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  • Pen and ink ships since I can't model

    More AI-generated spaceships, made through the Stable Diffuson demo. Actually liking some of these.


    Digging this as a landing ship, want to expand on it a bit, I think there's something potentially solid. I think I'll get rid of that square element and replace it with a sensor cluster. I'm also digging the red lights, it's making me imagine that inside are all virtual windows, screens all along the top fifth of the bulkheads showing what's outside.


    LOVE this Syd Mead looking thing.


    Knight Rider meets Airwolf? I dig the red underbite on the flyer, I want to make it jet black and a bit more sleek. The rover is kinda cool as well, kinda reminding me a bit of the one in Aliens but more rounded and maybe a bit more protected.

    I can see the blackbird bieng an autonomous drone and having a little bit of a personality to it.


    Call this one an interstellar dart. Cruise ship meets concorde, makes those long slogs enjoyable.



    This could be a cool lander too. Call it the Hummingbird.

  • Pen and ink ships since I can't model

    Ages ago I designed this courier ship:

    ...and since I've been seeing a bunch of prams about recently (hello spring), I was finally inspired to sketch the interior:

    Imagine a cozy recliner that you have to spend days.... if not weeks on. Since so many of the ship's functions are voice controlled, the small control panels slide away when not in use. Informational displays appear on the glass, as does any entertainment you need. I'm thinking of one side near the pilot ar tiny replicator slots, one for food... mostly in bar-form, and one for drink. There are storage compartments anywhere that one can be fit in, and there's some serious air filtration systems in place to keep you from choking on your own BO. The package is kept in a different compartment.

    I can totally picture these being personalized by their pilots, a bit like truck cockpits, just MUCH tinier (and presumably much less expensive to film practically). For example, one could be full of funko toys and collectables, one person has a shrine on their foot locker, one looks like a girl's room with pillows and teddy bears all about the place... you remember the Doctor Who episode Gridlock where we had all those interesting weirdos in different matching cars? Same idea. I can ALSO imagine a Star Wars moment where we see a whole bunch of the courier pilots, "Red one standing by" etc.
  • Pen and ink ships since I can't model

    Not SF but a little more fantasy-ish.


    Inside a cave with its entrance to the water, a pirate ship smashed against the stone dock, dead in front of an ancient temple.

    Lukewarm on this execution but it's a rough draft. Designed without knowing what exactly I want.


    I didn't realize my last post was "Eager Young Space Cadet" (and I also didn't realize that was only three months ago!) I did some samuria robot designs recently that aren't finished but... I feel like I should share some of them with y'all since my updates have been few and far between and those technically qualify as SF. Haven't done ships in a while, though.

    There's also something I've been meaning to do for years and years which this sketch made me really feel: I've been wanting to revisit all of Blue Planet and draw from it, I think that'd be great practice as well as spark a bunch of ideas. But it's a big project so it always felt daunting.
  • Pen and ink ships since I can't model


    Drew this on my walk, tiny little drawing (this was in a custom-made pocket-sized sketchbook I had made, it's the size of an old iPhone or iPod). It's meant to be a near-futuristic cargo ship. I definitely want to do a bigger version with GOOD wings on it and fit the flight deck a bit better.

    (measured this: the drawing is 5 x 2.5 inches!)
  • Pen and ink ships since I can't model

    Dear lords I can't believe it's been so long since I posted anything. I've been drawing, don't you worry about that, but not much of robots, ships, or anything that would suit the forum. I DID however conceive this sucker last night which I'm very happy with, the Crawling Carriage.


    It's more fantasy than SF (nothing wrong with that), and it definitely needs a bit of refinement and engineering, but I like it even if I don't have a place for it yet. I also feel like an idiot for it taking almost the whole page for me to think "you should model it after your left hand so you can actually SEE it when you're drawing."
  • Pen and ink ships since I can't model

    More armours, but this time from the back. Digging these, and there's definitely a signature style coming from this.

    Lizzy777FreakNathan RubricJayru
  • Pen and ink ships since I can't model

    So I've been thinking about how to extend and play with this starship that I had generated with AI:


    And I wound up sketching this... I'm digging the articulating engines, and I realized after sketching that the design aesthetic might merge together, so I think I'm going to play with that.

    ...but I think it still needs something on top in the back.

    If that ship looks a little familiar, it's because I sketched it while looking at a carb. I wound up sketching a LOT, and there's the start of an interesting design that's emerging from some of the sketches.


    It's kind of reminding me of the USS Dauntless from Voyager. I think, like above, I need to find something else from a different source to tie everything together.

    Feels like ages since I've given you guys a genuine from-my-hands spaceship.
  • Pen and ink ships since I can't model

    I wound up seeing a fair amount of videos about houseboats and yachts today... which led to quite a few sketches. I'm going to finish them off and ideally mash them up with some other influences since I think a few might be useful for Iron Star and Sprinter, but for now, here's this sketch I did modifying and "hulking" out a motor to something that might suit a smaller spaceship. I just wanted something different than your usual glowing quantum core.


    I'm thinking it's called the Hammerhead, though looking at it, it looks a bit more like a Ram.

    So while sketching out my ideas, I kind of had the idea that the Sprinter would be modular.. I don't think the whole thing should be modular because that might not be spaceworthy but also every room would have the same dimensions and that would be boring, but I could see the kitchen, bathroom, and maybe the crew cabins being replaceable modules... though it still takes hours, and even in the future they'll make minor changes so that there's not total compatibility. They want to be able to sell you new ships, after all.
  • Pen and ink ships since I can't model

    And finally some art done just this day!


    Pinstriped gangster, wanted to turn the person into part of the suit, I like the idea of a simple pinstriped face. The question was how simple and how human did I want to make it. He's meant to be an unblinking mass, after all.

    halfway through, I thought I'd replace the flower in his lapel with a Venus flytrap type bug, to make him even more dangerous. Then I thought "what if THAT'S the gangster and he's controlling the whole suit?"

    Inspired by the "Meet Your Meat" bit in Restaurant At The End Of The Universe, I wanted to make him a little weirder and beefier (and less like a dude wearing a heavy suit lying down, though I failed at that part). I thought it would be fun to add a couple more animals together, was definitely seeing a bug and I thought the legs could be like a giant chicken leg each, though with finds instead of claws.

    I love pig monsters, and actually these reprogrammed Pig Slavers I thought of ages ago feel like they fit with this other idea, people keep growing pig monsters. Some are eaten, others are programmed with basic instructions and sent out to do simple tasks.
  • Pen and ink ships since I can't model


    Another one of those "in the sketchbook forever" designs that I decided to finally finish off (as much as I could) and file. Wanted to see how boxy I could make it without being just... a box, you know?

    Been sitting on this for probably a year, really thought I'd have done more with it, but it's kind of cool that it's finally out there.

    I really do need to figure out how to keep a more effective rewilding sketchbook...I don't think I'm using it to its full potential.