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3DClassic Lost in Space Project



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Then you have Deep Thrust Probes...

    For a freighter, that would supply J-2 type ships, it has to have ten times the volume, just to start off. it shouldn't be top heavy. maybe a crew of two, for just in case situations. In suspended animation. They may be in a "lifeboat" type pod to increase safty, and would only land after the J-2 had declared the planet safe. The unitech could be the same size as the J-2's due to the fact that it doesn't have to have performance, just mass moving capability. In terms of cargo replacement parts - complete for a single J-2's needs, and then some.

    This is assuming that the J-2s supplies while designed to be stand alone if need be, don't have that much of a margine for error.

    As to the mass moment of families, think in terms of a Colony ship that would transport one thousand people. The inside would be an open cilinder that might be 400 feet across, byr maybe one thousand feet long. From the out side one would see bumps that would be modified J-2s. Call them J-3s. They would contain the sleeping families. For the crew onboard, the inside would be their garden. It would have homes, that could access the insides of the colony ship. with ease. There would be enough room for one hundred crew to maintain the ship.

    Basically you basic docking frame modified for the long haul. There would also be freighters attached, for just in case situations.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Here is something else to think about. For a great many years, I considered the basic design, of the B-9 Environmental Control Robot, to be something of a joke, at best. I did agree however, that the 110 computers, that were sopposed to control said robot, were correct.

    But then in 2000, I encountered in of all places, an article(real world) in the Smithsonian Magazine, February issue, a very interesting thing. The article is titled: Redefining Robots on page 96. It is about Dr. Mark Tilden's breakthroughs in robotics.

    The first thing you have to understand about him, is that his robots aren't digital, there're analog. Analog is adifferent way of looking at things.

    As I read the article for the first time, I understood for the first time that maybe the robot from LIS wasn't such a joke after all. I suggest that you look up this article, and read it. You will be astounded.
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    Here's the first full animation of the Jupiter 2 launch sequence and test flight. 6 Minutes of CG.

    Again, please note that this is done on an old home computer. I didn't have the time to do great lighting so take it for what it's worth!
  • rojrenrojren2621 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 2,015Member
  • BuckaroohawkBuckaroohawk2 Posts: 0Member
    "I didn't have the time to do great lighting so take it for what it's worth!" You gotta be kidding me! That was a phenominal piece of animation. I had no troble with the lighting whatsoever. I hope there are members of the cast and crew from LIS who see this because you've given the Jupiter 2 performance and functionality they could only dream of! My hat's off to you, sir. Excellent work!
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent work. And a good choice of music as well I might add.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Extremely good job!

    Lets see, how long was the acceleration at 10g?
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    Thanks very much gang! Yes, I am a stickler for lighting and I wish I could have used ambient occlusion, radiosity, global, etc. If I had used Mental Ray in MAX this video would have been Lost in Cyberspace Forever. :) (Sorry, I felt compelled to use that joke.) I have used render farms in the past, but that was when the client was paying for it. And I'm too cheap to pay for it myself!

    As for the music, I went back and forth about using the original stuff and something new (and royalty-free). To be safe I went with the latter. I may post another version with John Williams' original score just to see if it gets yanked. The movie is actually edited to use his music so the hits make a little more sense.

    @Nick - Hmmm. I'll let you do the math :)
  • hamiltonplhamiltonpl0 Posts: 0Member
    Go ahead and try using the John Williams music - it's hit or miss on youtube and I've had some weird situations where the filter catches it but most of the time it does not. Although the royalty free music is nice I think using the original would make this fantastic video pop even more.

    Great work and by the way I'm still thinking that the render times must've been horrendous. phil
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Okay, I take up your offer.

    Time of ten g accelleration is elven seconds. Assuming that you didn't do any cuts...

    Elvens seconds at ten g comes out to 1.0787315 kilometers per second.

    Distance traveled is: 5.9330233 kilometers A good full up test for the ship. Note I assume that it continues to accerate afterwards, but at maybe one g.

    Now a question, before launch, what is that thing underneath? Some sort of external start up system? Which leads to the thought that it would be a way of conserving fuel at the time of launch. That is spin it up, from an external power source. Otherwise the internal system would have to do that. And that might just take a good deal longer, and more supply from internal sources.
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    In the animation, the object descending from the fusion core before launch is a sort of umbilical. It fits into the recess on the underside (see pic). I imagined it to be a blend of an external monitor of the fusion reaction and ship systems (as displayed on the status board seen before the blast door closes). It's also a primary delivery system for the deutronium, so it wouldn't have to be fueled by hand like they did in the show. Mostly though, it's just an artistic nod to traditional umbilicals.

    And how do you know it wasn't 8.996 G's? ;)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    A full up test requires at some point in the test, a full power run.

    From the looks of it, she took off slowly to clear the immediate area, once clear, she went to full power.

    But my calculations are based on an assumption, that there no cut, that it was a straight 11 seconds. But if it was instead, lets say ten minutes or so, then my assumption doesn't hold. But if you did the segment in a straight run through, then it does.

    There is another element to this as well. Humans do things in patterns of behavior. So this means that it couldn't the number that you wrote down. It could in other words, eight g, or nine g., but not 8.996 g's.

    By the way, in the interest of full discloser, I used a HP-48G graphing calculator. The reason I bring this up, is that Scientific American about twenty-five years ago, published an article on what computers, can and can't do. Printed in the article was the results of the same calculation done by various types of computing equipment. It would startle you that two different brands of calculators came up with differnt results. I think it was the 1.01 ^n times done on about a dozen differnt models...
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    Since this project is winding down, I've decided I'll start another thread talking about an updated Jupiter 2 that "makes sense." I will return to this project on occasion since I need to publish an additional animation with this original J2 showing the interiors.
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    AND...Jumping forward fully 8 years later... :)

    I've been updating my old TOS Jupiter 2 model and have converted it from a 3ds MAX model into a Cinema 4D file, utilizing the Octane Render engine. So here are some results from the upper deck...



