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3DThe Oldfield Class - Not Your Father's Excelsior



  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    Opinion is sought:

    CeoNtdf.jpg EeHiwC9.jpg yqgo2aE.jpg

    Do these type of nacelles work on the shuttle? Or should I do something more akin to what was seen on the Trek V shuttle?


    Please remember, this is NOT meant to be the Trek V shuttle, but a future version fitting in with the Oldfield Class

    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    I quite like it, and think the nacelles work well with the design.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771405 PNWPosts: 763Member
    I like the version with the longer nacelles.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    So we agree that the Type 3J is fine as she is and I can stop using the Type 3?
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    The Type *insert number* method of organizing shuttlecraft is kind of confusing. What happened to B-I?
    At least the nacelles definitely look like they were made for that frame, and that is a beautiful shuttle.

    I love registry lists (gotta fill in those reg numbers!), and I've added them to my ever-growing, time-consuming list.

    But with changes to avoid contradictions.

    The USS Oldfield was added without any issues, but The Red Admiral gave NCC-2099 to the USS Lightfood (Constellation class) years ago, and it's staying that way, due to seniority (and his awesome registry list).

    I have not listed USS Ommadawn aside from "Proposed", but there must be a registry number after the Federation class that needs filling somewhere.

    NCC-2176 was used by The Red Admiral again, this time for the USS Speculator, but I'll change her to an Oldfield class.

    So NCC-2177 goes to the Horizon (which is such a popular name, I wouldn't touch it with a 20 and a half lightyear poll, at least not until the 25th Century. I'm surprised that there are no beta canon ships with this name).

    And so on:
    NCC-2178: USS Incantations
    NCC-2179: USS Amarok
    NCC-2180: USS Lunas

    NCC-2182 and 2222 was actually not used by anyone of note, so USS Reflections and USS Legends are among the few to remain unchanged.

    NCC-2656 belongs to the Belknap Conquest variant USS Supremacy, so as to avoid any contradictions, I've moved the USS Voyager to NCC-2651, which was unused. That, or to some other X656 number, which I should be able to find somewhere. I could see the Crossfield going through MANY tranches, due to being basically an Excelsior variant, maybe even into the early 24th Century, with the Voyager only being retired shortly before the launch of the next ship to bear the name (~2370). I could even see one variant equipped with collimated phaser arrays, like they should have done with the Excelsior and Miranda class in canon (if not for a limited budged and lack of CGI back then).

    And don't get me started with what numbers I'm going to reassign the USS Hergest Ridge and USS Crises, the latter of which is a fitting description to the situation. NCC-2390 is smack dab in the middle of registry numbers assigned to the Chandley and Podesti classes, and I'm pretty sure that the Spectre class is somewhere nearby as well (NCC-2370 to who-knows-where if I'm not mistaken).

    As for the USS Tubular Bells...yeah, perhaps the last tranche, the variant that uses collimated phaser arrays, in the 10000-range. Plenty of numbers there, and there's got to be some other albums we can think of additional names from. I'm probably not going to assign the USS Discovery beyond "Proposed", because that is another name that everyone seems to want to use, and I'm not everyone. Maybe NCC-11031.

  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1216 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,644Member
    I love that shuttle.
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    @ JES -

    List of names:

    USS Oldfield
    USS Ommadawn
    USS Horizon NCC-2176
    USS Incantations
    USS Amarok
    USS Lunas
    USS Elements
    USS Reflections
    USS Legends
    USS Hergest Ridge
    USS Crises
    USS Voyager

    There are only 12 of them. I gave people plenty of time to amend the names 😉 I’d rather not use Discovery (too popular), and Voyager was added as a request, and replaced Icon.

    Horizon? Is set in stone as I built the reg number into the mesh geometry. It’s not a texture map I can change. I would have to rebuild sections of the saucer and nacelles, and the apply the base hull texture again just to change the number.

