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3DA Sovereign styled Nova



  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Very nice. I like the deflector cutout, but not a huge fan of the protruding part of it.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    Schimpfy wrote: »
    Very nice. I like the deflector cutout, but not a huge fan of the protruding part of it.

    I agree with this.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972332 Posts: 1,210Member
    I agree with this.

    I agree with this agreement. :p

    I don't see a secondary deflector having much point on a ship this small. Feels like a waste of space. Never cared for it much on Voyager either, tbh.

    Awesome work, as always.
  • WideFootWideFoot83 Posts: 81Member
    Vortex5972 wrote: »
    I agree with this agreement. :p

    I don't see a secondary deflector having much point on a ship this small. Feels like a waste of space. Never cared for it much on Voyager either, tbh.

    Awesome work, as always.


    The deflector is growing on me. I may release two versions of the ship. One with the secondary deflector and one without. It's a fairly easy thing to swap out.

    But, The Nova is a little awkward, I'd like to capture that awkwardness a bit at least, if I can.
  • WideFootWideFoot83 Posts: 81Member
    Well, How about this? Halfway between. I knocked down the top of the round bit and made it a sort of gibbous moon shape.


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    That looks much better. :)
  • WideFootWideFoot83 Posts: 81Member
    Oh good! It took a surprising amount of effort and needs a bit of cleanup, but I like it better as well.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    That looks much better. :)

  • Vortex5972Vortex5972332 Posts: 1,210Member
  • WideFootWideFoot83 Posts: 81Member
    Okay! I've just about reached substantial completion of the modeling. I figure that I've got some more greebles to add to the hull, but the ship modeling is mostly done. Textures are going to be a mess...

    Here is a set of current orthos and a deck height overlay. I finally edited a few of the things which have been on my list for a long, long time.

    I also have some comparison images with Raul Mamoru's Incredibly excellent Nova model, which I found on Trek Meshes and imported into SketchUp. I have scaled it to 180.7m, which was a number I found on Memory Beta and matches the scale of my ship roughly. (please excuse missing polys... porting into SU is messy at best.) I included two comparison images here, but the rest of the comparison orthographics can be found here in my Imgur album for this ship. (and, where you can also find larger versions of the images below)

    I also wanted to do a comparison with the Sovereign class, but my ported model is a mess and the scale is vastly different. Maybe in the future...

    Here is a download for the WIP model from the Warehouse, if you'd like a closer look.

    I'm still not sure where I should put the ship name and registry, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

    And, I still need to look at the RCS thrusters, edit a few stand-in mesh components, add hull bumps, and do a few other things.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    Great stuff, you did an awesome job on this model. :)
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    You've definitely done it justice. Nice job! :thumb:
  • DarkoneDarkone177 Posts: 258Member
    Not to shabby for a merged ship Saw to total progression of your model before I made a comet due to fact the I HATE the NOVA class and wish it never saw it on Voyager!:confused:

    Now for your efforts a give and A+ due to fact the you really put the effort on building the Legacy in the modeling good job!:thumb:

    Now that you shown you can work with existing models and do a "kit bash" ( good Job too:D) why don't you try and do a 100% original Star Trek model ?:p Why not try and so something in a 100 years ahead or even 200 years ahead that conflicts with nothing done in those eras in time? How about an Original 26th U.S.S. Enterprise Make that Ship your own!:lol:
    Just a thought and good job again!:thumb:
  • WideFootWideFoot83 Posts: 81Member
    Darkone wrote: »
    Now that you shown you can work with existing models and do a "kit bash" ( good Job too:D) why don't you try and do a 100% original Star Trek model ?:p Why not try and so something in a 100 years ahead or even 200 years ahead that conflicts with nothing done in those eras in time? How about an Original 26th U.S.S. Enterprise Make that Ship your own!:lol:
    Just a thought and good job again!:thumb:

    I have! Take a look at my SketchUp Warehouse page. I'm especially fond of my Ranger model, but many people like the Shadowfax.

    Also, some orthographics of my ships are on my DeviantArt gallery.

    It's been a while.

    I got to texturing the ship. I even went through the business of re-downloading kerkythea and the SketchUp interface, So I may make a few real renders of it! I took a few textures and a general color scheme from Admiral Kamikaze Bacon's first custom ship so I have the option of easily showing them together.

    I never ended up fixing the thrusters or a few other small items, but I think it is an overall success. The texturing definitely came out better than I was expecting.

    I uploaded this version to the warehouse (barely making it under the filesize cap).

  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1188 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,629Member
    Very nice work!
  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    She really looks nice!
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    Great job, I am a huge fan of the Nova class, I'm about to reveal the updated version of my Nova, the USS Hawking. I have a lot of references if you need them. I am really impressed with the greebles work you have, I also love your deflector dish. If this was a Lightwave mesh, I'd do a side by side render with mine when it's done.
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