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[Completed] Scheduled Maintenance: Server Updates Saturday May 22

GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
edited May 2021 in Site News #1
TLDR: Doing server maintenance on Saturday. Expecting a couple of hours of downtime.

Need to do a little bit of (boring) maintenance work on the backend to make sure we're up to date, and to ensure future updates go smoothly. This will mean a couple of hours of downtime this coming Saturday, since it means I'll need to update and restart a bunch of services including the database. Ideally, shouldn't take very long, but the whole thing is a bit more involved than just clicking update and waiting. This is mainly to ensure smooth forum updates in the future.

Speaking of forum updates, there's a new major update for the forum software available as well. Won't be doing that this weekend though. I'm still keeping an eye on it to see if people have any issues with it. If not, that'll probably happen in a week or two.
Post edited by Guerrilla on
Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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