    I did it this way because I intend to build only one of these ships, not a fleet of them. I burned out on the Ingram trying to please everyone, lol. I ended up building seven of them, when I only ever intended to build one!

    In my defence I searched far and wide for a list of fan used reg numbers, and was surprised that NCC-2176 hadn’t been used by a club. I would be obliged for a link to the list so I can see it and see where the gaps are; because I did hunt for one – I really didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes.

    The only official USS Horizon’s were the NCC-176, which has been made cannon, through licenced material and the fact a model of the ship sat in Sisko’s office in DS9. And an earlier USS Horizon which was the lead ship of a class. Which is why I dropped using “Horizon” as a class name.

    The idea of using unused numbers was to scatter the ships so that they weren’t sequential, but rather followed no pattern – fitting in with how things were on screen, but also appeasing fan lists as well – because I would be surprised if every ship listed from NCC-01 to NCC-74656 was ever built. I would be surprised if there weren’t gaps from cancelled contracts.

    Had I made the decision at the beginning to make this the Oldfield Class I would have named the ship the USS Amarok.

    Hindsight is always wonderful.

    But by all means have a play with the list and see what you can do.

    @ BolianAdmiral – thank you, she is growing on me with those nacelles. I’m going to finish off the hull and then add markings to her. The question is, how many shuttles would the Oldfield Class carry? 4? 6? She would also have some Travel Pods and Work Bees as well. I have a list of names for shuttles, and there is a temptation to build them all (I am capable of doing it).
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    There you go – “officially” the NCC-2176 is the USS Leodegrance, according to a certificate seen inthe first episode of PCD

    *throws arms in air, and walks away…*
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    nmTEWoH.jpg pb4AupI.jpg PIwH0lP.jpg
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    well that puts my "how does this registry roll off the tongue" technique well and truly to shame :)
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    markmassey wrote: »
    well that puts my "how does this registry roll off the tongue" technique well and truly to shame :)

    As I've tried to explain... I built the registry of the Horizon into the mesh. Yeah, I could go back and take the mesh apart and change it. But I really want to avoid that. So, it stays NCC 2176. If it was a texture map, yeah, be easy to change - building it in makes it crisper and clearer. I really don't want to have to do it.

    Does it really matter at the end of the day?

    Officially it sucks that it has been used. But this is fan based - and I would be surprised if the Red Admiral's list had the official ship listed. Still haven't been able to find them.

    Anyway – four shuttles done, “Sunjammer,” “Accession,” “Taurus” and “Empyrean”

    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Oh no I wasn't suggesting you change it.... Like you said its fan made so as long as it doesn't bug you too much...

    I just meant i had no idea that there were lists of ship registries..... but now i think about it (and are looking through some) of course there would be :)
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    There are several lists, but which should you follow? lol
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    edited November 2020 #75
    Jayru wrote: »
    There are several lists, but which should you follow? lol

    Well, I think that just the canon list must be considered.
    In addition to that, the really to much popular fan ships and their registries would be object of consideration (like the USS Excalibur as an example).
    Other than that, just take the registry and name that you want and go ahead. ;)
    Post edited by Starship on
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    Yeah, I agree - the cannon list is the one to look at. Although I have now crossed that line thanks to the first episode of PCD, lol and I’ll admit it’s a bit of a blow. But it was a certificate, who knows what class of ship it was? Maybe it was once called Horizon and then got renamed so another ship could use that name... Wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened in Trek.

    Either way, I built myself into this corner, and so will stay in it. I have the ship, four shuttles (yes, 4 distinct meshes for shuttles, with a fifth “master” so I can make more if choose). The shuttles were built to scale with the Horizon, so maybe the next thing to build is the hanger deck and store them?
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    edited November 2020 #77
    Wait... I was reading the thread again and I got surprised that all your losses weren´t an accident, but an intentional attack. It sucks!
    There´s no track about the dammit son o* a b**** who made it?
    It is very sad, but keep the ball rolling. You´re a tallented person and I admire your work. Surelly you´ll do even better work in the upcoming future. ;)
    Jayru wrote: »
    ...The Bridge Commander meshes I'd created were still up (still are up) for download.

