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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    Forget when the update hit but cookies expire far sooner than they set. Log in forever does not last. Default the cookie I think sets 12yrs ahead or something but mine expired recently.
    I've noticed the same thing occasionally, even earlier. 3.0 changed the way /entry/* works (to enable caching, TransientKey is no longer needed), so that might explain the need to sign in again after the update. Another possibility is that Cloudflare caching is messing with the sessions. Will keep an eye on this one, but I'm a little short on ideas.
    The typing in say urls or image urls in the pop overs still does not change focus to the pop over field. you still have to click into that field to type the content.
    I know. That's so annoying. :eyeroll: Still looking into this, but the... uh... vanilla Vanilla is concentrating on their fancy new Rich Editor, so I don't think Advanced Editor bugs are getting a lot of attention at the moment. Still... looking into this.
    Hated the draft saving but I just blocked the script and it fixed that annoyance. Dislike anything I have not deemed public is stored on site like that. Luckily this software contains everything on it's end unlike others whom use public repositories like googleapis.
    Yeah, I found the drafts a little trigger happy. I have dozens of posts just testing smilies and formatting options saved as drafts. I'll see, if there is a way to make it optional or at least a little less enthusiastic.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    edited July 2019 #33
    Guerrilla wrote: »
    Youtube has a confusing mess of 3 or 4 different types of URLs for profiles, only one of which is currently working. I'll change the field to take the whole URL instead.

    Alright, Youtube profile field now takes the whole URL instead of just the bit after /user.

    [edit]: Also fixed existing Youtube links.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    Using URL tag on mobile kind of sucks, and it doesn't seem to parse properly.
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    Site just logged me out again. That or expired my cookie. so some time in the last 2 or 3 hrs. Maybe a change in the system or a bug, dunno.

    Also clicking edit on a post pops up a menu only 2 lines tall so you have to resize it to see anything to edit.

    Also for those who hate autosave draft thing and dislike that it resides off device/client on the host ban this script.
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    More bugs
    When posting a thread hitting enter while adding tags posts the post. I think this is a issue in any dialog windows while posting a new thread.

    Adding tags everything is light light grey on white. . . . . .
    tags are limited and no creation of new ones. (not really a bug)
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    Site just logged me out again. That or expired my cookie. so some time in the last 2 or 3 hrs. Maybe a change in the system or a bug, dunno.
    Haven't seen this after the 3.1 update, but still keeping an eye on it.
    Also clicking edit on a post pops up a menu only 2 lines tall so you have to resize it to see anything to edit.
    I haven't been able to replicate this one. Any js weirdness in the console, when you try this?
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    More bugs
    When posting a thread hitting enter while adding tags posts the post. I think this is a issue in any dialog windows while posting a new thread.
    Confirmed. Looks like hitting enter on any textbox after the main body (so, polls and tags, basically) will post the thread. Weirdly, hitting enter when no textbox is in focus will not post the thread.
    Adding tags everything is light light grey on white. . . . . .
    Doh! I fixed the stylesheet. Will probably need an hour or two to propagate through the CDN.
    tags are limited and no creation of new ones. (not really a bug)
    That's by design, but we could probably use a few more tags. Did you have a specific tag you wanted to add?
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    Mostly looking for subject tags like References and the like. Maybe processes IE rendering lighting, modeling, subdivision. I really do not use em much just used to having to use them in places like PIXIV. Like I said not really a bug.

    The 2 line only thing in editing a posted message seems new. I did have to clear out a tonne of carryover blocks and bans from the hacking. Cryptominers and things like that so I zapped all that junk. I have to remember to open the console and check its progress next time I go to edit a post.

    AHHH I know what it is. I had done something at one point to get my grab bar back on the editor windows as when I am coding I like to see the whole chain and have some space below. The auto resize of the windows bothered me and often would lag when FF was chewing ram and 3dsmax was eating more than 14gigs. ATM it is now loading up with the full text. Clearly I cannot retain those size adjustment things without some display issues as the software seems to have no code to fall back on with autoresize off.

    The logout, it hit both installs FF 43 and ff68 and happened within a 2hr window prior to that post. Have not had issue since.

    Only other suggestion is to add a color toolbar in the editor. I am always forgetting the color names BBS uses.
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member

    Ok something new I guess it is due to the subforum or just an allowance not allowed period if so I think the file upload should tell you before what is or isnt allowed or how large a file is so people do not spend time doing something or attempting to set up something to find out it wont work.

    EG uploading a zip for file sharing in a thread. It is in tech Q and A
    strange thing is it uploaded then gave me the error. >_> anyhow means nothing if we are not allowed to use attachments like this.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    Oh yeah, attachments should definitely be allowed. I went through all the category permissions and set most forums to allow uploads. I'm pretty sure I did that already, but it looks like some of the custom permissions were missing, so I guess some update may have reset them or something.

