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3DSaber class

japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
edited April 2023 in Work in Progress #1
Been taking a break and having fun modeling the Saber class vessel from Star Trek First Contact....more fun less greebles and a bit more creative freedom since it's so tiny... Coming along faster than expected!


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  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    The Saber class is one of those designs that begs creative freedom, seeing as how the original lacks any torpedo launchers or aft phaser arrays. Pretty sure it lacked other details too.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1216 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,644Member
    Nice work. I like the Saber.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    That's looking gorgeous so far. The Saber is one of my personal favorites, so it's always nice to see it get some love.
    JES wrote: »
    The Saber class is one of those designs that begs creative freedom, seeing as how the original lacks any torpedo launchers or aft phaser arrays. Pretty sure it lacked other details too.

    Yeah, the Saber, Steamrunner and Norway were all really simple meshes. The only one of the ships designed specifically for the Borg battle in FC that was designed to be seen up close was the Akira class. Heck, the Saber and Steamrunner were both textured by taking orthographic pictures of the Enterprise-D and Enterprise-E physical models, scanning them digitally and then cutting them up into maps that fit the hull designs.
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Added soem more detail, shuttle bays, thrusters, etc, and a bit more detail to a few of the vague areas in the original..

    Rekkertevil_genius_180StarCruiserwibbleMustang13Camaro68ashleytingercool65Lizzy777scifiericJESand 1 other.
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Added and tweaked for detail...rough registry and pennants to add how it fills out the space better. Coming along nicely I think

  • zillabeastzillabeast335 Posts: 28Member
    What a sweet looking little ship. I was just watching some DS9 with these things in action. Love the detail on the model!
  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    edited May 2023 #8
    What. The. HECK?!!

    I’ve been struggling trying to make the radiator panels for the impulse drives on my Sovereign, and you’re halfway finished with your Sabre?!!!

    When I first started 3D modeling, I pictured being able to punch out a model like you have been doing! How long did it take you to get this good?!

    Also, kudos to giving her one helluva phaser arc! That’s one heavily armed little ship!

    On the other hand, modeling myself has given me a perspective of how much hard work and practice it takes!
    Post edited by JES on
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    edited May 2023 #9
    JES wrote: »
    What. The. HECK?!!

    I’ve been struggling trying to make the radiator panels for the impulse drives on my Sovereign, and you’re halfway finished with your Sabre?!!!

    When I first started 3D modeling, I pictured being able to punch out a model like you have been doing! How long did it take you to get this good?!

    Also, kudos to giving her one helluva phaser arc! That’s one heavily armed little ship!

    On the other hand, modeling myself has given me a perspective of how much hard work and practice it takes!
    Hehe thanks! It's been a bit slow at work so I've had some extra time. I've been doing 3D for over 20 years and do 3D and VFX professionaly, so I have a bit of practice. The model, if you were to see the wires, is a bit of a mess and I'm faking a number of things, like floating windows, which I will clean up later once I like the placement of things...bentd2iei8ir.png
    I'm also using a great plugin called Railclone to do my phaser strips and Tyflow to do some placement of geo and it has a modifier called TyConform, which can conform one piece of geo to another in various ways which is SUCH a time save for this type of a project to get things put together quickly.
    Railclone (or RailcloneLite which is free for Max) is just using these 2 peices I made to copy along along a spline and then the points get welded together, takes about 5 seconds to make a new phaser strip!
    Post edited by japetus on
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    I'm loving the details on this. It's already the nicest Saber mesh I've ever seen.
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68357 DetroitPosts: 173Member
    japetus wrote: »

    Railclone (or RailcloneLite which is free for Max) is just using these 2 peices I made to copy along along a spline and then the points get welded together, takes about 5 seconds to make a new phaser strip!

    Thanks for mentioning there's a free version of RailClone. I'd forgotten about that plugin. I have to investigate using it to make the corridors of my seaQuest interior.
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    japetus wrote: »
    JES wrote: »
    What. The. HECK?!!

    I’ve been struggling trying to make the radiator panels for the impulse drives on my Sovereign, and you’re halfway finished with your Sabre?!!!

    When I first started 3D modeling, I pictured being able to punch out a model like you have been doing! How long did it take you to get this good?!

    Also, kudos to giving her one helluva phaser arc! That’s one heavily armed little ship!

    On the other hand, modeling myself has given me a perspective of how much hard work and practice it takes!
    Hehe thanks! It's been a bit slow at work so I've had some extra time. I've been doing 3D for over 20 years and do 3D and VFX professionaly, so I have a bit of practice. The model, if you were to see the wires, is a bit of a mess and I'm faking a number of things, like floating windows, which I will clean up later once I like the placement of things...bentd2iei8ir.png
    I'm also using a great plugin called Railclone to do my phaser strips and Tyflow to do some placement of geo and it has a modifier called TyConform, which can conform one piece of geo to another in various ways which is SUCH a time save for this type of a project to get things put together quickly.
    Railclone (or RailcloneLite which is free for Max) is just using these 2 peices I made to copy along along a spline and then the points get welded together, takes about 5 seconds to make a new phaser strip!

    No such luck for me. Even IF I could bring by laptop to work, they'd NEVER let me get away with modeling at work, no matter how slow it is! I get in trouble if I get bored, and start doodling on receipt paper (but sometimes it's the only way to keep my head!)!

    I try to actually take the time to keep the subdivisions kind of loose and organized, at least until I finalize them, otherwise I find that they can get twisted up and hard to fix. Maybe that's ones of the reasons why I take so long.

    Don't know if there are counterparts to Railclone, TyConform, and Tyflow for Blender, although I'd be surprised if there wasn't plugins for me to learn. I'm also taking note of how you've organized the vertice lines (or are they called splines?)

    At one point, I'm going to want a Saber model.
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    edited May 2023 #13
    Worked on the deflector some more, trying to get the effect the D has, which has been surprisingly difficult to do. Got some good tips along the way though and seems close enough for now
    Post edited by japetus on
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
  • rojrenrojren2553 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 2,002Member
    I don't think I've ever seen the underside of the Saber. I like the deflector.
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Working on the saucer texture, doing it with geometry that then gets rendered to a flat texture...i couldn't get a good unwrap with my mesh and i can keep kinda adding detail easily, it's reference a main patttern and then gets warp and cut it up to fit into place with other modfiers

  • Admiral156Admiral156200 Posts: 88Member
    Looking good so far.
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Been slowly chipping away at this, adding some more detail and starting on more texturing...

  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,287Member
    It's always great to see one of these be done justice.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    She's looking great.
    japetus wrote: »
    Working on the saucer texture, doing it with geometry that then gets rendered to a flat texture...i couldn't get a good unwrap with my mesh and i can keep kinda adding detail easily, it's reference a main patttern and then gets warp and cut it up to fit into place with other modfiers


    I don't know how I missed that update a while back, but I can't tell you how many times over the years I've used that method for creating textures. It works, especially when the unwrapper isn't being your friend.
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