    Nevermind... Where they are up?

    Post edited by Starship on
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    Starship wrote: »
    Wait... I was reading the thread again and I got surprised that all your losses weren´t an accident, but an intentional attack. It sucks!
    There´s no track about the dammit son o* a b**** who made it?
    It is very sad, but keep the ball rolling. You´re a tallent person and I admire your work. Surelly you´ll do even better work in the upcoming future. ;)
    Jayru wrote: »
    ...The Bridge Commander meshes I'd created were still up (still are up) for download.

    Nevermind... Where they are up?

    The person has been dealt with. For legal reasons I can say no more.

    As for Bridge Commander...

    A link to the page with my modes:
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    USS Horizon, Starfleet Registry: NCC-2176. Oldfield Class.

    Decks: 24.
    Length: 580 meters.
    Vessel Type: Long Range Multi-Mission Exploration Heavy Cruiser.
    Built: San-Francisco Orbital Shipyards, Earth.
    Primary Contractor: BA-Northrup Construction.
    Launched: Stardate 9828.1
    Crew Compliment: 650 – 120 Officers, 530 Enlisted (evacuation limit 2,500 people).

    Weapons: 8 Dual Phaser Banks, 8 single Phaser Banks (24 units). 2 Forward Photon Torpedo launchers, 2 Aft Photon Torpedo Launchers.
    Defence: Force Field Coils and Deflector Grid Shield System.

    Propulsion: Koeller Uniform Timed Intermix (UTI) K78 Warp Nacelles, Fusion Powered Sublight Impulse System, Pulsed Propulsion Manoeuvring Thrusters.
    Cruising Speed: Warp 9 (old scale).
    Max Speed: Warp 12 (old scale)

    Auxiliary Craft: 4 Type 3J Shuttles (Sunjammer, Accession, Taurus, Empyrean), 2 Travel Pods and 8 Work Bees

    Background: The Oldfield Class was launched in 2396 based off the decade worth of lessons learned from the Excelsior Class. The class was a multi-mission platform designed with exploration as its primary mission. BA-Northrup Construction were the primary contractor for the first five ships of the class, with the other seven ships being built by Andor-Utani Systems. Koeller Warp Systems provided the nacelles for all ships in this class, with minor variations. Unlike other classes, the Oldfield Class was a limited run and was assigned unused contract numbers for the hulls. The class was marginally successful and required little reworking after the first deployments. The USS Horizon was launched in 2397 and assigned to explore the Sansar Expanse and was the third ship of the class.

    The last Oldfield Class was retired in 2366.

    Known Ships in the class -

    USS Oldfield NX-2098 (later NCC-2098)
    USS Ommadawn
    USS Horizon NCC-2176
    USS Incantations
    USS Amarok
    USS Lunas
    USS Elements
    USS Voyager
    USS Reflections
    USS Legends
    USS Hergest Ridge
    USS Crises

    ** Due to a dispute on SciFiMeshes I have withdrawn the registry numbers for all but two of the ships. NCC-2176 is now contentious as it has been used for a canon ship (ST:PCD Eps1, USS Leodegrance NCC-2176 background certificate confirming Cadet Picard was assigned to the ship). Whilst all this is fiction, I try very hard to keep things in line with Trek. I am seriously thinking of using the 3xxx range for the Oldfield Class, but I need to know if it’s already in use on the “red admiral’s list” which hard as I try, I cannot find – or worse still, has it already been used by the FRS?

    Help and advice would be appreciated.**

    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    Yeah, I understand not being able to change the registry number now. Most unfortunate.

