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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »

    I've finished with all the LCARS, including the small bits below the viewscreen that I missed before. :lol:

    Unless I've missed something, it seems to be finished now, so I'll start making the finalized renders.


    Beautifully lit LCARS - and I keep forgetting to mention BTW, but I love that faint reflection you put on the viewscreen! :thumb:

    Are you keeping the walls adjacent to the side consoles blank, or will you be doing the black panel with lcars/isolinear chips like the Ent-D?
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @BlueNeumann: You know, I'm getting more and more ideas about getting this designs into VR, I might even do it one day... :lol:

    @evil_genius_180: Thanks! :)

    @Starscream: Thank you! Every back lit panel has a reflection, but it's more noticeable on the viewscreen because it's the most empty of them. As for the side walls on the consoles, yeah, they'll keep looking that way, as they did in early TNG, I believe it just looks better that way.

    Here are the finalized renders!
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    @Starscream: Thank you! Every back lit panel has a reflection, but it's more noticeable on the viewscreen because it's the most empty of them.

    Yes, I noticed the other reflectives - showing them on the viewscreen is something we don't normally see in other people's renders though, and it's a really nice touch here. :)
    Here are the finalized renders!

    You know, this top down view reminds me of the old Playmates bridge playset!

    Say, where's tactical at? :confused:
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Thank you both! :D
    Starscream wrote: »
    You know, this top down view reminds me of the old Playmates bridge playset!

    Hahaha, I was going for the Fact Files schematics look, but that works. ;)

    The stations are, from the front to the back:

    On the left side: Environment, Mission Ops, Communications, Tactical
    On the right side: Engineering I, Engineering II, Science I, Science II
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Thank you both! :D

    Hahaha, I was going for the Fact Files schematics look, but that works. ;)

    The stations are, from the front to the back:

    On the left side: Environment, Mission Ops, Communications, Tactical
    On the right side: Engineering I, Engineering II, Science I, Science II

    A-ha, that makes sense now: I'd been looking for a sensor scan or a vessel/deflector type screen - but of course, there's that darn fangled LCARS targeting reticule! :lol:

    Y'know, this bridge looks so cozy, it makes me want to install a pit at the base of the viewscreen and set a comfortable sofa in it... :cool:
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,399Member
    Your comment is reminding me of Data's early dreams.

    I was thinking the same thing, that this bridge is such a great base that you could swap stuff out and redress it for things like dream sequences or Q-shenanegans (I think I mentioned an old wooden captain's wheel replacing the chair, for example).
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Hahaha, I wasn't planning to add any plants on the bridge, but speaking of redresses...

    I've started working on the Buenos Aires bridge, but for now I'm just trying stuff out seeing what sticks. I want this bridge to be darker and have more metal, less wood and soft materials.

    I've also started tinkering in Unreal Engine, seeing if I can get my models there without too much of a problem and start adding animations to them. I also have some more projects going on, both on commissions and with Stage9, so I'll probably jump from project to project for a while.

    Again, nothing here's final, just seeing what I can do.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    That's a great looking bridge. I really like the color scheme.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Me too - this is similar to how I'd always felt the "real" Nebula-class bridges ought to styled; a less luxurious version of the Galaxy-class module (as opposed to sets that barely even looked like bridges in some instances!) :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    Me too - this is similar to how I'd always felt the "real" Nebula-class bridges ought to styled; a less luxurious version of the Galaxy-class module (as opposed to sets that barely even looked like bridges in some instances!) :)

    Like the Sutherland? I don't know what they were thinking with that one. At least the Nebula-class Prometheus bridge looked like a Starfleet bridge, though for a smaller ship. (they used what they had available, I guess)
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Especially the Sutherland! :lol: Found the other examples to be equally lacking though, tbh, and in some ways even harder to rationalise since they were so obviously made from older-era consoles etc.

    A relit and redressed Ent-D bridge would I think have been vastly superior...
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    I do like the Sutherland, in a bizarre sort of way :lol:, it's so different that I like it just for the sake of it.

    I always though it was a shame that we never got to see the Ent-D bridge used in DS9. It was always being used in TNG (logically) so there was no time for a redress to be the various Nebula or the Odyssey.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    More progress, but again, nothing's final. Thoughts so far?
    (Also, excuse the stretched LCARS)

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    I LOVE the colors!!! Please keep that blue carpet!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    I'm really liking that bridge so far. :thumb:
    Rekkert wrote: »
    I always though it was a shame that we never got to see the Ent-D bridge used in DS9. It was always being used in TNG (logically) so there was no time for a redress to be the various Nebula or the Odyssey.

