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3DImperial Star Destroyer



  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    Nice job! You might want to take a look at Jedilaws (insane) project of doing a 200% accurate scale model of an ISD.
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    Im no where near the level of Fractlesponge and Jedilaw. primarly when I started this it was going to be a learner mesh and I was going to push the limits of the laptop and SU. but I have blender on the side for the greeblepalooza Im not sure how mine is going to turn out but either way im building it from scratch usen Fractle's ortho. So im already proud of myself.

    on a side note, im kinda stuck with the computer I have because I was a bad boy and did a impulse buy. 42" High def plasma with surround sound system and a X360. Lets just say I really tested the "Its better to ask for forgiveness than for permission" statement. So untill the fires of that battle have gone down i have to play it cool. Or i could nuke the whole situation and get my dream machine.

    What would yous do?? lol
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    What do you guyz think about this.
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    Bridge section added, with my own personal touch to the rear setion.
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    Missile Launch system that houses 17 meter diameter missiles.

    update: Imperial ship designation is ISS "Imperial Star Ship"
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Looks pretty good so far :thumb: A bit different from the typical destroyer but it's always nice to see someone add a little twist to the design :D
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    docprice wrote: »
    Im no where near the level of Fractlesponge and Jedilaw. primarly when I started this it was going to be a learner mesh and I was going to push the limits of the laptop and SU. but I have blender on the side for the greeblepalooza Im not sure how mine is going to turn out but either way im building it from scratch usen Fractle's ortho. So im already proud of myself.

    on a side note, im kinda stuck with the computer I have because I was a bad boy and did a impulse buy. 42" High def plasma with surround sound system and a X360. Lets just say I really tested the "Its better to ask for forgiveness than for permission" statement. So untill the fires of that battle have gone down i have to play it cool. Or i could nuke the whole situation and get my dream machine.

    What would yous do?? lol

    I would suppose the answer to that last question depends on one's preference for solitary sex versus sex with a live partner.

    As for who has reached what level of modeling skill, never let anyone else's work intimidate you. Rather, use it for inspiration. I downloaded Fractalsponge's ISD from scifi3d, and I took that sucker apart piece by piece to learn his greeble techniques. Seeing how awesome his version was, I knew there was no point in doing another "artistic interpretation" of the ISD, so I decided to go for greeble-for-greeble accuracy (as much as possible, at least). Point being, when I started the project Fractalsponge was way, way beyond my skill level (and I'd say he still is, he's just moved on to other projects than the ISD), but I was able to see his skills as a positive opportunity to learn.

    Good luck with your version.
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    i tried exporting the superstructure as a 3ds but the model keeps messing up i can email you the 3ds in the morning if you still want it but u think your passed that bit now, no?
    looking good anyway! I think your missile launchers should be torpedo launchers, i think the SD from clone wars and after have giant torpedo launchers when they commence a planetary bombardment? 17m diameter seems like a big size for a missile?
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    Update: design flaw with the Missile launchers. 17 meters is unplauseable and unrealistic. So instead of 1 door houseing 1 projectile, it will now hole 3. and I agree, torpedos are more suited to the SW universe.

    Total diameter of the tube is 18 meters. Each torpedo is 5m in diameter, with 1m space inbetween each torp. that leaves room for a 2m space between torps and tube wall. So 32*3 = 96 possible torps in 1 volly reloadable 3-4 vollys= payload of 288 - 384 torps. That seems more reasonable.

    as always I welcome input, if there are any ideas please send them my way.
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    Not to rain on your parade or anything, but the general assumption with Star Destroyers has always been that whatever missle launchers they have are mounted along the midline trench. You might consider placing some missle turrets in the trench, instead of using nuclear-sub style launch doors. Of course, there's no reason you have to stick with prior ISD designs.
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    I dont see any rain on my parade. And yes all prior SD did have there launch doors on the side, but since space is a 3D battle field I figured it wouldnt matter where the doors were at. So I wanted to try the Sub style doors. This also fits with my short story, During the rein of Palpatine, he had all types of experiments and projects going on from genetics/robotics for the ultimate warrior to Ungodly space machines of mass destruction. From the Super Star Destroyers/ Death Stars / and I belive Centerpoint Station capable of shooting any target from any where in the galaxy. This falls in line of a experimental SD design wiched focused on the raw destructive power of saturateing the target with torps. Long range support/ plantary bombardment on a chasis in mass production. Can you imagen 3-4 of theese types of SD's playing a support role to a preinvasion planetery bombardment. Sine this ship is a prototype only one was constructed.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    @Docprice: Centerpoint Station was built somewhere around 25,000 years prior to SW:IV, and was used to make the Corellian planetary system