    I can actually see all registries being used, since space is a fucking big place, even within the Federation's borders, even for a fleet of 60,000+ ships (many of which might be older mothballed classes). I think I can see most of Starfleet actually consisting of patrol gunboats and light attack craft, such as Corvettes, as well as Transports. Lots and lots of Transports, so that patrollers can stay on patrol, and explorers can keep on mission for as long as possible, while being able to keep on their travel routes, and waste a minimal amount of fuel by diverting. Did I mention refueling ships? Being stuck in the middle of Federation space after a 5 year mission because you ran out of anti-matter would SUCK!!!

    Carriers and Battleships/Dreadnoughts on the other hand would be the rarest, probably making up around 1%-5% of the fleet in total.

    For registries, this is how I prioritize:

    There are a lot of not only on-screen vessels, but also a lot of ship designs in technical manuals, which includes registry numbers.
    I prioritize by date of publishing, unless the registry was used on screen.
    I might make exceptions for some designs, such as Todd Guenther's USS Ingram over FASA's USS Columbia (NCC-2001 for both). Because have I mentioned how much I just love the Ingram class?

    Internet Age:
    Because of search engines, there is no longer any excuse for contradictions between canon, beta-canon, and fanon. So as far as I'm concerned, the USS Kelvin falls under the "proposed" category, while the USS Ahriman is canon, for example. Same thing for why the Leodegrace is under the same category.

    The Red Admiral used to run this website called Trekmania, which went offline about 5-10 years ago. He made this massive registry list, and also made 3D models for most designs. I'm surprised that you do not remember his website, Jayru, because I remember you modeling around even that time. I think you modeled the Belmont class, which is still on Starship Schematics to this very day? You can still find many of his registries on, or using the Wayback Machine.

    There are many other online repositories of designs and registries, such as the Starfleet Museum, or Ex-Astris Scientia, but they don't always tip their toes around the pre-internet publications.

    And finally come the fan designs (or at least then ones that aren't quick copy/pastes). I consider fanon designs like the Insignia, Interceptor, and Legacy class to be beta canon (and the Oldfield also falls into this category too).

    As of now, my registry list for the Oldfield class is:

    USS Oldfield NX/NCC-2098 - Though given that she is practically a variant of the Excelsior class, I'm not certain the Navel Experiment prefix is necessary.
    USS Ommadawn NCC-
    USS Horizon NCC-2176 - Proposed? Alternate Reality?
    USS Speculator NCC-2176 - Final Contract?
    USS Incantations NCC-2178 - Proposed
    USS Amarok NCC-2179 - Proposed
    USS Lunas NCC-2180 - Proposed
    USS Elements NCC-TBD
    USS Voyager NCC-3656 - Proposed
    USS Reflections NCC-2182 - Proposed
    USS Legends NCC-2222
    USS Hergest Ridge NCC-2496 - Proposed
    USS Crises NCC-2497 - Proposed

    Subject to revisement.
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    JES wrote: »
    Yeah, I understand not being able to change the registry number now. Most unfortunate.

    I can actually see all registries being used, since space is a fucking big place, even within the Federation's borders, even for a fleet of 60,000+ ships (many of which might be older mothballed classes). I think I can see most of Starfleet actually consisting of patrol gunboats and light attack craft, such as Corvettes, as well as Transports. Lots and lots of Transports, so that patrollers can stay on patrol, and explorers can keep on mission for as long as possible, while being able to keep on their travel routes, and waste a minimal amount of fuel by diverting. Did I mention refueling ships? Being stuck in the middle of Federation space after a 5 year mission because you ran out of anti-matter would SUCK!!!

    Carriers and Battleships/Dreadnoughts on the other hand would be the rarest, probably making up around 1%-5% of the fleet in total.

    For registries, this is how I prioritize:

    There are a lot of not only on-screen vessels, but also a lot of ship designs in technical manuals, which includes registry numbers.
    I prioritize by date of publishing, unless the registry was used on screen.
    I might make exceptions for some designs, such as Todd Guenther's USS Ingram over FASA's USS Columbia (NCC-2001 for both). Because have I mentioned how much I just love the Ingram class?

