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3DClose encounters of the third kind

harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
edited July 2012 in Work in Progress #1
I am working on the mothership of the classical UFO movie "Close encounters of the third kind" directed by Steven Spielberg.It is just a basic mesh by now.It needs some special lighted textures and uncountable lights to make it similar to the movie one.I guess,I will blow up my computer with it:lol:
Maybe I will post it as a 3ds Max Model next time if some one is interested!
I will be glad to get your opinions...
Post edited by harry33 on


  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771405 PNWPosts: 763Member
    *looks for R2D2 in the greebles*

    Good start so far.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1216 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,644Member
    That's awesome! IDK if anyone here has done this ship before. :)
  • nova1701dmsnova1701dms331 Posts: 0Member
    Looking forward to seeing more. Good start!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Can't wait for this one to be finished!
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    But, lighting it is going to be a stone-cold be-yowtch!

  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnn
  • TallguyTallguy351 Posts: 468Member
    First time I've ever seen this one done. Very exciting!
    Bill "Tallguy" Thomas All I ask is a tall ship...
    Various Work: U.S.S. Constellation - Matt Jefferies Concept Shuttle
  • deg3Ddeg3D0 Posts: 0Member
    Coolness, 'bout time, eh. Good choice. :)

  • ChrisTOPherChrisTOPher0 Posts: 0Member
    such a classic and iconic Vessel.
    i just picked up a collectors edition of the film the other day. im still debating on weather or not to open it and watch haha.
    great start btw :P
  • harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
    Hello guys!
    Wow, I was starting with this two and a half years before? Time flies... OK, a little update: The mesh is completely done and all details and textures are finished. But the lighting... It was disappointing. However, many lights were looking good- but my computer crashes all the time. Less lights- my computer was running properly, but it was looking crappy. The same with rendering in videopost. Just a few weeks ago I have made some tests with a new light add on for my 3ds Max program. It works very good. Short rendering time with some fantastic results. So I exspect to add some new renders of it in this week. Stay tuned....
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    You might have already tried that, but if you use the attenuation settings of the lights to limit their effective influence radius, maybe that could speed renders up, too?
  • harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
    Melak, thank you for this advice!
    I really treasure every help on this. Yes, I have tried this before, but it doesnt help really. It shortened the rendertime only a little. I have changed some lights to glowing textures and use now Cebas final flare and it works very good and fast.
    The fact is : The original ship was looking so impressive because of the fantastic light settings. At this time (1977) no computer was involved and so the lights were working very real. My goal is it to catch this effect.

    Thanks again Melak- and Greetings to my hometown!
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    does it need lights? I wouldn't have thought the little dots all over the ship actually cast noticeable light, it may be that you can get away with leaving them as just a luminous surface
  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    Looks like a good start. But I've always wondered what a Close encounter of the 4th kind is?
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    Capt Dave wrote: »
    Looks like a good start. But I've always wondered what a Close encounter of the 4th kind is?

  • harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
    These two photos are showing the difference between my old and new light setting. I was not happy with the glowing of the old lights. Meanwhile I have deleted the "city section" of the ship and construct a new one. The buildings were made with help of a greeble add on. So they are not cylinders. The new ones will be cylinders with new textures.
  • harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
    IRML, yes, I have deleted the lights and have added lighted textures only. But it wasnt looking good. Maybe you can search for some movie scenes in the internet. It has many small light dots- right. But there is also some different glows at the ship. This all together makes it to this special kind of ship. But I guess, I am on a good way now!
    Thank you for your advice!!!!
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    Great work on Jein's ship.
  • harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
    Happy Anniversary Roswell!

    I thought to make picture for this event.
    Made with 3ds Max and Vue 10.
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    Very Good work.
    I haven't seen the film in a long time but the nostalgia is strong
  • roldyroldy0 Posts: 1Member
    I would love to get a 3D model of the spaceship. I'm attempting to recreate this in minecraft.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    @roldy two things:
    1. First, this topic hasn't seen any action since 2012, so odds are that you won't reach harry33 this way, and he might not be working on this anymore.
    2. Second, you really shouldn't just go around people's project threads asking for models. It's kind of rude, and against the rules here. Please have a read through the Community Guidelines, when you get a chance.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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