  • are truly an advanced modeler than me...I have allotted to learn...way allot.
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    And that's how you learn! :) I was an OK modeler when I started on the Jupiter 2. But there was something about that modest ship and goofy TV series that intrigued me. And when you look at it closely, you will see hundreds of tiny details that are difficult to get right. Even today, when I watch the Blu-Ray edition of the show, I notice small details that completely escaped me before and make we think about how I can re-create those details in CGI.

    I'll say this: Star Trek is a beautiful and wonderful show. But if you really want to dig into reproducing challenging small details in CGI - and get them right - Lost in Space is the way to go. I do not disparage Star Trek as a franchise at all. But, compared to Lost in Space, Star Trek TOS interior sets look like cardboard flats.

    For example...

    Figure out a way of duplicating the "seed banks" of the lower level galley. And the "cereal containers" mounted to the walls. And make them look realistic.

    Recreate that marvelous elevator that actually worked in lifting 180-pound actors from one level to the next. Figure out how that glass floor was lit. Ask yourself how you can duplicate that effect in your 3D program.

    Figure out how to program your lights to duplicate the (very real props) B205 Burroughs computers used on the show. And challenge your detective abilities to track down the original colors and patterns used on these archaic (yet historical) early computers in order to reproduce a precise duplicate in CGI.

    Detail the (again, very real) circuit boards mounted on rotating triangular modules in the computer core.

    Figure out how to depict in CGI, the real-live set that featured electric Jacob's Ladders in the freezing tube assemblies.

    Figure out how to re-create the central moire-inspired "radar screen" in the middle of the Flight Deck.

    Model the Robot. Now, rig him. And create the random, hieroglyphic, lights in his glass "brain."

    All I'm saying is that Lost in Space presents an interesting set of challenges to a CGI artist, even though it is now over 50 years ago that the show originally aired. Many of the stories from the show are stupid. But damn, the props and sets are effing great! :)
  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    Love Octane, and your renders here, glad to see you back at work on this, Star Trek is enjoyable but I really enjoy just about any SciFi. the diversity of imagination is what make SF what it is. You have done this one justice!

    Come on over to my place CGI Worlds
  • Starrigger wrote: »
    Love Octane, and your renders here, glad to see you back at work on this, Star Trek is enjoyable but I really enjoy just about any SciFi. the diversity of imagination is what make SF what it is. You have done this one justice!


    Ya, he has, truly amazing...and I might stop work on my J2... it's turning out to be crap...
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Spectacular work and the renders from Cinema4D look sensational!
  • StarriggerStarrigger477 Posts: 702Member
    Ya, he has, truly amazing...and I might stop work on my J2... it's turning out to be crap...

    Never give up.

    You have to start to finish. Make it a place that matters to you. You are more likely to stick with it.

    How many people have already finished the NY marathon, how many will enter this year?

    They did it soooooooooo much better then me! There are a couple of models that I have scrapped several times because I found new information or resources that have shown my work to be less then stellar..

    There is one person that did a Nostromo bridge that I just love, but it is not "mine", that thought matters to me.

    There are so many ways to interpret details and technology (That does not really exist anyway)

    It really boils down to that journey thing... It's the trip not the finish that matters.
    Come on over to my place CGI Worlds
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    Ya, he has, truly amazing...and I might stop work on my J2... it's turning out to be crap...

    No No Nooo! Don't quit!! And don't be so hard on yourself. Having fun with it is the way to go. Learning modeling skills is all about trying new things and techniques to solve a problem. Feel free to ask questions here if you are puzzled about how to do something. Most modelers here on this forum would be happy to help!

    DON'T GIVE UP! :)
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    A tribute to the B&W original season: "An Afternoon on Priplanus."
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    An accurate version of the elevator platform.

  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    edited March 2019 #145
    Prompted by the comments at the Lost in Space Forum, here's another batch of images of the Main Deck. This is complete except for some minor tweaks. I will be moving on to the Lower Deck. I've also changed the camera response curves to give the images a bit more vividness.

    And, for those of you interested in such things, that seemingly odd, intensely colored, floor material in the original Jupiter 2 set apparently was Marmoleum.



    Post edited by Avian on
  • rojrenrojren2621 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 2,015Member
    I don't know what it is about this silly old show... but when I see the amazing work you've done, I find myself smiling.
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    edited March 2019 #147
    Glad you're smiling rojren! Apart from the darker-themed first 5 or 6 episodes, it was often silly. But it redeemed itself a bit in Season 3 in a few episodes such as "Antimatter Man." Nonetheless, the set design was absolutely first-rate for a show of its era.

    Here's the Galley on the Lower Deck. It's based upon the version seen in "Wild Adventure" in Season 2.
    Post edited by Avian on
  • ChanurChanur191 53.33° N / 10.00° EPosts: 305Member
    This is just... WOW! :o
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    edited April 2019 #149
    Thanks Chanur!
    Here's a wide-angle shot of the Upper (Main) Deck. I'm still working on updating old, old files of the Lower Deck. Translating old (10-year!) 3ds MAX files into an Octane-Friendly, more-detailed Cinema 4D format is a bit tedious. :) But it does allow me to add considerable tiny details that would have frozen my computer in 2010!

    Post edited by Avian on
  • John MarchantJohn Marchant336 Posts: 96Member
    Lovely interiors indeed.
  • andrewmcoandrewmco332 Posts: 1Member
    Are you doing anything new with your "realistic" Jupiter 2 or Jupiter 3 projects?
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