    Everything else looks good!
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    Yea you got to it before I could edite my self, I wanted to double check on that and just got finished reading:shiner:

    But Palpatine did desire the power of Centerpoint.
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    I need some help on nameing the baby, Its being constructed during the Thrawn era and the rise and fall and rise again of Empror Palpatine. Also if I remember my time line correctly this is also a time when more force sensitives were starting to surface. That is Idea #1

    The story takes place 30 year after "A New Hope" during the Yuhhzang Vong War Where Commander Drass Orak under the command of Grand Admiral Pealoen the Imperial Reminent as a whole are all to confident that they can repell any attack by the Yuhhzan Vong but the there are other who do not feel so confident and begin to think of ways to better the odds. This SD is one of thoose way, Where it can quickly Saturate an incomeing fleet with multiple vollys of torpedo fire before the defending fleet comes into Turbo laser range.

    It is widely known that the Yuhhzan Vong dispise the Jedi and have called forth a galaxy wide bounty for every jedi, proclaiming that they will stop thier invasion if all the Jedi are turned over to the Vong. The Prototype ship on its shake down voyage the ISS Superior comes across a diabled transport ship with heavy signs of battle damage. The Commander decides to bring the ship into its main bay and investigate. There are a few survivors, mostly refugees from the Continueing Vong Onslaught that has left many systems in ruins. One of theese female survivors has captured the intrest of the Commander Drass Orak because she has been identified as a Jedi Le'sier Twailyn. The jedi survivor was taken to medical and placed in a batca tank. Now its know that the Imperial Reminant dose not get along with the New Republic but that dosent mean they are going to surrender thier own people to outside invaders. Commander Orak Reports back to Fleet command at Bastion and is given direct orders to bring The Jedi back to Imperial Space. Moments after reciveing the orders the transport attackers make them selfs known, it was a small strike force consisting of 2 frigate anologs, 3 gunship anologs and about 20 fighters. Now for any other Star Destroyer this would be no match but for an experimental ship ment for long rang assualt and a untested crew this could be problmatic. After 20 mins. of exchangeing fire the attackers were dispatch with the SD takeing minor dmg. But one of the frigate anologs got extremly luck and was able to dmg the Hyper drive system. This renderd a straight jump home impossible. The hyper drive was unstable and lossign power, which ment for a long trip home with a series of short jumps. over the course of the trip home the Jedi and the Commander begin to become close and this leads to the Commanders internal conflict about his orders. He debates this fact many times over with his new found friend and she assures him that his internal conflict is not needed. Apon reaching Imperial space and space dock at Bastion the Jedi is taken from his custody and hurried away in great secreatcy. Later Commander Orak tries to find out what happend to His friend but is given the usual run arround or told that he dose not have clearance. He hears through rumors that the Jedi captive is going to trialed and executed for crimes against the Empire. Letting emotion get the better of him, he decides that this can not happen and begines to come up with a plan to rescue the Jedi.

    update: Jedi Knight Le'sier Twailyn was Formaly of the Imperial Reminant Navy. She was born on Bastion the new home world of the Empire. Le'sier was commissioned the same time Drass was in the Acadamy. While serveing in the Imperial Navy she discovered that she was force sensitive, after some deep comptemplation and years of debate Le'sier decided to journey to the Jedi Acadamy on Yavin IV.

    Thats all I got right now.
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    How about "Ball Crusher" (your avatar inspired me)... Nice model BTW...
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    send me the SU files ill send you a SU greeble tutorial on monday
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    nice design and story idea, I'm looking forward to seeing both completed.
  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    During the Thrawn Crisis the Empire couldnt field many if any news ships , most of their hit and fade assualts resulted in grabbing any cruisers, transports, and bulk frieghters they could get their hands on culminating in the assualt on Sluis Van.

    But there is no reason she couldnt have been built during the events in Dark Empire deep, deep in the core. From all the pics of Byss there are a good hundred capital ships in orbit at any time.