    Also, remember that after the second season of DS9, the Ent-D bridge didn't exist anymore. It became the Voyager bridge. They did use the Voyager sets in one episode where they had another Intrepid class ship.

    The only time I can remember them even showing the bridge of a Galaxy class on DS9 (besides the Enterprise in the pilot) was in the season 2 finale, "The Jem'Hadar." That was the one with the first appearance of the Jem'Hadar, and they had the USS Odyssey assist the DS9 runabouts in mounting a rescue mission to save Sisko, Jake, Quark and Nog from them. The Odyssey bridge was seen briefly on a viewscreen and definitely didn't look like the Ent-D bridge.
  • BlobVanDamBlobVanDam0 Posts: 0Member
    Loving the new bridge so far!
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    The Odyssey bridge was a redress of the Saratoga/Prometheus bridge, they couldn't use the Ent-D bridge as they were filming Generations.

    It's a pretty weird layout, they just added the center part of the Ent-D horseshoe waaay behind the captain's chair, with some railing at the sides, and added a couple more chairs BEHIND that of the captain for the XO and another officer.

    It made little sense but it's certainly one of the unique bridge designs for Starfleet vessels.

    Some further refinements. I'm not sure what to do with the ceiling, I might do a completely new piece to differentiate this bridge further from the Anchorage.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    The Odyssey bridge was a redress of the Saratoga/Prometheus bridge, they couldn't use the Ent-D bridge as they were filming Generations.

    It's a pretty weird layout, they just added the center part of the Ent-D horseshoe waaay behind the captain's chair, with some railing at the sides, and added a couple more chairs BEHIND that of the captain for the XO and another officer.

    It made little sense but it's certainly one of the unique bridge designs for Starfleet vessels.

    Actually I think that rail was in place of the TNG horseshoe...
    Some further refinements. I'm not sure what to do with the ceiling, I might do a completely new piece to differentiate this bridge further from the Anchorage.


    Nicely done! It definitely fits in the era, yet stands out on its own... The console seating looks suitably (uncomfortably) ship of the week! :D If you're putting in touches from Generations like the grabrails, does this mean you'll also be changing the LCARS (ie, the separately colored monitor displays)?

    I do think I prefer the more simple (and unsupported) horseshoe that you had originally; the little supports and Voyager console style seem a bit superfluous - and as they say, less is more! :thumb:
  • NevetsNevets203 EarthPosts: 137Member
    LOVE the blue look. Very cool.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,399Member
    I also love the blue look, but I don't like how there are half-walls on the sides. It just has this "under construction" feel to it.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Really? To me it just speaks of a ship with different mission requirements & capabilities, maybe greater automation for a smaller crew complement...
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @Starscream: Regarding the Odyssey, like I said the railing replaced the horseshoe but the center support strut of the horseshoe is there right behind the captain's chair, you can see it in the screenshots I posted.

    As for the LCARS, they'll probably have more muted colors to go with the darker aesthetic.

    And as for the shape of the horseshoe, I always saw the TNG horseshoe as an abstract representation of the ship's saucer and neck. It just kind of has the same shape, particularly after the decals were added in season 2, and the support behind the Captain became asymmetrical, just like the two shuttlebays in the ship's neck were asymmetrical. Anyway, following that line of thinking I tried to make the Buenos Aires horseshoe look a bit like its saucer section, with the two protruding impulse engines becoming this console with the elongated sides.

    @Nevets: Thanks!

    @BlueNeumann: I'm planing to make that bit of the wall follow the rest of the structure more organically, they won't be a simple vertical wall as it is now.

    Well, all of that will have to wait anyway, as our very own BolianAdmiral has commissioned a new bridge from me: the Nebula Class USS Quasar. The bridge will follow the same basic structure as the Enterprise-D bridge, but with several custom details and incorporating some details from the 'Parallels' and 'Future Imperfect' bridges.

    I've been working on getting the general structure right this past couple of days. There aren't very accurate blueprints out there and information on exact measurements isn't easy to find, so I had to rely a lot on screencaps and on the old 'Captain's Chair' 360 views.

    The basic floor and walls structure is up. All the chairs and consoles seen here are just temporarily there to give a sense of scale, they'll be replaced later.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Well, all of that will have to wait anyway, as our very own BolianAdmiral has commissioned a new bridge from me: the Nebula Class USS Quasar. The bridge will follow the same basic structure as the Enterprise-D bridge, but with several custom details and incorporating some details from the 'Parallels' and 'Future Imperfect' bridges.

