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  • TOS Constitution Reboot (Finished)

    I like how the deflector dish is directly tied into the warp core here. A pet concept of mine is that the deflector gives the space-time continuum a kick in the butt ahead of the ship to help with generating the warp field. Even if not, a direct feed from the core would suit what must be a pretty heavy power requirement. Designs withe the deflector dish hanging off a flimsy mount suspended from the primary saucer never sat well with me.
    Soul Screamwibblecaveat_imperatorHunter G
  • TOS Constitution Reboot (Finished)

    I like the asymmetrical window layout on the engineering hull being consistent with the port & starboard interior compartments not being mirror images of each other.

    Satellite dishes! With all due respect to Franz Joseph, that's the perfect description of how the deflectors looked on his Hermes/Saladin and Ptolemy designs. Then his dreadnought packs both fore and aft dishes, inferring they do indeed have a tactical application that would suit some heavy duty support machinery. That nice, big channel/conduit between the deflector and the core in your reboot suggests to me a "big gun" option a la TNG:Best Of Both Worlds, where the deflector was used for a Hail Mary, direct core discharge shot at the borg, even though I think they supposedly cooked the dish doing it.

    I keep liking this reboot more and more Hunter G. It keeps the 1960's child in me that 1st fell in love with the original happy, while acknowledging the grand, old lady benefits from having a nip and a tuck to suit modern aesthetics.
    Soul ScreamRory1707StarCruiserHunter G
  • TOS Constitution Reboot (Finished)

    srspicer wrote: »
    Love the interior layout. Where/how does the warp core eject?

    Please forgive the bad form in my addressing a question not directed to me, but I am a cranky old boomer and warp core ejection is another trek-tech concept on my "doesn't sit well" list. Seems to me that warp cores are just reaction chambers - cut off the anti-matter supply and it becomes a very complex, but inert, bit of kit. Ejecting them strikes me as a "tossing the baby with the bath water" scenario. A more likely problem is anti-matter storage cell containment failure. I only mention this because it looks to me like an anti-matter storage facility is what's positioned to be ejected in that lovely internal layout.

    Knowing warp core ejection is a canon fact, I once again apologize for sticking my oar in.
    Soul ScreamHunter Gscifieric
  • A new Jupiter 2 that makes sense

    This wonderful work is the visual equivalent of comfort food. Most welcome in these unusual times.

    Many Thanks :)

  • Various Star Trek Things

    This Ambassador redesign looks fresh enough to be a retro/tribute/homage to the original but from possibly a century or two down the road.
    LoopholeHunter G
  • U.S.S. Salcombe - Star Trek Beyond

    You can see the 'Reliant' type ship in the clip. At least that's what it looks like to me.
  • TOS Constitution Reboot Gallery (Model Now Available)

    A reboot that honors the original better than any other.
    Hunter Gscifieric
  • Various Star Trek Things

    Beautiful take on the Ambassador class. Adds a touch of angularity in all the right places.
    adjunct37betaHunter G
  • U.S.S. Salcombe - Star Trek Beyond

    Hmm..the more I look at the wording and style - I think we have Sir David Attenborough posting here as Lizzy777!

    Come on Sir Dave....own up :#
  • Various Star Trek Things

    Lovely Curry class idea.
    Never a fan of the original, out of scale kitbash of Connie refit/Reliant nacelles and Excelsior hull bits. Please develop this and help right the past wrongs of others.
    Hunter G