    Anyway, uploads should work now. You should zip or rar any scene files (I don't feel like manually allowing every single file extension out there in a config file). There is a size limit in place, but it should be generous enough for most scenarios.
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    Yeah I expected a container file of some sort vs every apps file types. Much easier to just allow zip rar vs all the file types out there.
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    Dunno if it is a bug or a bit of lame programmer logic but you cannot highlight a row of text and relocate it. It acts as if you are attempting to drag and drop a image into the editor. Real PITA when your editing a post and want to relocate a few lines and being forced to CnP it over. ( I have been noticing this occurring a lot in new stuff)
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    Site just logged me out again. Sucks as I cannot manage or edit cookies with this crap ver of firefox.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    Site just logged me out again. Sucks as I cannot manage or edit cookies with this crap ver of firefox.

    No news on figuring out log outs, unfortunately, but you should be able to edit cookies with the dev tools, under the Storage tab. Only for the site you're currently browsing though :confused:
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    Nope cant edit anything I can look and delete and create but that is it. I have to look into it more when I have the time see if there isnt some setting somewhere i need to have on to edit the fields. Be much better than having to enable that annoying service just to use a cookie manager.
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  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    Not sure if this is the right place to bring up my issue, or if it's a bug either but since day one of joining and posting a topic, which has a decent thread length now, I have never received any email notifications, when someone posts a reply. I double-checked my email address in my profile, as well as checking my junk mail/spam folder for anything from this site, but I saw nothing. The only way I can see replies is if I come here and check manually, or see the icons appear on my profile pic.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    shaved_ape wrote: »
    Not sure if this is the right place to bring up my issue, or if it's a bug either but since day one of joining and posting a topic, which has a decent thread length now, I have never received any email notifications, when someone posts a reply. I double-checked my email address in my profile, as well as checking my junk mail/spam folder for anything from this site, but I saw nothing. The only way I can see replies is if I come here and check manually, or see the icons appear on my profile pic.

    Emails are a bloody nightmare these days. :eyeroll: Everything should be set up for maximum delirability (SPF, DKIM, DMARC, blacklist monitoring etc.), but there's only so much that can be done in our end.

    Mind if I send you a test email through the forum?
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  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    Guerrilla wrote: »
    shaved_ape wrote: »
    Not sure if this is the right place to bring up my issue, or if it's a bug either but since day one of joining and posting a topic, which has a decent thread length now, I have never received any email notifications, when someone posts a reply. I double-checked my email address in my profile, as well as checking my junk mail/spam folder for anything from this site, but I saw nothing. The only way I can see replies is if I come here and check manually, or see the icons appear on my profile pic.

    Emails are a bloody nightmare these days. :eyeroll: Everything should be set up for maximum delirability (SPF, DKIM, DMARC, blacklist monitoring etc.), but there's only so much that can be done in our end.

    Mind if I send you a test email through the forum?

    I'm finding this lack of notifications disturbing (to paraphrase the Dark Jedi). So I still get zero notifications to email and now when I come to the site, I see zero notifications under my profile. It was out of shear curiosity that I came back to this topic, noticing that someone replied to my last post. Anywho, whatever the Admins want to try is fine by me, but I wonder if maybe my email host is on some sort of blacklist (which is Microsoft)?
  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    Ok, someone must have seen my post because I just got a test email, which came through under normal channels and not junk...we may be on to something here. :)

    I'll classify the email domain as safe, which hopefully will allow future notifications...hopefully.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    We can only hope. Not sure if Outlook lets you look at the message headers, but if it does, I would appreciate, if I could have a quick look at them.

    Also, if you set up notifications in your profile, the Notify ones should always generate a notification on the forums. I think you only had email enabled for threads you've participated in. You can tweak them here.
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  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    Guerrilla wrote: »
    We can only hope. Not sure if Outlook lets you look at the message headers, but if it does, I would appreciate, if I could have a quick look at them.

    Also, if you set up notifications in your profile, the Notify ones should always generate a notification on the forums. I think you only had email enabled for threads you've participated in. You can tweak them here.

    I can see message headers, who sent, who received and everything else. I added the domain as a safe sender, so hopefully that helped. As for notifications from threads, I'd been getting the little red icon on my profile pic whenever there are responses, but now I get nothing, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I'll triple-check again the settings in my profile and see if I still missed something.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    Found another quirk/bug. I use Recent posts that is more of a thread listing. I do not use it much but sometimes i click Mark All Viewed, to reset the counters. BUT if I do not open the thread those count numbers remain so if a thread says 15new, I click mark all read and someone posts again it will list 16 not 1. So only way to reset those count numbers is to open the thread.

    Here it isn't much of a issue as the forum isn't that busy, but as software they might want to fix this feature.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    Found another quirk/bug. I use Recent posts that is more of a thread listing. I do not use it much but sometimes i click Mark All Viewed, to reset the counters. BUT if I do not open the thread those count numbers remain so if a thread says 15new, I click mark all read and someone posts again it will list 16 not 1. So only way to reset those count numbers is to open the thread.

    Here it isn't much of a issue as the forum isn't that busy, but as software they might want to fix this feature.

    That's how the plugin is set up.