    Internet Age:
    Because of search engines, there is no longer any excuse for contradictions between canon, beta-canon, and fanon. So as far as I'm concerned, the USS Kelvin falls under the "proposed" category, while the USS Ahriman is canon, for example. Same thing for why the Leodegrace is under the same category.

    The Red Admiral used to run this website called Trekmania, which went offline about 5-10 years ago. He made this massive registry list, and also made 3D models for most designs. I'm surprised that you do not remember his website, Jayru, because I remember you modeling around even that time. I think you modeled the Belmont class, which is still on Starship Schematics to this very day? You can still find many of his registries on, or using the Wayback Machine.

    There are many other online repositories of designs and registries, such as the Starfleet Museum, or Ex-Astris Scientia, but they don't always tip their toes around the pre-internet publications.

    And finally come the fan designs (or at least then ones that aren't quick copy/pastes). I consider fanon designs like the Insignia, Interceptor, and Legacy class to be beta canon (and the Oldfield also falls into this category too).

    As of now, my registry list for the Oldfield class is:

    USS Oldfield NX/NCC-2098 - Though given that she is practically a variant of the Excelsior class, I'm not certain the Navel Experiment prefix is necessary.
    USS Ommadawn NCC-
    USS Horizon NCC-2176 - Proposed? Alternate Reality?
    USS Speculator NCC-2176 - Final Contract?
    USS Incantations NCC-2178 - Proposed
    USS Amarok NCC-2179 - Proposed
    USS Lunas NCC-2180 - Proposed
    USS Elements NCC-TBD
    USS Voyager NCC-3656 - Proposed
    USS Reflections NCC-2182 - Proposed
    USS Legends NCC-2222
    USS Hergest Ridge NCC-2496 - Proposed
    USS Crises NCC-2497 - Proposed

    Subject to revisement.

    Hi JES,

    I am going to rebuild the Horizon to change the registration, simply put NCC-2176 has now been used for a canon ship, the USS Leodegrance. Canon beats any fan list.

    I never built the Belmont Class.

    I did spend 14 years working on the Odysseus Class which was a variation of the Ingram. 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 1709-A were the contract numbers agreed with aridas sofia of the FRS and Todd Guenther. Todd worked with me on the 2602, as it was his ship, and I still have the wonderful mission patch he created. Those ships were built and finished. The 1709-A is being used as a filming model by the Lexington Fan Film group – there is a link to their first film earlier in this thread. But the contract numbers listed were finished:

    USS Prestidge – NCC 2601
    USS Odysseus – NCC 2602
    USS Guardian – NCC 2603
    USS Murray – NCC 2604
    USS Lexington – NCC 1709-A
    USS Kamcaira – NCC 2605

    I got a lot of shit on that thread, primarily over the nacelles, lol. There was some contention over the registration, and I changed it to fit in with the FRS. I also had major heart surgery twice whilst building those ships. I don’t recall anyone called the Red Admiral contacting me re the numbers. They were just generally accepted that those ships were Odysseus Class. 3 of them were actually adopted, one was sent out and still exists. No naming convention was used, rather the names were drawn out of hat by my significant other.

    The Clarke was threaded on the old FRS forum and later Treknographics101 forum – the threads are still there. That ship had a registry of NCC 901, which again was agreed with aridas sofia. The rest of the class filled out number between 900 to 950 and was listed, all of the names were sci-fi authors – that was the convention used for that one.

    Leodegrance is not debatable by me or anyone else. NCC 2176, it’s been used on screen. End of. Canon will always pre-empt anything the fans do or list.

    For the record: USS Ingram NCC-2001 was listed on screen in Star Trek VI. Which makes it canon.

    Roddenberry’s Rule of thumb, if it’s on screen; it’s canon.

    So, that more than any reason is why I AM going to change the registration of the Horizon. Keeping the name. In terms of canon, and we have to look at canon first, 3001-3999 have not been used for on screen ships.