    I've been working on getting the general structure right this past couple of days. There aren't very accurate blueprints out there and information on exact measurements isn't easy to find, so I had to rely a lot on screencaps and on the old 'Captain's Chair' 360 views.

    The basic floor and walls structure is up. All the chairs and consoles seen here are just temporarily there to give a sense of scale, they'll be replaced later.


    YAY! It begins! Looking forward to watching the bridge take form!
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    @Starscream: Regarding the Odyssey, like I said the railing replaced the horseshoe but the center support strut of the horseshoe is there right behind the captain's chair, you can see it in the screenshots I posted.

    Ah, apologies - I misread you as thinking that they'd kept the horseshoe itself while adding side rails. :)
    And as for the shape of the horseshoe, I always saw the TNG horseshoe as an abstract representation of the ship's saucer and neck. It just kind of has the same shape, particularly after the decals were added in season 2, and the support behind the Captain became asymmetrical, just like the two shuttlebays in the ship's neck were asymmetrical. Anyway, following that line of thinking I tried to make the Buenos Aires horseshoe look a bit like its saucer section, with the two protruding impulse engines becoming this console with the elongated sides.

    That's funny, I'd never looked at the horseshoe from that perspective! I don't really agree with the justification for the stepped console, but it's certainly interesting to see your thought processes.
    Well, all of that will have to wait anyway, as our very own BolianAdmiral has commissioned a new bridge from me: the Nebula Class USS Quasar. The bridge will follow the same basic structure as the Enterprise-D bridge, but with several custom details and incorporating some details from the 'Parallels' and 'Future Imperfect' bridges.

    I love, LOVE that you're doing this. Has BA determined a color scheme for it?
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    Has BA determined a color scheme for it?

    My original vision was/is to go with a 3rd season TNG look for the colors and lighting, but I told Rekkert that I am open to tweaking colors here and there, if I see something that looks better suited for this particular setup, etc. But the basic plan calls for the standard TNG-era beige/tan walls, etc.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    My original vision was/is to go with a 3rd season TNG look for the colors and lighting, but I told Rekkert that I am open to tweaking colors here and there, if I see something that looks better suited for this particular setup, etc. But the basic plan calls for the standard TNG-era beige/tan walls, etc.

    I have to admit I'd always been partial to a more grey-based scheme - partly to fit in with what we saw onscreen (inc. the Ready Room seen in TNG "The Wounded") but also to evoke that the Nebulas are a slightly earlier design as suggested by their registry numbers... Plus of course, to create some visual contrast to the Enterprise bridge.

    That said it's always nice to see more beige variants. :)
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    I have to admit I'd always been partial to a more grey-based scheme - partly to fit in with what we saw onscreen (inc. the Ready Room seen in TNG "The Wounded") but also to evoke that the Nebulas are a slightly earlier design as suggested by their registry numbers... Plus of course, to create some visual contrast to the Enterprise bridge.

    That said it's always nice to see more beige variants. :)

    Yeah, I kind of really like the standard light gray he's using so far, with the CONN/OPS consoles, so I might keep with that. As I said, he's being very gracious, and allowing me to tweak the colors as we go, to see what works best. I actually LOVE the blue carpet he's used on the Buenos Aires bridge, so I may use that blue in place of the reddish color that we saw on the 1701-D's bridge. We'll see. I just generally love the beige/tan, because I love light warm colors... it really opens up a space, and makes it feel bigger, IMO.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,399Member
    I kinda like the all-white look... I doubt it would work (it'd be impossible to keep clean, for one) but it's certainly something different. White walls, blue carpets...
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Yeah, I kind of really like the standard light gray he's using so far, with the CONN/OPS consoles, so I might keep with that. As I said, he's being very gracious, and allowing me to tweak the colors as we go, to see what works best. I actually LOVE the blue carpet he's used on the Buenos Aires bridge, so I may use that blue in place of the reddish color that we saw on the 1701-D's bridge. We'll see. I just generally love the beige/tan, because I love light warm colors... it really opens up a space, and makes it feel bigger, IMO.

    It's certainly a very clean look, with that shade of grey.

    Funny, I always felt that light greys and blues lit the same way have that effect! Conversely I much prefer the Generations lighting with the beige color scheme; to me it seemed both more cozy and functional... Guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder! :lol:

    BlueNeumann, you heathen! Don't you know the ship cleans itself? :P
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