    Missiles are cool and all(and all the big Imp ships had them) but the Empire as well as other factions focused primarily on turbolasers and secondly on ion cannon batteries. Both recharge rapidly but need some down time to cool. Missiles whether they be concussion missiles or proton torpedoes are throw away ordanace- the last line of defence realy. TIE fighters were pretty much the real missiles of the Empire. If something came in just launch a four ship flight of TIEs(they and their pilots where expendable after all to a certain extent). I dont think the Empire could afford to field or would field many such missile secondary ISDs during the time frame you mentioned.. But...shes a prototype and she is YOUR ship. Carry on.

    I look forward to reading your completed backstory on her .:)
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    During the Thrawn Crisis the Empire couldnt field many if any news ships , most of their hit and fade assualts resulted in grabbing any cruisers, transports, and bulk frieghters they could get their hands on culminating in the assualt on Sluis Van.

    But there is no reason she couldnt have been built during the events in Dark Empire deep, deep in the core. From all the pics of Byss there are a good hundred capital ships in orbit at any time.

    Missiles are cool and all(and all the big Imp ships had them) but the Empire as well as other factions focused primarily on turbolasers and secondly on ion cannon batteries. Both recharge rapidly but need some down time to cool. Missiles whether they be concussion missiles or proton torpedoes are throw away ordanace- the last line of defence realy. TIE fighters were pretty much the real missiles of the Empire. If something came in just launch a four ship flight of TIEs(they and their pilots where expendable after all to a certain extent). I dont think the Empire could afford to field or would field many such missile secondary ISDs during the time frame you mentioned.. But...shes a prototype and she is YOUR ship. Carry on.

    I look forward to reading your completed backstory on her .:)

    Im gonna go with the Yuhzan Vong War era. Idea #2
  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Cool. Knowing the Imps there are probably stockpiles upon stockpiles of biological and chemical agents laying around from the time of Palpatine and his reign. Just be sure to load those payload canisters to the gills with the stuff for some Anti-Vong action. She would make for ...say a hit and fade assualt on a worldship -come out right on top of her, launch all her poison at point blank range for maximum effect, then run up to haste. I mean POST HASTE...if you know what I mean.
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    Yea if the Vong Dovin Basals do grab her first. Maybe some experimental Inertial dampners that can be extanded past the hull of the ship and renforced before hyper jump to protect the ship from the Dovan's gravity well?
  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Hmmmm.......I will have to think on that- since that would be a strike mission why not load all the bays with tons of small "chaf like" objects. Use them like a buffer- jetison them all at one to give the dovin basil something to tractor against while you jump.
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    you might be on to something. it was proven that when the doven basil began to get stressed on level of work the gravity wells became weaker thus limiting thier effectiveness.

    I say use rocket assited mines. The Vong will sence the mines as a threat and redirect doven basil power, then blow your load on torps and hyper out.
  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Thats sounds like it would work. Rick its either that or drop in a bunch of pissed off gardeners!:D

    Alright get back to the ship!:thumb:
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    lol alright, muahahah
  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member
    Lookin good so far...the greebles on that thing are gonna be a helluva task in SU though....phew!
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    i worked on the SD a little bit while i have been traveling round the country over the weekend. Ive fleshed out the upper and lower hulls to scale, i couldnt open your iwo file in blender or poser so you wll have to send it in 3ds or SU.
    Ive also started on the bay, its not to scale and ive only done 16 clamps when there should be 18. Im just concentrating on creating the components at the moment and ill scale it later. Im not sure if we should do a fully detailed hanger we could get away with bits by using clever texture maps! SU doesnt agree with high poly counts but we could also just construct in components and export into blender of max to assemble and render.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    I believe that is my ISD v1 hangar. Don't think Jedilaw's finished the hangar yet for his.
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for your help, I really was have a horrific time with the main hanger.

    @liam. I did email you a zipped SU file. ill try again later today. My desktop went completly Kaputz and my laptop is comeing up on the ancient time zone. I see your useing a MAC, how do you like it. I havent used a MAC in 20 years and at that time they only had 2 tone screens, green and black. I havent decided on a system to buy.
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    I believe that is my ISD v1 hangar. Don't think Jedilaw's finished the hangar yet for his.

    a) It's yours, as it is more consistent with the Devastator hangar than the Avenger; and b) no, I haven't finished mine, though it is about 85% complete.

    Part of the problem of such a huge project is you get sick of looking at the same thing, and get the urge to switch to some different area. Myself, I am sick to death of the conning tower area, but I don't want to leave it alone and go work on something else, because I want to actually have a finished section to show.
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