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Creating engine flare effect in maya?

Sly AssassinSly Assassin0 Posts: 0Member
Ok so I've searched high and low all over google and various other places for a nicely explained tutorial on using maya to create an engine flare effect.

So far I've fiddled with using a volume light, parti_volume material and the mat material with various settings altered according to some tuts I read, but none of them worked right or I missed something simple :(

I was wondering if there is anyone here that would mind telling me in a simple way how to make the engine flare effect? I'm learning as much as I can about this on my own but I don't seem to be getting close to what I want.

Thanks alot.

Post edited by Sly Assassin on


  • Sly AssassinSly Assassin0 Posts: 0Member
    Bump, anyone at all able to help?
  • Sly AssassinSly Assassin0 Posts: 0Member
    bumpy bumpy, anyone?
  • <:K.I.S:><:K.I.S:>0 Posts: 0Member
    Hi. First of all what style of engine flare are you wanting BSG....... etc
    Wat colour.......
  • Sly AssassinSly Assassin0 Posts: 0Member
    I'm wanting to do a style like what Meph is using for his Hercules... Basically it's sort of like a cone out the back of the engine.
  • tobiasrichtertobiasrichter334 Posts: 0Member
    IA’m guessing you want more of an exhaust/thruster then a flare. A flare IA’d do always in post, much easier to control and the achieve the right effect - and to avoid rerendering if it doesnA’t look right. For an exhaust, IA’d use a sphere shaped like a flame and apply a shader using the facing ratio attribute (e.g. create a lambert, make it transparent - add a ramp to the incandescence. Then create a sampler info node (in the hypershader/create maya nodes/general utilities section) and connect the facing ratio output to the v-coord of the ramp (if its a v-ramp). Now the angle of the object in relation to the camera controls what color of the ramp will be used. That way, you can fade out the thruster at the edges very easily (in that case white on top of the ramp, fading quickly to black). Hope that helps...
  • Sly AssassinSly Assassin0 Posts: 0Member
    sorry must of missed this along time ago, I'll give that a shot later I think and see how I go, got a new ship I'm making and will be neededing a exhaust/thruster look for it at some stage :)
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