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3DUSS Blackfoot: Grandeur's assault ship

theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
edited February 2014 in Work in Progress #1
Okay... we started another USS Grandeur related project. This one is being done by "Smallworld" and is looking great! He will be also posting pics along with me as the project moves along.

Blackfoot is the assault ship that is carried in the aft bay on USS Grandeur. Some of you might remember me posting pics in the Grandeur thread. She is deployed in combat situations as added firepower.

Here's some inwork shots of her...

th_beauty1f.jpg th_beauty1e.jpg th_beauty1d.jpg th_beauty1c.jpg th_beauty1b.jpg
Post edited by theCommander on


  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Looks impressive.
    So I take it, that this ship is sort of a (heavy-)gunboat?

    I like it, I'm looking forward to the final version.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Yes, you're right. Thanks!!
  • SomersetSomerset0 Posts: 0Member
    I like the design and modelling of it, however it doesn't look very Starfleet. Is there some sort of back story that explains the strange design and weaponadry?
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Well, she isn't a Starfleet designed vessel, Somerset. Her mother ship, USS Grandeur, is part of the Interstellar Federation Taskforce (IFT for short), and that is a more special ops division of the Federation government that is in the first group of starships on the front lines... well, they actually start the front lines. They go in, get the job done by what ever means neccissary, and get back out.

    The Blackfoot is an assault ship carried by USS Grandeur, with a gunship style mission type, designed to... well, assault. She has ablative armor, pulse cannons, at least six 180 deg rotation phaser turrets, two torpedo launchers, flack guns, maybe even a couple of combat drones. Small ships that can separate or launch from her payload, with phasers or micro-torps on board that can maneuver separately and cause tactical headaches to opponents. They could scout out dangerous space too. Hmmm, lots of things that they could do. Three interchangable mission pods for the back (mini-nacelle, sensor module, and a tactical module) for just the right combo needed for the mission.

    Oh, and let's not leave out an evac-shuttle that comes out of the back. Now, donA’t fret about the ship in the pic here, it's a quick shoebox shuttle to show the size possible. Ten people (could fit inside) at a pinch and would be fine...


  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Well, she isn't a Starfleet designed vessel, Somerset. Her mother ship, USS Grandeur, is part of the Interstellar Federation Taskforce (IFT for short), and that is a more special ops division of the Federation government that is in the first group of starships on the front lines... well, they actually start the front lines. They go in, get the job done by what ever means neccissary, and get back out.

    The Blackfoot is an assault ship carried by USS Grandeur, with a gunship style mission type, designed to... well, assault. She has ablative armor, pulse cannons, at least six 180 deg rotation phaser turrets, two torpedo launchers, flack guns, maybe even a couple of combat drones. Small ships that can separate or launch from her payload, with phasers or micro-torps on board that can maneuver separately and cause tactical headaches to opponents. They could scout out dangerous space too. Hmmm, lots of things that they could do. Three interchangable mission pods for the back (mini-nacelle, sensor module, and a tactical module) for just the right combo needed for the mission.

    Oh, and let's not leave out an evac-shuttle that comes out of the back. Now, donA’t fret about the ship in the pic here, it's a quick shoebox shuttle to show the size possible. Ten people (could fit inside) at a pinch and would be fine...



    Nice Work on the Tomahawk Class U.S.S. Blackfoot. This is a cool and original ship design. The only gripe I have is the Curved Warp/Impulse Engine Nacelles, I'm not a big fan those type of Nacelles. In my opinion there is to much curvature with those nacelles. Since this is going to be a Arsenal/Gunship. That ship should be armed to the teeth, It should have all the cutting edge weapons that Starfleet in there arsenal. As for the Phaser Turrets, there totally obsolute. I would go with a Phaser Dome, Its similiar to the Phaser Strips, but with Phaser array built with in a Dome and it would have 360 degree arc of fire.

    If I was going to design a Arsenal ship it would have

    Phaser strips
    Phaser Dome x10
    Pulse Phaser cannons x6
    Photon/Quantum Torpedo Tubes x10
    Phalanx Rotary Micro Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Placed on top of the middle of the hull. It can be extended and retracted into the hull)
    Micro Photon/Quantum Torpedo Tubes x6
    Self Replicating Mines
    Drones x10
    Adaptive Masking Camouflage
    Holographic Masking Camouflage
    Regenerative Shields
    Metaphasic Shields
    Ablative Armor

    Good work and Keep the updates coming. I'll be keeping my eye on this project!!! :thumb:
  • TonyStarkTonyStark0 Posts: 0Member
    splendid work mate, which program did u use to make this ?
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    wow, cool idea...
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Awsome ship :thumb: It looks like a mix of the Defiant and "Sarajevo" from Enterprise :D It will be a really interesting model once finished .
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Actually it is a better refab of the old Banzai class fighter by Paul Cargile (who gave permission)...


