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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    First of all, here are all the finished renders for the Charybdis:

    Congratulations on finishing it, it looks awesome!
    After that was done, I returned to an old design of mine. This bridge was started after the Patagonia, but I left it because it never looked completely right to me...

    I'm not completely sold on the side consoles, I might re do them entirely. Thoughts?

    I agree with previous comments. I love the switcharound versus TNG that you've done (can't wait to see what you do to those rear panels!), but the side-consoles would benefit hugely from either getting the same padding/chair setup as on the Ent-D in generations, or getting the built-in pullout chairs (those big columns between the users' feet look a tad uncomfortable. ;) )

    The wooden handrails are very attractive, and I love the Parallels-based columns, though I might recommend a frosted glass underbeneath rather than just the three free-floating smaller rails - they seem a bit flimsy/breakable. And have you considered putting a helm-style console atop the rear one at all?

    On the bridge centre-well, three ideas: Recalling the TNG sets, you may want to lower the bottom-most level by a further step, to give greater vertical differentiation. Second, making the steps wider might be a good idea in terms of safety. Third, the Captain's platform might benefit from flaring out wider, to meet the gap between the handrails -- as mentioned elsewhere I think, this is so he/she doesn't need to step down before coming back up. :)

    With regards to appearances of scale etc, my only advice is to make sure you get measurements from the actual studio bridge sets -right now it looks like something is slightly off, but without knowing for sure your model's dimensions it's hard to know where the 'issue' is!

    (PS: welcome back, I thought for a while I'd have to reactivate my logon to trekbbs... *shudder*)
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,399Member
    Actually, here's where my head is now:"

    The LCARS on the wall should be simpler than the ones from the TNG bridge, to keep this nice motif you have going on. I'd suggest the ones from Yesterday's Enteprise yesterdays_enterprise_hd_080.jpg yesterdays_enterprise_hd_249.jpg.

    I actually did a couple doodles way back when I was going through Voyager again, LCARS with pop-outs for modern 1:9 consoles:


    (I'll put them all on MY thread, don't want to hijack!)

    Parallels also had these interesting light brackets we see here...


    ..but I don't know if you want to break up that nice, unified look that you currently have with the railings.

    If you wanted to give the captain's chair a little more emphasis, you could put those control stantion things on either side, you know, these...?


    OR something more like Captain Sisko's controls... but a little simplified to fit the TNG style.


    I WOULD suggest changing the railings from that open A shape, so that the people on the outside ring can't trip accidentally on it. Straight on the outer side, slanted on the inside.
  • rojrenrojren2621 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 2,015Member
    These are all really great. There's one thing that bothers me about the Buenos Aires bridge, though. The unbroken concentric circles of color with the carpeting would make me feel trapped. Maybe make a small break in the circles, or change hue for a segment of the circle?
  • CJB-94CJB-940 Posts: 0Member
    Tis an awesome bridge of an awesome ship!

    Now for your Buenos Aires bridge the side consoles are nice though I would reduce from having four on each to just two. That way it would feel less cramped and more spacious as a result, everything else on it looks good.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Thanks for all the comments! I'm actually OK with the center part of the bridge, so I don't plan to add anything else to it, it has way to many consoles as it is.

    rojren: Sorry, but I actually made the steps and the circles bigger. :D We'll see what reception they get.

    CJB-94: As you can see in the render below, they're very spacious, more so than the consoles on the aft of the Enterprise-D.

    I've been working on some other stuff these past couple of weeks, mostly in helping out with some modeling on the Stage-9 project. For those of you unaware, it's a work in progress recreation of the whole Enterprise-D in Unreal Engine 4, compatible with VR devices.

    I've worked on the bridge model Rob was using in Stage-9 in order to create the Generations bridge. The base model is NOT mine, only the stuff added for the movie is (the rails, side consoles, steps, etc). I've worked on some other stuff for the project and hope to continue doing it in the future. (Keep in mind that this images are still of a work in progress version.)


    Now, as for the Buenos Aires-Class bridge, I've decided to make it the bridge of the USS Anchorage, one of the last ships of the class commissioned on the 2360's. The reason why it's not the bridge of the USS Buenos Aires is because I had begun working on that bridge on 2010 with Bernd's approval, and as you can see, it's the antithesis of this design (TNG era layout with TMP era aesthetics), and I'm planing to redo that version as the Buenos Aires bridge eventually).


    As for actual advances in the mesh, I've made the steps down the center consoles bigger, and modified the carpet around the railing as to keep people from bumping into it (as long as they keep walking in the blue areas :rolleyes::D). I've also modified the side consoles, removing the connection of the chairs to the walls, and adding a light on top of the consoles. I've made a render with a base human figure I've downloaded, to show how much space each console has, as you can see, it's not cramped at all and all stations are actually bigger than those on the Enterprise-D.


