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[Completed] Scheduled Maintenance: Backend updates Sunday 22 March

GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
edited March 2020 in Site News #1
I'll do a little backend maintenance work next weekend, mainly for future proofing the gamification features. Basically, I'm switching out a few plugins for a more stable branch. The current implementation is functional enough right now, but it hasn't been maintained for a while, so each forum update is a little risky. Switching to an actively maintained branch should fix that for the time being. Also, there's a couple of features we're not using now simply because they don't work. Switching to a newer version may let us come up with some new fun gamification features without crashing the forum in the process. :tongue:

There's a little bit of custom code I need to port over or write, and the update will require some changes in the database, so it's a little more involved than a usual forum update, but shouldn't take longer than a few hours, once I get going. The forum will be offline during that time.

I have the new system up and running on the dev site, but it was a pretty involved process, so I'm hoping I can smooth it out by the weekend.
Post edited by Guerrilla on
Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    This one seems to have gone pretty smoothly. New system up and running, and old stuff migrated to the new one without a hitch.

    As usual, please report any bugs (with Points, Badges, and Reactions specifically in this case) you find here.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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