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3DTrek Border Cutter / Scout



  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Well, I like them both. They look pretty good in shape.

    And Starship's right. It kinda looks like the BSG...
  • NevetsNevets201 EarthPosts: 134Member
    Love the little scout/cutter ship. The freighter looks like a cross between a Space: 1999 Eagle and a Battlestar.
  • NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
    BorgMan: I already posted a top-down pic of the bridge area. Look up a few posts.

    Yeah, I know it has a pretty obvious similarity to BSG, but that really wasn't intentional. In case you're curious, here's the design that inspired me (you'll see right away that I went my own way with it once I got going):
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771268 PNWPosts: 759Member
    For some reason, that concept image looks like a cross between a hammerhead shark and an electric razor to me.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Great job,
    But your *really* need to downsize the impulse engine compartment if you want your ship to look like it belongs in the Star Trek universe. (even hyper-maneuverable ships like the Defiant do not need impulse engines of any appreciable size)

    The large tail/engine section is also what makes it look so much like a BSG ship, so reducing that will kill two birds with one stone. ;)
  • jimi kanejimi kane0 Posts: 0Member
    ^Agreed bout the engines at the back.

    Overall, very cool dude, I like it. Theres something about non trek looking ships but with the trek components, i've always liked that.
  • NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
    So shall I set up a poll for whether or not the engines should be downsized? I suppose that I CAN do it, but I'm still kind of partial to the different/unconventional look that it has.

    Anyway... no new progress on the ship or its interior, I'm sorry to say. But I've got good reason: I got a new phone. Yes, indeed. The BlackBerry Curve 8310. I've been spending the last few days trying to configure it to my tastes and figure out how to connect it to my laptop so that I can surf the 'net from my barracks instead of finding a wireless node in a public place (I hate people looking over my shoulder while working). So that's one thing which has taken up my time.

    The other thing which has taken up a lot of my time lately is Phasing up. "Phasing up" is where a soldier in AIT gets the opportunity to earn more priveleges and freedoms by transitioning from one "Phase" of training to another. When we arrive here we start at Phase IV, which pretty much means you're the company's bitch/laborer. But after 4-6 weeks of being here, we get to transition to Phase V, which means that we get a LOT less work detail during our "free time", we get to leave the base for the weekends, we get to wear civilian clothes during our free time, we get to smoke and pretty much enjoy life. In order to get Phase V status, though, a soldier must jump through all kinds of hoops and wait for their platoon sergeant to get around to actually doing the necessary inspections/tests to qualify you. So for the last week I've been obsessing about getting my wall locker organized to "standard", getting my Class A uniform in perfect and pristine condition, studying for my Army Knowledge Exam (on top of passing my normal school exams- I got a 99% in Switches and Routers this week, BTW), being able to sing the Army Signal Corps song, the Army Marching song and reciting the Soldier's Creed flawlessly (not a single word missed or wrong, otherwise you fail) and having other sundry administrative details in order. It's a severe pain in the ass, but when it's done, you KNOW that you've earned your rights and priveleges.

    So I got my new phone and I am now wearing my new Yellow/Phase V Badge (and my blue jeans!!). I think the Artemis could stand to be on hold for a little while, hmm? :)

    But I'll try to get more done soon. Just let me know if I should do a poll regarding the impulse engines.
  • StarshipStarship466 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,977Member
    Congrats for the Phase V. Based upon what you have wrote, Army can be a pain indeed. :)
    I think that a pool isn't needed. Go ahed with the current version.
  • CaptainTomCaptainTom171 Posts: 0Member
    Well personally, as I expressed in an earlier post, I would reduce them (look out of place being so mis-scaled on a Trek ship) but having said that I agree with Starship. I don't think a poll is needed as frankly it's your design and therefore yours to do with as you please regardless of the opinions of others.

    Solisit constructive criticism and advice sure but it's your call if you take it on board or choose not to act on it - when all is said and done yours is the only opinion that matters where your creation is concerned.

