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Blender vs Autodesk 3ds mas 9

DreekaDreeka0 Posts: 0Member

Which is the better program for beginners? I have both, and i would like to hear your opinion!

Thanks :D
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  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    Both have strengths and weaknesses. You need to find out which best suits your work flow and then go for that one as both are capable of producing similar results but both have distinctly different interfaces and methods to achieve that result

    The only caveat is that if you are planning on trying to break into one of the 3d professional industries then Max would be better than Blender purely because it is more widely used by professional 3d companies. You might also want to consider Maya, Lightwave or C4D if you are thinking about professional work
  • DreekaDreeka0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for your help!

    I dont want to break into industry, but i would like to use some of my models in my games.
    Also, what can you tell me abouth the other programs?
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