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3DRetro Style

stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
edited June 2015 in Work in Progress #1
Hi Folks - a couple of renders for another ship I have been working on, still got a ways to go :)
Post edited by stoli on


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,047Member
    That's really slick. It's a bullet with big hoking engines. What's not to like? :D
  • StarriggerStarrigger476 Posts: 698Member
    as always, love your stuff!
    Come on over to my place CGI Worlds
  • jrhotteljrhottel9 Posts: 0Member
    Awesome! What software are you using? Is that last render HDR?
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,986Member
    Lovely. Needs more chrome. :)
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    Lol thanks evil, I like big engines
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    I use sketchup for the models, currently using keyshot for the renders, still learning that program :)
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    More chrome, hmmmmm lets look into that some more, i love chrome as well
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Absolutely loving it, always find your work refreshing to see, very slick looking design. The only minor crit that I'd level at it, and this is completely just a matter of taste, and if you're looking at retro design it might be just what you wanted to do to give that feel. I'd say that with the rest of the craft looking so sleek, that the mounting plate at the base of the wing pylon looks a bit out of place and really takes away from the streamlinity* (*is this a word? If not then it should be. :p) of the design. Perhaps if you had the pylon sunk into a chrome rimmed teardrop shaped blister like socket similar to the design of that vent array just above and behind it, it would be a more streamlined solution still in keeping with the aesthetic of the rest of the design?
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    Hiya Talon, thanks for the excellent feedback, I actually did try doing this but did not want to have 2 blisters the same so close together, however I will actually go back and have another go to see how that looks as I believe you are correct in your comment about aesthetics, I will post another update when I try this, let me know what you think, always appreciate help given, cheers matey :)
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    Heya Talon, I added some more rounded ends to where the wing joins the ship as suggested, I do like how it looks. Maybe after adding some finer detail to them the overall flow should look more like my retro streamline style, any thoughts are always welcome, cheers and thanks for the feedback.
  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    Lol, thanks Elowan
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, that's a great improvement on the pylon mount Stoli, looks much more solid and more able to support the weight of those massive engines now, subtle enough execution too so it doesn't clash with that other blister behind it. Plus maximum 'streamlinity TM' :p has been restored. Only too happy to provide feedback.
  • ArmondikovArmondikov0 Posts: 0Member
    I don't think it's possible to get much more retro than those caps just behind the wings... unless you add a pair of tails like on old Cadillacs.
  • ArmondikovArmondikov0 Posts: 0Member
    That tail is just crying out for it:

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,047Member
    Armondikov wrote: »
    unless you add a pair of tails like on old Cadillacs.

    That would be awesome. :D
  • joededmanjoededman0 Posts: 0Member
  • nightfevernightfever361 Posts: 585Member
    Cool, I like that.
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    Now your talking, perfect reference material I have been looking for, stay tuned :)
  • bosunbosun62 Posts: 0Member
    Oh, wow, this is your coolest design yet, and your earlier ones were beyond cool. If you add fins, I think a V-tail would be pretty slick. Or maybe an ultra-long tail like a thresher shark.

    If it's not too much trouble, I'd love to see some orthos, and I'm probably not the only one.
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    bosun wrote: »
    Oh, wow, this is your coolest design yet, and your earlier ones were beyond cool. If you add fins, I think a V-tail would be pretty slick. Or maybe an ultra-long tail like a thresher shark.

    If it's not too much trouble, I'd love to see some orthos, and I'm probably not the only one.

    Hey Bosun, thanks for the kind words mate, she is still pretty much a work in progress so anything is possible. I haven't decided if I will add any substantial tail or fins yet, just toying around with bits here and there so far. I'm taking my time due to real life commitments but will experiment with some variations soon, I will post when I have made some better progress, I don't want to spam lol, then you guys can perhaps provide some more feedback which is always most welcome. As to orthos, Im not to familiar with making these kinds of things although others here seem to produce wonderful completed works with orthos added, I will seek help when the final model is completed and try this, cheers matey.
  • bosunbosun62 Posts: 0Member
    Spam for all you're worth, Stoli! You know it's not really spam if people like it. :thumb:
  • cuyacuya174 Posts: 55Member
    Love it, it would also compliment my Retroprise from way back, think there are some reference pics in the thread to old car parts
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    Hey guys, I have blocked in a test tail section and some retro style tail lights based on some helpful suggestions, let me know what ya think, cheers :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,047Member
    That's really slick. :thumb:
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972326 Posts: 1,204Member
    So awesome.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Loving it, really nice job, also like how the tail lights have been used to give purpose to that flat protrusion on the trailing edge of the pylons, was that always your intention for that area? As if it wasn't it is a sweet and happy accident that that detail works so well there. Great work.


    Oh, and that retro-Enterprise is phenomenal, love the take on the design totally embracing the car aesthetics of the time and applying it to the starship design, excellent stuff. Your craft would definitely make an appropriate Shuttlecraft/Delta Flyer type ship for that thing.
  • ArmondikovArmondikov0 Posts: 0Member
    I think it's a cute little nod. I originally had in my head something that was more of a big feature, but I think this is way better. It's subtle and not overpowering, but if you know what you're looking for, it's a sweet easter-egg of detail.
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    Hey Talon, yes I had left the flat areas on wings for tail lights or chrome trim, these areas would have been left till last but I gained some good feedback from the guys so i blocked in some lights, i loved the tail lights shown in picture provided by Armondikov.
  • stolistoli79 Posts: 130Member
    Armondikov wrote: »
    I think it's a cute little nod. I originally had in my head something that was more of a big feature, but I think this is way better. It's subtle and not overpowering, but if you know what you're looking for, it's a sweet easter-egg of detail.

    Thanks matey, your picture of the tail lights helped me get over a creative block, much appreciated :)
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