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3DKlingon Victory

xiaorobearxiaorobear719 Posts: 175Member
edited March 25 in Finished Work #1
My models, everything made by me except the embers/sparks over the explosions are from pixabay royalty/attribution-free stock photos. The D7 remains competitive in the TMP era!

Post edited by Guerrilla on
StarCruiserrojrentrekkiLizzy777publiusrashleytingerwibbleRekkertoptimusBrandenbergand 1 other.


  • trekkitrekki966 Posts: 1,419Member
    Nice =)
  • wibblewibble1300 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 582Member
    Nice One. I don't visit the finished section very often. Almost missed this. Is this Miranda the Ulugh Beg? I was already wondering what happened to her.
  • xiaorobearxiaorobear719 Posts: 175Member
    Yes, that's the one! I realized I made some big mistakes with the textures and also regretted not doing windows with any depth, so if I return to her she'd need some revisions. But good enough to explode.
  • wibblewibble1300 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 582Member
    Well back in the days when they still made practical FX, the destructibles have been highly inaccurate, too compared to the models used for hero shots and the sort. Therefore you could even argue that an inaccurate texture makes your shot even more accurate.
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 454Member
    Ah, the Miranda-class, most known for blowing up!
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2063 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    A lot of very nice work in that.
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