    From the source code:
    * Allows users to mark all discussions as viewed and mark category viewed.
     * AllViewed allows members to mark all discussions as viewed by clicking "Mark All Viewed"
     * in the main nav (path: /discussions/markallviewed)
     * This resets their counters for how many comments were previously in the discussion.
     * Therefore, if there are 3 subsequent comments, the discussion will simply say "New",
     * not "3 New" because it no longer knows how many comments there were.
     * Normally viewing the discussion will put it back on a "X New"-style counter.
     * This behavior is to circumvent potential problems with massive updates to the
     * UserDiscussion table when "Mark All Viewed" is clicked.

    So, known issue, will probably remain as is. I was looking into a way to make a New Posts list like vBulletin used to, since some people complained on Discord, but haven't figured out a way to reliably and easily determine which posts are new on a user level. I'll work on it some more, but probably not that hard, since I still think Recent Posts does the job.
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    Yeah been using recent posts and it works. Only real gripe about it is the slowdown from all the 3rd party hosts.

    It isnt behaving as the quote mentions, It is retaining those counts and not just displaying "new" All clicking on marked all viewed is doing is postponing the new post label/counters until someone posts in a thread and it says "15NEW" instead of "NEW" How I am reading the quote is that if I click Mark all viewed it wont know the count so if 3 people post in a thread it will read NEW instead of 3NEW. If this is how it worked it wouldn't be much of an issue. instead I am looking for 15 new posts to a thread and only seeing 1 or 2.

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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    Bumped the Keep me Signed in cookie to 90 days instead of 30 to test things out. If you log out and log back in, the new cookie should give you 3 months of signed in time. I'll research it a bit more, to make sure there aren't any reasons why it couldn't be even longer.
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    I know you are probably sick of me finding bugs or strange things:
    however I found yesterday the logos was not overlaying right, the text and graphic were side by side vs overlapping. I tried to adjust the window width on the left side of the window and it popped back but the gutter of the forums on the left became huge and just squashed up the text. It does not do this if you adjust the right side of the window. And it gets worse the more you mess with it. I had held off commenting or even making a video/capping it until I restarted FF as I had seen it was eating 9gigs of ram so maybe it was something else messing with it but it happens on 2 other pcs now.

    Anyhow it might be addressed in the update this coming weekend. But hey anyone else getting this wierdness? I mean I run 2 1920X1200 and a 2560X1440 display so it isnt like I have too little pixels for the layout.

    One thing I cannot reproduce is the same width of the first error to the site logo as it was much wider. Issue is when you widen it out after it being narrow it scrunches most threads to 3 lines and wont snap out to the gutter to use that dead space on the left.
    It was not doing this 2 days ago so I dunno. Still rummaging through FF to see if a um CAT had not stepped on anything to set something stupid but I do not think FF has any one key hotkeys that can fark up display settings. Unlike max. Ugh
    Not hugely critical just something I noticed. atm I just full screen it and it widens up a bit more so less scrolling.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    Nah, keeps me on my toes. ;)

    I'm actually surprised the rocket isn't more buggy, since it's just some really hacky CSS. I think it's just a mismatched breakpoint. Basically, the random logo and the rocket are two different images (or rather 30 in case of the logos :tongue: ). The logo gets loaded randomly each page load and the rocket is actually the "forum logo" image set up in the dashboard, just moved way out of place with CSS. I think the bug is just a mismatched breakpoint. When you reduce the horizontal size of your window a couple of things happen, once it gets narrow enough: 1) The side panel disappears, 2) the left margins go down to zero and 3) the forum goes full-width. It just looks like the logo's left margin zeroes out before the rest of the page, which results in it jumping left before the rest of the content (rocket included). You can try this yourself. Just grab either side and make the window narrower until stuff starts jumping around. There's a moment before the side panel goes away, when the logo and the rocket don't match.

    Fix should be pretty easy, if a little tedious.

    Not sure why the content isn't snapping back once you increase the width, though. I can't replicate that one :confused:

    Also, I need to get a new rocket at some point.
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10156 Posts: 5,373Member
    Well I thought it was a damned fun way to overlay them. Each time it reloaded to something else it just reminded me it is layered images. Reminds me of when I did all sorts of foolery with html and simple scripting in the 90s to do similar things to get wacky website layouts vs the common "long list o $hite".

    I just never noticed it going whack before so I thought maybe some setting or line of code changed and offset it. I had reloaded the site a few times to make sure it was not newegg or amazon breaking FF as those sites start chewing 400 or 500megs per tab and go up. ATM it is now a very narrow area of width that gets it to offset. I was surprised originally to see it as I rarely if ever adjust or move the window the forum tabs are on. The gutter is odd as it behaves differently from left grab vs right grab of the window frame.
    Shrug, webgremlins. O_o

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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    edited December 2019 #59
    vid tag was broken by some forum update. Fixed now.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    edited February 2020 #60
    People with "invalid"(containing dashes or spaces, mostly) usernames unable to switch themes. Get error message about invalid username instead
    Tweaked username parameters a little. Profiles with spaces and dashes in their names should work properly now. Also, new users can have spaces and dashes in their usernames again.
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  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    Not complaining by any means, but it would be nice to get email notifications. Still to this day, I have to visit the site to see if there have been responses, posts, etc. Maybe my email address is flagged somewhere?
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