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3DUSS Daring- Daring Class

MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
edited November 2022 in Work in Progress #1
Current WIP, NCC-1804 USS Daring.

Post edited by MightyMoose on
Lizzy777ashleytingerAel'sRekkertsrspicerSoul ScreamAtolmwolfmanpubliusrJESand 1 other.


  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    Nice start, can't wait to see more.
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  • Vortex5972Vortex5972338 Posts: 1,216Member
    TMP era New Orleans? I'm diggin' it.
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    Little cheeky update.

    Lizzy777Ael'sMustang13Camaro68srspicerSoul ScreamAtolmwolfmanJES
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    Good looking for sure !
    AW Fanon Wiki — — — DeviantArt — — — AW Discord (EN)
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    I hate shuttlebays.

    but i guess its going to get internals now.

    Lizzy777srspicerpubliusrAel'sSoul ScreamAtolmJES
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    Love where you are going with this.
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member

    New pew, working on cannon mounts too.

    New permanent neck and cage for torpedo bay with area for pylon cxn created, just need to build the join.


    New saucer profile that is far more shape accurate


    Lizzy777Ael'spubliusrsrspicerSoul ScreamStarCruiserRekkertAtolmJES
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    Nice, coming along nicely !
    Quite like the blue you used, is the neck blue going to be the same or it's just a temporary color.
    AW Fanon Wiki — — — DeviantArt — — — AW Discord (EN)
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    The lighter blue was taken from an set of sapbles from the miranda studio model images and averaged to get that blue.

    It may remain when i get to texture or it might become darker i dont know.

    The one on the neck was just a contrast colour while i was working out placement of the top of the neck to the primary hull
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    Understood, thx.
    AW Fanon Wiki — — — DeviantArt — — — AW Discord (EN)
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    The warp nacelles have become a excercise in learning about SubD8plcspncu4fb.jpeg
    Soul ScreamStarCruisersrspicerLizzy777Ael'sashleytingerRekkertAtolmwolfmanJES
  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 340Member
    Looking good.
    Have you considered different nacelle designs instead of this standard one?
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    I had. But I wanted it to be in the lineage of the TMP refit era.

    And I'm spending a lot of time to get it right so I can use it in kitbashes
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    I love the refit era best.
  • anthscoanthsco365 Raleigh, NCPosts: 87Member
    Excellent progress!

    Can't wait for it to be available
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    Cheers, ive not forgotten this project - had a new job start and its taken a bit to get the hang of it all.

    Ive not been idle - the project has KIND of expanded...


  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    Started greebling the Phaser cannons

  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Nice! Love that 2D uniform :)
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Nice! Love that 2D uniform :)

    Going to be more than just a 2d uniform as the fan-animation develops. Currently working on the base 2.5D cutout for toonboom.

    As well as working on the hero ship and props to be rendered at various angles in toon form.

  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Figured as much, cool! :D
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
    nice! like the ship design.
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    edited October 2022 #24
    greebling gun mounts.

    digging the "fusion reactor points"

    Post edited by MightyMoose on
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    PEW PEW!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Those are some great looking phasers. I really like the design of the ship overall.
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    The Daring Class,
    Aka "Pocket Constitution"
    Aka A 'Scout' Battlecruiser, needs a bit more grunt to get out of trouble as fast as she gets into them.

    The SCE design was to modify the existing constitution style impulse module to give it a more powerful set of engines. As always, there were drawbacks to this.

  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    Nothing like adding deck A-C to give it a sense of scale..

    Also.. lights!

    Ael'sashleytingerStarCruiserLizzy777publiusrevil_genius_180Paul MoechnerwolfmanJES
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    I love the tiny sub-impulse deck. I see this in anti-piracy.
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member
    publiusr wrote: »
    I love the tiny sub-impulse deck. I see this in anti-piracy.

    Border patrol, piracy, aggressively waving the flag of civilisation - and get intro trouble as quickly as get out of it.

    The head-canon of the daring is basically the SCofE creating a pocket constitution that could fit a roll between the more science oriented miranda and the general purpose constitution - but with a good chunk of the science pulled out.

    Shes a "pocket constitution" and would probably sit in the battle-cruiser role.
  • MightyMooseMightyMoose283 Posts: 56Member

    Slowly, Slowly getting there :)
    wolfmanashleytingerevil_genius_180Lizzy777StarCruiserPaul MoechnerpubliusrJEScaveat_imperator
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