    Having now found the lists you were talking about, there are gaps. Not all the numbers have been used. Good on the Red Admiral for leaving gaps and leaving space for other people to play. Because it’s not just their playground.

    Looking at both the list of ships I have, and the list I have found (which will not include any additions you will have made), this is what I propose out of respect to the Red Admiral and yourself, and keeping within canon:

    USS Oldfield NX-2898 (later NCC-2898)
    USS Ommadawn NCC-2899
    USS Horizon NCC-3176
    USS Incantations NCC-3177
    USS Amarok NCC-3178
    USS Lunas NCC-3179
    USS Elements NCC-3180
    USS Voyager NCC-3565
    USS Reflections NCC-3567
    USS Legends NCC-3568
    USS Hergest Ridge NCC-3569
    USS Crises NCC-3570

    Let me know how that fits, and until I do I will put this project on hold.
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    edited November 2020 #82
    There is this really cool Master NCC List that I downloaded recently, which while it was a WIP, makes it very easy to go through registries from pre-Internet.

    I never knew that the USS Ingram showed up on screen, that's really cool.

    Since I'm sure you're eager to get this over with (or perhaps not, but I don't want to hold you up), I'll try to do just that myself.

    A web publication by Neale Davidson lists NCC-2898 and NCC-2899 as belonging to the USS Yamanashi and USS Nagano, Loknar class, while FASA lists those two as belonging to the USS Frobisher and USS Flores, Andor class.

    Richard Mandela lists NCC-3170 through NCC-3182 as belonging to the Wilkerson class (NCC-3170)

    Strategic Designs lists NCC-3538 - NCC-3571 as slated for additional members of the Pharris class, but are not given names, leaving open the possibility that the USS Pharris (NCC-3537) was a one-off.

    So the challenge than is finding a large number of registries that are open, or at least not used by other well-developed fan designs, right?

    I've also been trying to avoid contradicting other fan lists and publications:
    The Memory Eta NCC List (at least where registries are used for ships which actually have a physical form).

    I've still managed to find some gaps, if you need consecutive numbers, however.

    NCC-2984 to NCC-2987
    NCC-2990 to NCC-2994
    NCC-3012 to NCC-3014
    NCC-3016 to NCC-3028
    NCC-3185 to NCC-3189
    NCC-3300 to NCC-3306
    NCC-5571 to NCC-5599

    Granted, I have a lot more searching to do, and I'd have to double check for non-consecutive registries, but hey, it's a start. Finding enough registries for a dozen ships shouldn't be too difficult. There are probably a lot more gaps after the 5000 mark.
    Post edited by JES on
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    edited November 2020 #83
    I used the list to create the one I did. The numbers I picked looked free and clear. I guess no number I pick is really free and clear, because there are lists, and lists and lists, and without a link to the master list there is little I can do other than either a: give up and resign myself to the fact that I am not allowed to build "lost era" ships or b: accept they are what they are - fan lists, that I am sure conflict with each other.

    The one list I am working to is the canon list of ships as-seen-on-screen, and as a tip of the hat, the one above.


    This is the list;

    USS Oldfield NX-2898 (later NCC-2898)
    USS Ommadawn NCC-2899
    USS Horizon NCC-3176
    USS Incantations NCC-3177
    USS Amarok NCC-3178
    USS Lunas NCC-3179
    USS Elements NCC-3180
    USS Voyager NCC-3565
    USS Reflections NCC-3567
    USS Legends NCC-3568
    USS Hergest Ridge NCC-3569
    USS Crises NCC-3570

    No conflict with the original list by The Red Admiral (who I have emailed BTW) and no conflict with the on screen list. It would be nice not to have contention with other designers, but at 50 I am but young, and I've only been doing this for 25 years. Maybe it's not conflict, as I have been reminded recently, it's not a sin to have my own ideas.

