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Sci fi Meshes banner question

BigDBigD0 Posts: 0Member
How do you get your work in progress in the banner bar on top of the page when some first sees it?

I like my added not sure how I go about it.
Post edited by BigD on


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    Only an administrator (possibly a super moderator too) can add works to that area. They do it when they decide a project is good enough to go there.
  • BigDBigD0 Posts: 0Member
    Only an administrator (possibly a super moderator too) can add works to that area. They do it when they decide a project is good enough to go there.
    Ok thank you bro for the quick reply.
  • SamuraiSamurai185 Posts: 408Member
    From what I can tell, it's admin-only. I can't see a way to add to it, and I wouldn't expect to see much activity from the other Supermods these days- bit of a rare breed apparently.
    "Perfect. Then that's the way it shall be."
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    Yes, that is an unfortunate truth (the bit about the super mods.) Thanks for clearing that up, I wasn't sure who all had access. I know for sure Admins can do it (obviously.)
  • rojrenrojren2553 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 2,002Member
    It's not just the Admins. There's not much activity of any kind around here.
  • BigDBigD0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok thanks for the info everyone.
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