is where I am with my
attempt. I'm using Prologic's Connie for a size reference, and using Deg3d's awesome Connie orthos
for the detail reference.

Post edited by Starkiller on


  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    A few more shots, including one of where I am at this time.

  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    I've said this to many people before and I'll say it again now, you shouldn't use a fan made model as reference for your own, when you copy a tape you copy from the source to get the best result, if you copy from a copy you get degradation

    otherwise good start so far
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    True, but I'm just using his to get the dimensions right. As with other models I've done, I always up the detail. The Connie is a great ship, but there
    are enough models around that are absolutely faithful to the original. I'm doing what deg3d has done, building a version that would work for a
    modern audience, as I did with my Metaprobe. I believe Prologic's connie, the one I'm using for a size reference, is accurate, as it's obvious
    he's used one of the more accurate blueprint sets, though I can't remember the set he used. :)

  • StarshipStarship472 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Looking good Eric!
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Finished most of the modeling on the secondary
    hull. Just deciding how to do the bay doors. As
    with the warp nacelles, any markings common to
    all Constitution class ships get modeling,
    leaving only ship specific markings to textures.
    This Connie is based on Deg3d's model. You could
    say that it's a fanwork of a fanwork. :)

  • BuckaroohawkBuckaroohawk2 Posts: 0Member
    I've used other 3D models for size reference before, just to make sure I get the general specs of my own model right, but I hope you're not just building your own version of deg's Enterprise. Where's the fun in that? Even if you add a few details that he didn't think of you'll only end up with a slightly updated version of his model, not something you can truly call your own. In my opinion you should put deg's model out of your mind right away and strike out in a new direction. Make this Connie your own, not just a refined copy of his. Trust me, you'll like the results much more.
  • Elokim-SupremeElokim-Supreme171 Posts: 0Member
    Starkiller wrote: »
    Finished most of the modeling on the secondary
    hull. Just deciding how to do the bay doors. As
    with the warp nacelles, any markings common to
    all Constitution class ships get modeling,

    leaving only ship specific markings to textures.
    This Connie is based on Deg3d's model. You could
    say that it's a fanwork of a fanwork. :)


    How can you model the markings? it is not a texture?
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Possibly true, but since ALL Connies are basicly copies of the original Connie, what difference does it make if I use deg's orthos
    or the original orthos? It'll still be a copy of someone else's work. Point is, since this is, basicly, a homage to deg's model, as
    other's are homages to the original, the closer I can get to his Connie's 'look', the better I've succeeded.

    No, it's not a texture. Modeling markings is done using stencils on a copy of the hull, then the rest of the copied hull is deleted, the
    markings copied to the original hull layer, and moved outward from the hull by a VERY small amount, so they can be seen clearly.
    It's not too hard, but it IS tedious, though no more so than texturing. :)

  • Elokim-SupremeElokim-Supreme171 Posts: 0Member
    I see.... Anyway the model looks great.
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Secondary hull markings are done, now on to the bay doors.


    PS: Thanks to all who commented. ;)
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Bay doors done, and sectioned, in case I feel brave enough to try the Bay
    interior, as deg did. ;)

  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Just getting started on detailing the primary hull. I take back what I
    said earlier, the Primary hull IS harder than the secondary hull.

  • RAF-MXRAF-MX12 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice and clean modeling !!
    Good start ,Starkiller...
    Buen comienzo !!
  • Elokim-SupremeElokim-Supreme171 Posts: 0Member
    The lines on the saucer section - are they just texture? or modeled panels?
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    The lines are a separate material from the hull and are a very light grey. Some people don't like the grid. This way, you make the material
    white, like the hull material, and it'll go away. :) I had considered modeling it, but had no idea if it was raised or recessed. The separate
    material idea is better, IMVHO, because you can use it, or not, user's choice. ^_-

  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Detailing the Impulse engines ala deg3d, my inspiration. :)

  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,753Member
    I love the aft endcap of the nacelles. Perfect!
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Yup, deg was my inspiration for that too, though I had to guess on much of it, due to
    it being too dark to see detail in the images I had. I got close though, not exact, but
    close. :)

    Well, that completes the impulse engines. I guess I'll take a crack
    at the deflecter dish next. I also need to do the 'thingamagig' at
    the bottom of the saucer section, as well as a bit more detailing
    around the ship, lights, markings, etc.

  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Hmmm. Haven't updated for a time. Here are a few new ones of how I've done so far. :)

  • Elokim-SupremeElokim-Supreme171 Posts: 0Member
    love the details!!
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,753Member
    The warm hues make the model.
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Had to give the ol' girl a name. While ship names and numbers will
    be handled by textures, I modeled a set so that she'd no longer
    be JUST a generic Connie.

  • Elokim-SupremeElokim-Supreme171 Posts: 0Member
    Superb work! I can't wait to see texturing and lightning.
    b.t.w - which software are you using?
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Modo 3.2, as I'm not used to Modo 4 yet, though I have it. Modo's superb UVmapping tools will make UVmapping this easier, though
    by no means easy. The ship is to detailed for simple mapping. Ah well! Maybe next time, I'll do a cube, though with my habit of adding
    detail to everything, it'll likely end up as a complex Borg cube. :)

  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Too Tired after working in the heat and humidity
    all day, to do any intricate detailing, so I
    managed a few kitbash style parts, and producted
    the Saladin class destroyer, Connie's 'Little
    Sister'. Now THAT was a run on sentence! :)

  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Just finished the phaser banks, now on to the photon torpedo
    tubes. After that, just various running lights on the primary and
    secondary hulls. The model is currently just under 344,000 polys.

  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    I wanted to see if I could do a phaser style effect in Modo.
    Not too bad for a first try. She has teeth now, with phaser
    banks and photon torpedo tubes done.

  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    I have the basic Hanger Bay shaped. I had to adjust things as the
    Hanger I'm using as a reference, is only half as long as it should
    be. All the plans and hanger renders I have, show the Bay going
    from the Bay doors, to just past the warp pylons. This is not a problem
    as the ref gives me the info I need. I just need to lengthen certain
    sections after I build them.

  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Bay floor is done. I'm going to have to do a lot of improvising now.
    Even Deg's images are sparse on the rest of the detail.


    PS: Not sure if the suttlecraft is from Rduda, 4MadMen, or Xcalpro.
    It is one of them though. I wanted to test size, and the turntable
    was the exact size. Didn't need to change a thing.
  • Elokim-SupremeElokim-Supreme171 Posts: 0Member
    Awesome model... it is still without textures, right?
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