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  • Glacial Dusk


    A Dalek admires the view on another world

    Textures and scenery meshes mixed and matched from blenderkit assets. Dalek here has the Death TO colour scheme, with the gold collar I like to stick on mine, provisionally considering this design an Expeditionary force.
  • The Meshes of the Daleks






  • Hoverbout Assault


    The sky didn't really turn out as well as I would have liked, and the daleks are annoyingly grainy, but for testing out techniques I'm moderately happy with this.
  • The Meshes of the Daleks

    I then started creating other ranks.

    I actually never liked either movie red Dalek as much - the first with the black is neat but not as good as the others, and the second with the silver just doesn't quite look right (and almost feels out of place being the only one with silver bumps). I did however see some fan posters for never-made future films, which had red daleks that I actually liked - the big thing was the darker colour (somewhat akin to the gorgeous metallic red of the Asylum NDP drone), a silver base, and dark blue / black hemis. Still kept the gold collar in this for now, as its something of a feature of my initial designs, but other variants may not have it.


    Next up was the Black Dalek / Dalek Supreme from the first movie - I always used to think the alternating gold and silver hemis were a bit over the top, but I'm oddly fond of them now, and it makes it more interesting than monochrome.

    The room is a hastily put together TMA/TWF one with cushing copper walls, but it was a bit too orange so I toned it down and remembered to darken the red (forgot to darken the blue domes!)



  • The Meshes of the Daleks

    Not much, but just a little bit more work on the loading bay.

    I'm still debating whether to have two on opposite sides or not.



  • The Meshes of the Daleks

    Again, I don't know much about Dr. Who, but that's a cool looking flying saucer.

    Right, I keep forgetting people don't have my encyclopedic knowledge of the topic. Let me dig out references. :D

    So the original one from Dalek Invasion of Earth was...I think actually two pie dishes stuck together.


    This is never seen again, but the ridges I put on mine are meant to evoke the look a little whilst taking more from other designs.

    For the DVD release this was upgraded with a cgi one somewhat in line with the new series:


    There were a couple of other small and unimpressive looking saucer models int he classic series, as well as some non-saucer based ships in the 80's that veered around in terms of aesthetic, and I may take stuff from them at some point.






    The New Series has stuck with the same basic idea and gone through three iterations (arguably the first is the nicest imo :P, thought the newest is certainly more detailed)




    Fairly clearly I took the design of the rim of the saucer from here.

    My first thoughts were to go for a similar look of recessed segments, but it didn't quite feel right. The design brief for these daleks has been to give them a retro feel, so I'm looking at 60's things.

    The Cushing movie remake of The Dalek Invasion of Earth on had this quite nice model:


    The landing legs, ramp, and entrance bay I've heavily based on this model, though I'm not going for a 100% recreation. I am keeping it in mind if/when I go on to model the full interior, though I may incorporate show interior elements as well and go for a blend (Dalek architecture is even less consistent than their spaceships :D )


    I was also looking at the old TVC 21 comics Daleks - to an extent a discussion of that series and its unique take on the daleks is what started this project off.

    They're not always the msot consistent in look, but the two most common saucer designs I see are these, which clearly inspired the CG new series and DVD remake ones:



    Originally this saucer did have a more squat profile akin to the comics, but I have widened it out a little since the start. Its shape is probably closest to the DIOE remake one (ironic considering the original gets its reference in :D )

    I was stuck on weapons for quite a while as you don't really get a clear look at them in the show - as space battles tend not to be its thing, and in fact I paused the video on their most rcent appearance and the bolts just randomly come from nowhere. Disappointing on such a detailed model. There are things in the picture shown that look like they might be gun turrets, but they didn't feel right for the model.

    I then found that comic panel of them firign from the radar dish looking things, which is *very* retro feeling, so I took that element, as well as the panels on the upper dome from there. May still change it, but with its current positionign I'm okay with it. (Went for a pale green glow as the modern ones fire green blasts, and it looks good on the dish. :P )

    I also came across this cutaway diagram which I may take inspiration from when I do more interior. Either way its a cool picture. :D


  • Ravenna Class Schematics

    Excalibor wrote: »
    Fennius wrote: »
    Pheylan wrote: »
    Really, really nice. I like the first version the best.

    What program did you use to draw these if I may ask?

    So I absolutely cheated, I took the blender model I made and played with the wireframe settings following as youtube tutorial I found :D If you set it to minimum it largely just follows the hard edges, and then it just needed tweaking and compositing in photoshop

    Great looking schematics, indeed! I think I also like the first version more than the others. The last one is also nice, but it's harder on the eyes, so the first one wins... :-)

    May I ask for that tutorial? My own designs will surely benefit a lot from this technique. Thanks a bunch!

    Here we go, it doesn't actually give you a transparant wireframe so what I did was set it to black, and also set the background to black and removed the grid so all I was seeing was the wireframe. Poking the slider for it changes the numebr of faces highlighted
  • The Meshes of the Daleks



    So while I'm not using Imperial cream and gold for the daleks themselves yet, the colour scheme does look very good on the saucer, and ties in with the white cushing saucer.

    Similarly I am taking heavy influence from that movie for the interior of the loading ramp, and will likely continue to do so for other bits of the internals.

    I have smoothed out the edges of the saucer, altered its profile very slightly (Its a little wider and less squat than the eariler pictures, and has a slightly sharper rim), and reduced the number of upper and lower lights. I tried replacing the dish turrets with a less silly design, but it...just didn't quite work, so I went back to them but moved them lower down the upper dome - they look much better more recessed.

    There are some missile tubes around the upper rim - originally those were recessed in alcoves to fit better, but again it just didn't quite look right. So for now they're plain tubes sticking out - that may get changed or improved at some point.

    I also reduced the detailing on the underside (not that I have a picture of it here) as it was a bit busy. May still be too busy. Currently thinking two landing ramps on opposite sides, while the last segments will have docking bays for hoverbouts and other small craft. )
  • Exterminate!

    A bunch of classic episodes are on Amazon Prime, but not all of them.

    Since not everyone here will actually have seen the things I'm mentioning, here are some reference pictures:

    Cushing movies:



    Classic Series:






    New Series:



  • Ravenna Class Schematics

    Pheylan wrote: »
    Really, really nice. I like the first version the best.

    What program did you use to draw these if I may ask?

    So I absolutely cheated, I took the blender model I made and played with the wireframe settings following as youtube tutorial I found :D If you set it to minimum it largely just follows the hard edges, and then it just needed tweaking and compositing in photoshop