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3DUSS Blackfoot: Grandeur's assault ship



  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    Actually it is a better refab of the old Banzai class fighter by Paul Cargile (who gave permission)...


    ... but once Smallworld and I started the thing, he felt it would be easier to just start from scratch. We wanted something "outside the box", like some of Grandeur-A's design is, so we just went with the flow.


    :thumb:I love Brian's BSG influences (one of the reasons I asked him to join the project), which is really good for the Blackfoot, because we want a grittier, rugged looking ship with teeth. LOL... we were just saying about a week or so ago that her body looks kinda like the Defiant... but it wasn't planned. Once we get the ablative armor all on, it'll look quite different. Of course the coloring of the raw model right now makes it look Cardassian or some other alien race. He'll get to that as the model and time permits.

    I'm working on textures right now, so I'll show my progress in here with that and the markings. Here's a colorized one I did back before the armor and scaling (3x bigger now) came in to play...


    I noticed you got some ugly patching around the extrusions in the hull, I get those a lot in blender when I extrude in blender, how do you get rid of them?
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    :rolleyes:It's been a while! Here's some pics to catch you up...




    I really like this ship but I think you're going to have a lot of trouble if it gets popular. I live in souther illinois and we had a local college with an indian mascot that a lot of politically correct types got all butthurt and whiney over and basically went on the warpath against. They hounded and hounded the college to drop "chief illini" and when they didn't the whiners went to some sort of state board which FORCED the college to drop it's mascot.

    So I'm just thinking that sooner or later someone will get a look at the ship's logo, get his panties in a bunch and start whinging about it being offensive and racist, demand you to drop it and finally contact paramount to get them to force you to drop it.

    Sorry to tell you this, but after what happened near me I can see that happening.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Well, first off, I am 1/8 Cherokee myself, so that isn't racist of me. I have been contemplating just focussing on the tomahawk and leaving off the indian. Thanks for the reminder! :)
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    I wasn't trying to offend you, but after the whinefest people threw over a local college mascot I was betting you'd be in for some xxxx if the wrong people saw that.

    And chief illiniwek was actually a very dignified image, here:

    Believe it or not some people waged a multi year battle to get that image banned from the college sports team.

    Also, I didn't want some whining waste of skin complaining to paramount and getting them to crack down on trek imagery.

    Speaking of the ship, I do like it but where are the impulse engines? On the backs of the nacelles? If you had to jettison the warp nacelles you'd also lose your impulse power then. I think you were right to keep the top nacelle too.

    BTW, what modeller are you using?
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the concern. If things get heated on that issue, we'll be ready.
    Correct on the impulse drive, but if things get that far, we'll just self-destruct the ship.
    Modelled in Lightwave 8

    Now some good ol' bridge renders for kicks...






  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    Your modelling and such is great, but seriously the ship needs an impulse engine, there are cases where you can't use warp.
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    Your modelling and such is great, but seriously the ship needs an impulse engine, there are cases where you can't use warp.

    It has impulse engine at the rear of the nacelles.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Some recent external renders of our rugged lady. :rolleyes:

    Worked some on illuminating running lights, windows, nacelles, deflector dish, weapon casings, impulse engines, etc. Can you see them now?...

  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Well... we have a new Blackfoot interior hallway render from Teknomancer... who is returning from being on shore leave the past year or so on the planet FarFarAway :)


    Now that he is back on duty, we'll have more interior shots coming soon
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    More hallway updates from Teknomancer...




  • CaptainRoopCaptainRoop0 Posts: 0Member
    Great work I am starting to see it all come together inside the Blackfoot.
  • teknomancer2008teknomancer200866 Posts: 145Member
    there's more to come, guys. been taking a much needed break over the last two days, but will be back on the task in no time...
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    why is there blinds on the wall?
  • teknomancer2008teknomancer200866 Posts: 145Member
    colbmista wrote: »
    why is there blinds on the wall?

    blinds? there are door frames, bulkhead, but no blinds. difficult to see from the angles i did, but the main shots will be more explainatory.
  • teknomancer2008teknomancer200866 Posts: 145Member
    i think you mean the pipes and wires at the top. little bit odd in those images, i grant you, but those are just stock textures to give a feel of the real thing.
  • CaptainRoopCaptainRoop0 Posts: 0Member
    At first glance I suppose they do look a bit like blinds, but then again they could be pipes of some kind going down through the walls. Over all I think this hallway is great so far for the inside of the Blackfoot. :)
  • teknomancer2008teknomancer200866 Posts: 145Member
    thank you sir....
  • CaptainRoopCaptainRoop0 Posts: 0Member
    Welcome Ensign Keep up the good work.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    any more work done on this?
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Just so everyone knows, the Grandeur Project is looking for someone who would be able to continue cgi work on the USS Blackfoot model for us. The work to be finished is: a little on the underside, some of the armor plating, landing claws, and textures/signage.


    We also will need someone who will be able to do interiors as well.
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