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3DSpace station/ship,ISS-2

-=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
edited January 2016 in Work in Progress #1
I started new project,its some kind of side project,i will do more soviet historical stuff,maybe Nasa soon.
But this project for creativity,dont need use reference,copy correctly,just modelling what i had in mind.
Im not sure yet,its will be International Space Station-2 in near future,or only russian station.
Or maybe Venus/mars ship? maybe warp ship for other solar systems?
Will see in time!
Still just few day work on it,early Wip.
Here is the Main module.
Post edited by -=sAs=- on


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    It's looking great so far. That fabric looks very realistic.
  • -=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
    Back to the project,still early WIP,but next week totally freetime,so i hope big progress
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Fantastic start, the detailing on those fabric elements as ever are awesome and really elevate the piece to another level. Loving this stuff.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    Fantastic start, the detailing on those fabric elements as ever are awesome and really elevate the piece to another level. Loving this stuff.


    Agreed on all points. I'm loving it too. :D
  • HelotHelot391 Posts: 164Member
    Come on, be truthful, you took photos of the real thing in some museum and are just playing in Photoshop to make it look like you are modeling this thing! ;) !!

    Kidding aside, serious detail work! I am in awe. Love it.
  • BlobVanDamBlobVanDam0 Posts: 0Member
    Damn, that detailing is beautiful. I also love the fabric-y bits, very realistic.
  • -=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks guys :)

    I working on new docking system,i plan this station in 2020-2030's time,so i guess the good old soviet docking system (Probe and drogue) system not correct then.
    Still WIP!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    Great job on the new, slightly futuristic docking system.
  • psCargilepsCargile417 Posts: 620Member
    Why not the androgynous docking system?
  • -=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
    psCargile wrote: »
    Why not the androgynous docking system?

    Its russian module,russians use Probe and drogue since 1971.
    PTK-NP spacecraft will use probe and drogue also (russian spacecraft for 2020's times after Soyuz)
    Seems russians dont like to use it,but androgynous docking system came from soviets!
    APAS system,Space Shuttle used apas for dock to ISS/MIR...
    I will add later androgynous docking system,International docking adapter.
    May will be ISS-2.
    iss.jpg 192.9K
  • SamuraiSamurai185 Posts: 408Member
    Even in WIP stages, your materials look unbelievable (or rather, they look very believable!)

    I'm a big fan of watching your WIP projects- looking forward to seeing where this goes.
    "Perfect. Then that's the way it shall be."
  • psCargilepsCargile417 Posts: 620Member
    I'm assuming you looking at references; any idea what the folded chair looking things ringing the flange are for? They are interesting details.
  • -=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
    Samurai wrote: »
    Even in WIP stages, your materials look unbelievable (or rather, they look very believable!)

    I'm a big fan of watching your WIP projects- looking forward to seeing where this goes.

    Thanks! And where the finnish much detail,and few more module for sure :)
    psCargile wrote: »
    I'm assuming you looking at references; any idea what the folded chair looking things ringing the flange are for? They are interesting details.

    What stuff you mean? I dont know what you mean :| Can show on image pls?
  • psCargilepsCargile417 Posts: 620Member
    Triangle-like details on the flange between the middle module and the aft model. They look like beach or pool deck chairs.

    Flange, skirt, conical section, whatever you call it.
  • -=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
    psCargile wrote: »
    Triangle-like details on the flange between the middle module and the aft model. They look like beach or pool deck chairs.

    Flange, skirt, conical section, whatever you call it.

    hm,you mean this?
    tri.PNG 236.3K
  • psCargilepsCargile417 Posts: 620Member
    Yes, those things.
  • -=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
    psCargile wrote: »
    Yes, those things.

    Debris/micrometeorite shield panels.b
    I "borrow" the idea from Zvezda ISS module,installed by EVA missions.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    This is extraordinary work, any chance you'll ever post a tutorial on how you manage to create such wonderful geometry and such awesome material effects?

    P.S. as far as "what to make it into" goes you could model a station and then convert it into a manned interplanetary veesel through the addition of a large volume of fuel tanks and an engine of some kind (probably NTR or vasimr). That is the key difference between space stations and interplanetary veesels, the lack or presence of fuel tanks and engines. I can quite imagine that some day an existing station might be converted to an interplanetary vessel by such means, provided that the station had a strong enough structure to survive the accelerations produced by the engine (although that acceleration wouldn't be very high, certainly not as great as 1g).
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