    The biggest change is on the aft consoles. I've modified the arrangement a bit. The middle console will have an MSD similar to that of the Brattain, while the vertical consoles at the sides will contain regular LCARS. Thoughts?

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,399Member
    Feels a bit busy having the MSD in there... fights that cool minimalist look you had before. Whatever you do back there, make it uniform and simple so it feels like one unit, like the side consoles.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Man, I love that Stage-9 Project. It looks fantastic.

    Your personal stuff is looking fantastic too.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Feels a bit busy having the MSD in there... fights that cool minimalist look you had before. Whatever you do back there, make it uniform and simple so it feels like one unit, like the side consoles.

    Agreed on this.

    My only other suggestion would be to maybe use the same style of console chairs as were added in Generations - just to tie things together a bit more.

    Other than that, I just need to add: Awesome updates!!
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,399Member
    Actually, you know what might look nice back there? A hallway wall, the ones with the displays on them.


    Maybe replace the handrail with something else, but... could be an interesting solution. And of course, I immediately think "hidden door," it opens up to reveal a secret room or something.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I rather think the normal TNG padded equipment lockers would suffice, with the top 1/3 replaced with LCARS status panels -- basically a mashup of the regular TNG ones with the "Future Imperfect"/"Parallels"/"Yesterday's Enterprise" ones.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Sorry guys but the MSD is staying. :D

    I've finally finished UV mapping everything and started texturing the consoles. It's not done yet, but I think the MSD area looks better now with something there.

    The left consoles has a map (reproduced from one shown on Picard's quarters) and some isolinear chips below. The right console will also have the isolinear chips but it'll probably contain some sort of list instead of the map.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Sorry guys but the MSD is staying. :D

    I've finally finished UV mapping everything and started texturing the consoles. It's not done yet, but I think the MSD area looks better now with something there.

    The left consoles has a map (reproduced from one shown on Picard's quarters) and some isolinear chips below. The right console will also have the isolinear chips but it'll probably contain some sort of list instead of the map.


    Looks like a solid start on the MSD! I like the shape of this class, too. :thumb: Will the finished schematics be in blue, or are you keeping them yellowish?

    Still not sold on the location of the vertical panels, sorry ;) . Have you thought about placing them at the very ends of the equipment bay/MSD area? That way you break up the horizontal & vertical black spaces which seem a bit at odds with each other...

    One other idea: you could decorate them akin to the TNG port/starboard bulkheads - so you've got somewhere for your ship's plaque, alert status lights, isolinear banks and the ever-present Tea/Coffee replicator. :cool:
  • batboy853batboy853333 Posts: 88Member
    Love the MSD! Just throwing this out there, what if you made the back section narrower, remove the last section of panels from both sides and instead put another set of doors on each side in the back? Sort of like one side leading to the head / conference room, the other side leading a turbo-lift and ready room?

    I still also think there should be some sort of tactical console behind the captain, even if it is a mini one similar to the intrepid class.
    You may know of me as AndyP elsewhere...
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @Starscream: The schematics are yellow, but as you can see below, all the text around it is blue. I think this is the ultimate TNG look for this. :D
    I love the design of this ship (I've worked on a 3D version a long time ago, and talked about it extensively with Bernd). The fact that it's named after my home city of course is irrelevant to my infatuation with it. :rolleyes:
    The ship's plaque, alert lights and replicators will go in the bulkheads located just forward from the doors.

    Like I've said, the whole back area is staying as it is, I like it. :p I've finished with the LCARS in that section:

    Here's a look on eye level from afar:

    And the MSD graphic itself:
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    That's looking great. :)
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Thanks for the closeup MSD view! If I'm not mistaken the miniature one to the side of the TNG engineering station was in yellow also, so there's certainly precedent.

    As for the rear panel arrangement, you've gone and sold me even less on it with the full bridge view -- I'm even more convinced now that it would be better off with one long series of horizontal displays end to end! :p :D But as Kirk himself once said, "Mr Spock, the ship is yours!" :thumb:

    (In a way your setup reminds me of the tactical station on the TNG battle bridge, obviously re-used from the TMP set; so again, there's precedent)

    Of course, I completely forgot you'd put in all the other black panels around the bridge for other things to go... Looking forward to seeing how it looks with them all decorated and lit!

    PS: Now I think of it, with reduced lighting this would also have made a much better Battle Bridge for the Galaxy Class...
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,399Member
    It WOULD make a good battle bridge... though you'd have to get rid of the dome at the top.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    As for the rear panel arrangement, you've gone and sold me even less on it with the full bridge view
    That was my idea all along! I was just thinking "What can I do to make Starscream absolutely HATE this?" ;)
    I hope that once it's completely finished you'll look it with different eyes, and if not, there's always a next design :lol:

    As for the battle bridge, it's true, it would be a pretty cool one, though it's bigger and has more stations than the main bridge. :lol: Maybe a smaller version of this layout would be perfect.

