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3DMass Effect Bric-a-brac

Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
edited April 2011 in Work in Progress #1
Howdy all,

I'll be showing off any original or cannon Mass Effect related models in this thread. They're fun and easy to do, and it's a really fun universe. I'd rather play ME than watch tv any day.

I'm not going for complete accuracy, but I am attempting to model most things that would be on a bump map to see if I can get any of these made at my local 3D printer.

I'd really like to have a glass model showcase like Shepard's got in his (her) cabin. Who knows, maybe someday it'll happen!

First up, a human Fighter. Modeling time about 3 hours.

Post edited by Klavs81 on


  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Looks really good:thumb:
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Wow very nice!

    Can't wait to see what else you'll come up with, subscribed :D
  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    Model #2: Turian Frigate.

    My mouse button quit clicking. Time for a break!
  • tobiasrichtertobiasrichter334 Posts: 0Member
    The engines fit perfectly in the mass universe, but I think the middle section is much to round. It should have a couple of sharp edges, like the Normandy has.

    The Turian looks great!
  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    Tobias, I agree the fuselage section looks a little odd, but it's the correct design. They're there in ME1 if you look close enough!
  • Mister KMister K171 Posts: 0Member
    wonderful ships! :D
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Klavs, those looks great, especially the Turian. I think I might have better reference for you on the human fighter though; I'm working from some sketches from the art of Mass Effect book. I'm concentrating on a sketch for an unused fighter, but I think they have a finished image of the cannon design in there, if you're interested.
  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    Wolf, thanks for the offer but we are working off the same reference material! :)
  • Jimi JamesJimi James0 Posts: 0Member
    Man, that Turian frigate is sick. You can definitely see the Turian styles cues between their ships and what they contributed to the SR-1.

    I like your take on the human fighter as well. Very cool.
  • DarkoneDarkone177 Posts: 258Member
    You know they have a really detailed fighter in ME2. if that helps !
  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    Darkone wrote: »
    You know they have a really detailed fighter in ME2. if that helps !

    Um, where?
  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    I was poking through ME1's files last night having a look at what ship models were there and I found some I thought you might be interested in Klavs81. There were no textures, so I don't think these were actually used in the game, at least not these exact models anyway.

    The Turian fighter was actually labelled as a Human fighter, but I'm pretty sure I saw it (or something very similar) elsewhere referred to as Turian.

    Here are a couple of other models that were used in the game:
  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    DCB, that's good stuff. I've also been using the model viewer for reference on top of the Art book, but haven't been able to export anything.

    Mostly I've been taking screenshots, rotating and overlaying, and filling in the details. The most frustrating thing about the model viewer is that it doesn't display iso views, so I have to correct for perspective. If I could lay my hands on the in-game SR1 & SR2 extracts for general dimensions it would make my life a lot easier!

    I am modeling all the surface details, so my models will hopefully be suitable for some pretty good closeups.

    Here's a little progress on the SR-1
  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    Also, I squared up the fuselage of the Human Fighter and added some more details. Think I'm done with this one except for maybe a cockpit and some textures.

    I usually enjoy texturing more than modeling, but these ships are an excercise in modeling, to the textures will have to wait.
  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    Another update on the SR-1.
  • DarkoneDarkone177 Posts: 258Member
    You doing fine!
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Your doing a great job:)
  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good. Some nice details there.

    If you are going to get physical models made, it would be nice to know how much fine detail you can reproduce and at what scale the ship needs to be. I'm kind of tempted to look into it myself.
    Klavs81 wrote: »
    I've also been using the model viewer for reference on top of the Art book, but haven't been able to export anything.
    What model viewer is that? I just extracted the meshes from the game files using Gildor's Unreal Model Viewer and his Actor X Max plugin.
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    DCB wrote:
    I just extracted the meshes from the game files using Gildor's Unreal Model Viewer and his Actor X Max plugin.

    LoL awesome! I'll have hours of fun digging through ME2's packages now :D

    Seems like you could get those extracts now, Klavs81 :)

    Can't wait to see more, very cool models you#re building here!
  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    Well, I finally got it extracted, good for reference, but not a printable 3D model by a long shot.

    Mine will be an original model, built on top of the reference file, but with panel lines & hull plating modeled in.
  • JohnnyMuffintopJohnnyMuffintop173 Posts: 0Member
    Sounds fantasmic, looking forward to it.
  • ServoNosServoNos0 Posts: 0Member
    Am I being a total noob or is there a reason I can't see any of these awesome ships? :(
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    the thread's a year old, they probably got deleted
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