    Updates to the project will continue you soon, I have the registry tags to update (12 of them) and then I can get back to the shuttle design and the hanger bay :-)
    Post edited by Jayru on
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    There actually are gaps, you just need to look for them. The lost era spans from the 2000 to the 9000s, and that is before we get to the Ambassador Era.

    I was referring to this list: NCC WIP List.xls

    I would’ve actually kept the initial two at NCC-2098 and NCC-2099. But then again, I like the idea of 200 Loknars...

    Like I said, NCC-3538-NCC-3571 are unused. They have no names, and that makes them nothing more than proposed Hull numbers, waiting to be used by whoever will grab them first.

    And finding vacant registries is easier than you think. All I had to do was google “NCC-4176” in quotation marks, and I found nothing Starfleet related.

    Same thing for NCC-4177, 4179, 4180, and 4187

    As long as you don’t require them to be next to one another (which is highly rare in canon), finding registry numbers waiting for a hull is easy.
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member

    But fitting in with FASA is less important to me than fitting in with canon. I guarantee that there will be ships on that list that contradict what's-seen-on-screen (in fact I know for a fact there are, FASA ignored a lot of the seen-on-screen canon ships).

    I googled numbers too - it was only through the list on Memory Alpha and other sites that I found out about the Leodegrance, it's an obscure reference. Canon comes first obviously :-)

    Look, I’ve given ground here and I can’t keep given ground. This is my project and WIP. I’ve fit things in with canon, and with The Red Admiral. This is fantasy (and no, I haven’t lost my mind – kudos to those that get the reference), the playground is large – there is room for me to play to, and it’s a field I’ve been playing in for a long time.

    USS Horizon NCC-3176 stands.
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    Listen, I get it. I'm obsessive compulsive about this sort of thing, which is probably one of the reasons why I've never completed a design, and you have several!

    Maybe the Perserverence (standing name for my Lost Era wedge design) will be the first. At the very least, you can be sure that she won't share any of the same registry numbers.
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    I’m autistic, with which OCD comes built in.

    Actually, it’s probably why it only took me 13 days to build the basic frame of the mesh, because I’m embracing my autism, not fighting it anymore.

    But getting back to point; I changed the reg number because of canon. Because fitting in with canon is always priority.

    The lists you have shared and shown me don’t observe canon.

    2001 is the Ingram, 2176 is the Leodegrance, 1030 is the Glenn, 1031 is Discovery, etc. In a world of fiction those are facts to observe when it comes to Trek. Anything else added to the lists is just the fans making stuff up as they play in the large playground that is Trek.

    But what fans add is not official, canon or for that matter; fact.

    Canon list: 3176 is free.
    The Red Admiral’s list: 3176 is free – that is a bonus.
    The Excel list you shared: 3176 is free – that is a bonus.
    Mastercom et all… Ahh… Publications et all… Ahh… You see there is more than one list JES.

    You have your work cut out for you if you want to observe all of them. And where they overlap (and they will in places) you will have to make judgement calls. But what you will end up with is not an “official” list, but your list built to your criteria. It will have a bias – that’s not a criticism, just a fact, and you will have to accept that bias.

    And this is where this conversation ends. Because this thread is not and has never been about “lists” – but is about the Oldfield Class of Starship that I have built. I look forward to your Lost Era designs, and I will no doubt comment on the design aspects of them.

    Updates will resume later today, I have some renders to share of the ship with the updated reg and a few design tweaks, plus the re-labelled shuttles. I think I shall concentrate on some beauty renders first, and then break her open and start on the hanger bay and arboretums :-)

    Keep the faith folks.
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    Love the shuttles
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    8kBYOlP.jpg onPT1lk.jpg sikR1EP.jpg B8bBYIv.jpg 1OO1F2i.jpg 6mLZQwp.jpg
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    publiusr wrote: »
    Love the shuttles

    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    I understand, and thanks for indulging me as long as you did. I love the Type 3J Shuttle. It looks perfect for it's role in the timeline.
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