    I've done a lot of little things here and there. I've finished the details on top of the side stations (the red labels, red alert lights and panels); added the labels to the doors; added some stars on the viewscreen; and did all the vertical panels on the bridge, including the four alert status indicators, the dedication plaque, and the traditional little yellow MSD. :p

    From this shot you can see that the back end of the bridge is now completely finished (except for the ceiling, I have to add details to the structure there).
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,399Member
    Love it! It feels so... it just feels so real! I want to step into that bridge and look around, sit in the chairs and press the panels. You're making me well up, it's like stepping into a childhood room I had forgotten about.

    I never noticed that the triple bars are only connected in the middle stanchion, I think that's a nice touch.

    And I notice that the side panels behind the Captain have just about a perfect 16:9 shape so that there COULD be flatscreens behind there in case those displays needed to change or if they do aux controls in there (emergency site-to-site transporter, for example).

    (If you wanted to make it a battle bridge, you could replace those "pillar" bits behind the Captain with a stack of four monitors, like that Data bridge we were discussing a few pages ago... replace the ceiling with something more like Voyager or Sickbay, and maybe skin the consoles in that gunmetal gray from Star Trek VI. Would also work for a "mirror universe" type ship)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    I really like the way this bridge is shaping up, Rekkert. It's nice to see a TNG era bridge with a more TOS/TMP style layout.
    Rekkert wrote: »
    That was my idea all along! I was just thinking "What can I do to make Starscream absolutely HATE this?" ;)

    Hee hee, I love that response. :lol:

    In the end, you're making what looks good to you. If others like it, great. If not, they're free to do their own version.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972338 Posts: 1,216Member
    That's an awesome bridge. Great work.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    That was my idea all along! I was just thinking "What can I do to make Starscream absolutely HATE this?" ;)

    I KNEW it! You'll drive my OCD insane with your juxtaposition of the vertical and horizontal! :lol:
    I hope that once it's completely finished you'll look it with different eyes, and if not, there's always a next design

    Now that's just crazy talk - having a negative opinion on one element doesn't stop me liking the rest! It's still a fine looking bridge. As I said, it's not as if we've never seen similar arrangements before either; so yours appears to be in good company... ;)

    And, as I also said earlier (and apparently need to repeat for those posters who missed it...:rolleyes:), while I might have an opinion on the design, the ship is yours. :thumb:
  • CJB-94CJB-940 Posts: 0Member
    Wow, I actually prefer that over the D's bridge the more I look at it. Immaculate job.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    @Starscream: The schematics are yellow, but as you can see below, all the text around it is blue. I think this is the ultimate TNG look for this. :D
    I love the design of this ship (I've worked on a 3D version a long time ago, and talked about it extensively with Bernd). The fact that it's named after my home city of course is irrelevant to my infatuation with it. :rolleyes:
    The ship's plaque, alert lights and replicators will go in the bulkheads located just forward from the doors.

    Like I've said, the whole back area is staying as it is, I like it. :p I've finished with the LCARS in that section:

    Here's a look on eye level from afar:

    And the MSD graphic itself:

    I just LOVE how you completely nail down the proper TNG-era look so perfectly... great work!
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @BlueNeumann: Thanks, always glad to see my work gets that kind of response. :) When I get around to making the bridge for the USS Buenos Aires, that'll be a more utilitarian version of this, with more metal surfaces. It'll certainly meet your criteria for a battle bridge. ;)

    @evil_genius_180: Thanks Chris. Indeed I do this for myself. If everyone is telling me that something looks bad, I'll of course take it into consideration as I've done in the past, but I'm not trying to please anyone other than me with this design. It's not a commission after all. :p

    @Vortex5972: Thank you!

    @Starscream: Yeah, I know you do like the rest of it, I'm just playing with you ;)

    @CJB-94: Haha, thanks!

    @BolianAdmiral: Thank you very much! :)

    Well, again lots of little bits here and there. I've finished the ceiling, a mix of what was on the Enterprise-D and my own thing. I've added more details to the side consoles, including among other things, some details below the consoles, to make the area look less empty. I've also modified the door areas a bit, to make the fabric there look more organic, before it was just ending when it met the wall in a rather unrealistic way.

    Finally I've started with the LCARS on the side consoles. As you can see the actual controls are finished (each station has it's own individual texture), and I'm starting work on the monitors.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Great stuff. I love the attention to detail on the small bits, it makes everything more believable.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972338 Posts: 1,216Member
    Now that's what a TNG era Excelsior class bridge should look like.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member

    I've finished with all the LCARS, including the small bits below the viewscreen that I missed before. :lol:

    Unless I've missed something, it seems to be finished now, so I'll start making the finalized renders.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,399Member
    Tears, dude. My eyes are literally welling up, this is just so cozy. Looks real, the lighting is right, the design is right... oh, to step into this in VR..
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Really great job on those LCARS. They look like they're right out of the TV shows. :)
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