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2DLancaster 5 concept artwork dump thread

FlakmonkeyFlakmonkey68 Posts: 97Member
edited August 2015 in Work in Progress #1
Hey guys n gals :) this is where I'll be dumping my ideas/concepts for my (eventual) graphic novel Lancaster 5 which you can read HERE.

To start this off, Here is the ESC Carrier CVN-05 Chicago, where our main protagonist, Troy, starts teh day that changes his life:

Post edited by Flakmonkey on


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804257 Posts: 11,034Member
    Those are some cool concepts, I especially like the Kite.
  • FlakmonkeyFlakmonkey68 Posts: 97Member
    The Iowa class frigate, "Arciard", which used to be named "Sound of Truth" before I rearranged how Frigates are named. Instead of following a Halo-esque convention using famous songs/poems, I decided on a U.S.Navy style of Naval heroes.

  • FlakmonkeyFlakmonkey68 Posts: 97Member
    Those are some cool concepts, I especially like the Kite.

    Thanks! It took many, many, many iterations and thought to get to the point it is at. I just hope one day to be able to make 3d models of all these concepts so making the scenes for the panels is easier! haha
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804257 Posts: 11,034Member
    I like the frigate a lot. :)

    Yeah, doing them in CGI will definitely take some time off of making the panels. ;)
  • FlakmonkeyFlakmonkey68 Posts: 97Member
    I like that frigate a lot as well. Here is another frigate, because FRIGATE:


    Note: this is the Arkansas class frigate Eusses Marte, FFG-605.

    Again, this is before the registry changes.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804257 Posts: 11,034Member
    The thing about frigates is that the term itself is so broad that so many ships can fall into that category. ;)

    I like that one too, though not quite a well as the other. However, I love the name "Nothing Left," even if you're not using it.
  • FlakmonkeyFlakmonkey68 Posts: 97Member
    Thinking back I really like the way I had the registrys done before..I don't know. lol

    Anyway, did some more work:

    Here is a Science team outfit concept:


    The new and improved SF-03 "Raptor"

    F-o3 Raptor.jpg

    and some other concpets which I have yet to upload. I'll be looking to redesign a lot of things (I came up with a different type of propulsion..sort of...hehe)

    anyway, I know it's been a while, but I have been busy with life for sure :D
  • FlakmonkeyFlakmonkey68 Posts: 97Member
    And a bit more work on the redesign of the Sound Of Truth:


    That's all for tonight. I think I'm setting SFM as my homepage...That way I'll be around more often. ;)
  • FlakmonkeyFlakmonkey68 Posts: 97Member
    UPDATE! even though not many are following this yet, they will come ;)

    Here is the new and improved Iowa Class Frigate.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804257 Posts: 11,034Member
    It's looking great. :thumb:
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    Overall I like what you have going here. The Kite is a nice little fighter, plenty of maneuvering thrusters and nice and chunky to show that it is primarily a space fighter. I like the direction you are going with the Raptor, as a more atmospheric/trans-atm craft, just remember to give them some means of slowing down in space. On fighters especially, the ability to change your momentum vector quickly will be essential, all but mandating big reverse thrusters.

    Not wild about the carrier. I experimented with fly through decks on several of my carrier designs in the past and ended up ditching them on all but the light carriers. There are a ton of issue with going that route. Also, where are the engines on the carrier? Having your engines right along the landing bay is a bad idea, that will be a high rad area and making your pilots fly through the engine wash isn't going to go over well.

    The frigates I like for the most part. You are keeping with the old sci-fi trope of the floor is along the length of the ship though, but that is a hard one to break free of. I do like that you have weapons covering most lanes of fire though, good on you.
  • FlakmonkeyFlakmonkey68 Posts: 97Member
    I've actually revamped the carrier design; I'll be posting that concept soon.

    And yes, the Raptor will need a way to stop and maneuver in space, so I'll revamp the maneuvering systems.

    Thanks for the input :D
  • FlakmonkeyFlakmonkey68 Posts: 97Member
    Also, to be clearer, the Chicago is not a through deck. it has a bay at the front, and quick launch bays at the sides (ala Rodger Young for the dropships)

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