  • SDGreywolfSDGreywolf0 Posts: 0Member

    It is good to see you doing updates while going through AIT...The Artemis is a sweet design for a small vessel and I look forward to seeing more about this design, and maybe even the the dimensions.

    It is also good to know that you are doing well in AIT and I think you are going to be a good soldier, probably better than I was.

    Best of luck with your duties and I hope your family is doing well.
  • NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
    Just trying something out here- I wanna see if I can post images via my Blackberry phone. If successful, I should be able to post updates more frequently.
  • NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
    Well. It's official: I WILL be able to post updates more frequently. It'll be somewhat of a pain in the ass, but it'll be doable.

    And in case you're wondering, yes, that's a recent image I created with my Athena model. I'm not sure of who made the warbird, though. Bailey, maybe?
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    that is a interesting comp. a TNG era Warbird with a pretos/tos eara NX style. more like an oh shyt pic. lol

    Title of the pic should read "Pucker Facter 10"
  • NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
    Uhm. Yeah, "Pucker Factor 10" is certainly descriptive, but I think "Outclassed" says it with a little less... humor. At any rate... still nothing new going on with the Artemis. Well, that's not entirely true, but there's nothing appreciable to show... yet. Wait. That's not entirely true, either. I scaled the aft/impulse engine section down and it does indeed look LOTS better. I'll post some pics of the revised version in a few minutes....
  • NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
    Pics of the revised ship.
  • StarshipStarship466 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,977Member
    The new shape looks quite good, except by the naceles sitting directly underside the ship... Maybe joinned to the side of her "arms" could be a better choice. ;) Anyway, if the current version is in your heart, go ahead! :)
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    What about this idea.......
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I second Starships thought...
    The nacelles right under that ship just looks ... silly...

    No offence.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I like your new update! Much better, IMO!
  • NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
    No offense taken. The nacelles stay where they are because they have another purpose: landing struts. Moving them further out spreads the unsupported area out too much and adds undue stress on them. But does it help that I'd already considered it?
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Yea, I like the dorsal-mounted V2.0, rather than ventral-mounted nacelle concept.
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    No offense taken. The nacelles stay where they are because they have another purpose: landing struts. Moving them further out spreads the unsupported area out too much and adds undue stress on them. But does it help that I'd already considered it?

    eeek, Narcels as landing struts. to me that would cause undo stress on them.

    I personaly would not go with the narcels/ landing strut idea, If you like them on the belly then that is just fine, But I would design an actual landing system.

    Honestly, I like what your doing, maybe you could do varients of your boarder scout, with different types of narcel placements. Different versions that have different/ upgraded systems. that would be a fun WIP to watch.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Runabouts use the skids on the bottom of the nacelles to land on.

    It works... it's sci-fi, man! ;)
  • kborakkborak1 Posts: 0Member
    I really like the changes youve made to this thing. Im liking this ship better than the Defiant!
  • NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
    I'll try a variant with the nacelles as Starship suggested, just to see how it looks. In all honesty I hadn't seen his proposed pic until now (pics take a LONG time to download on my cell phone). Hopefully I will have something new to show tomorrow.
  • NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
    Okay. Either I need to resize the nacelles if I'm going to use them in this configuration OR I'll need to completely redesign them. Either way, I'm not too fired up about this variation.
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771268 PNWPosts: 759Member
    A redesign might work, but I think the main issue is how the engines are mounted to the ship. Those pylons don't exactly look good to me, much less match the design of the rest of the ship.

    Try rebuilding those engine pylons before redesigning the engines. That might look better over all.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    :) Jay, I like this so far. What's your idea on redesign? Smaller... or?
  • SDGreywolfSDGreywolf0 Posts: 0Member

    I came up with 3 possible names for this vessel...

    1) Kit Carson
    2) William F. Cody
    3) James Hickok

    The reason for these names is because they were famous scouts of the old west...Just thought I would pitch them out to ya.

    Both versions look sweet and could both be 2 different classes of Scout Vessel.
  • kborakkborak1 Posts: 0Member
    Hrmm i think i like it with the pylons on the bottom, personally.
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