    ... but once Smallworld and I started the thing, he felt it would be easier to just start from scratch. We wanted something "outside the box", like some of Grandeur-A's design is, so we just went with the flow.


    :thumb:I love Brian's BSG influences (one of the reasons I asked him to join the project), which is really good for the Blackfoot, because we want a grittier, rugged looking ship with teeth. LOL... we were just saying about a week or so ago that her body looks kinda like the Defiant... but it wasn't planned. Once we get the ablative armor all on, it'll look quite different. Of course the coloring of the raw model right now makes it look Cardassian or some other alien race. He'll get to that as the model and time permits.

    I'm working on textures right now, so I'll show my progress in here with that and the markings. Here's a colorized one I did back before the armor and scaling (3x bigger now) came in to play...

  • StarshipStarship474 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,984Member
    The plates and weapons of smallworldA’s version makes me think in a crossover with galactica universe. ;) Anyway, looks cool.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    :) Yes it does and it is sweet!! That's what we're looking for.
  • CaptainRoopCaptainRoop0 Posts: 0Member
    This is looking really good, glad to see that this tread got started. I of course get the distinct advantage of seeing alot of this ahead of time but it is so nice to see it in this type of a thread and read all of the great comments.

    Smallworld and theCommander are doing a excellent job on this ship, looking better all the time. I know she is no where finished yet but maybe theCommander will give us an in works beauty shot of her in one of his fantasic space scene :)
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    For all of you who don't know where the Blackfoot docking bay is, this doctored image will help. :)


    And here's the texture test I mentioned. I sent it out to project members Monday for comments. This coloring looks more contemporary to Trek ships, huh?

  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    :thumb: LOL... well, I'm trying to get Tobain to render a section of the station where BF is docked to right now to use as a backdrop when Brian renders inwork shots. But... Andrew is pretty bogged down/burned out lately (don't blame him). We'll have to see.

    :) Here's that class logo...


    ...and thread logo requested...

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    The top-view looks impressive.
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    the only thing I'm not crazy about is the top nacelle. I think it looks better without it, otherwise it is great.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Well, on behalf of Smallworld and the rest, thanks!
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    mega drool!!!!!! uber-sweet!!!!!
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    For all of you who don't know where the Blackfoot docking bay is, this doctored image will help. :)


    And here's the texture test I mentioned. I sent it out to project members Monday for comments. This coloring looks more contemporary to Trek ships, huh?


    I guess my ideas were alittle to wild for your ship, I can respect that!!!

    But anyways this project is looking good, can't wait to see the Ablative armor hull when its complete.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Lonewriter wrote: »
    the only thing I'm not crazy about is the top nacelle. I think it looks better without it, otherwise it is great.

    Well, sorry. That stays. We'll make her look right.
    But thanks for the comment.
  • TonyStarkTonyStark0 Posts: 0Member
    will try my question again :) , what tools did you use to make that awesome ship ? :)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Well, the third nacelle on the top might be a bit an overkill, but I like the other two. Incorporated into the rest of the ship like with the Defiant.
  • smallworldsmallworld335 Posts: 1Member
    Hi all, glad you like the ship so far.
    I use Rhino for my design work, which is a nurb modeller. I will convert the model to a poly mesh when shes finished.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    The three interchangable modules are mission specific. The top mini-nacelle is for warp-jumping, extra speed (from warp 7 to 9), and the diversion of drive systems for other specifics due to mission status.
  • Enterprise-EEnterprise-E0 Posts: 0Member
    i find it no one mentioned yet, that this looks like a THORAX from EVE Online.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    I'm not familiar with... a Thorax, Enterprise-E? I'll check it out though.

    In the mean time, here's something I worked up for the BF TechManual... the crew patches go on grape colored leather jackets...

  • JonXJonX171 Posts: 0Member
    Lonewriter wrote: »
    the only thing I'm not crazy about is the top nacelle. I think it looks better without it, otherwise it is great.
    I totally agree...

    On the matter of this looking like the thorax, I do not agree heh.
    Image here: EVE Files: THORAX_LUCKY.JPG

    Other than this, I think it looks like a kick ass ship, nice work!
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Its a great looking ship, it just reminds me a little too much of the whitestar from B5
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the link... I see a very remote resemblance to the Thorax... VERY REMOTE!

    Now I do see the Whitestar in there. ;)
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Beautiful lines on the ship, but I'd have to aggree with the rest, ditch the third nacelle, that's really messing up the sleek lines.
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