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3DUSS OBERON / NCC-97334 (LUNA-CLASS - Fan-Fiction-Version)

[Deleted User][Deleted User]191 Posts: 0
edited July 2014 in Work in Progress #1
This is the start of my new 3D-Project - the USS OBERON (LUNA-CLASS) the flagship of the "Sector-Fleet-Bajor", a Task-Force of 40 ships under the command of Rear-Admiral Valand Kuehn in the year 2381 (Design by Sean Tourangeau).
Sean has given the ship a length of 454 Meters but for my FF I use a 574,6 Meter-Version of this Class, because it has another role there, as in TITAN.

The mesh so far...

Post edited by [Deleted User] on


  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Why does a differing role justify a size increase of over 100m? That doesn't make any sense. I will say that's a nice start on the modeling, though. :)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    ooh! Love the Luna! and it looks like you took care of that pesky Eng hull already!! ( took me 20 trys to get that darn thing right!)
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    Nice start. I'm also curious about the size increase.
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    I don't really understand why the front saucer is waving like that. It makes it feels kind of odd...Otherwise I really like it...I have read those books, and I think there are 3-4 ships from the Voyager's fleet that also would look interesting in making.
  • Schimpfy wrote: »
    Why does a differing role justify a size increase of over 100m? That doesn't make any sense.

    Did you know my FF ICICLE, that you can definitely say that it doesnA’t make sense...??
    I guess... No!

    For example: If you will still have an exploration-vessel itA’s not relevant if the ship is 454 Meters long or 575...
    But: If you will have a carrier (thatA’s NOT the role of the LUNA in my FF - itA’s just an example) with a fighter-contingent of (let me say) 40-50 and maybe also some CAS-Shuttles, you need a minimum of space for it... ;)

    ThatA’s (and the need of a landing-strip) the reasons why aircraft carriers are 332 Meters long and not just 100 Meters... And belief me: That makes sense...!!
    So please belief me: It really MAKES sense, that this version is bigger as the original... ;)
    Schimpfy wrote: »
    I will say that's a nice start on the modeling, though. :)

    Many thanks.
    ooh! Love the Luna! and it looks like you took care of that pesky Eng hull already!! ( took me 20 trys to get that darn thing right!)

    Yes, the secondary hull is a B.... to work with... ;)
    Lonewriter wrote: »
    Nice start. I'm also curious about the size increase.

    See above.
  • sojournersojourner0 Posts: 0Member
    So, what part did you change to make the ship longer? Because it looks like a pretty standard Luna class currently. If you just scaled the entire ship up, well that doesn't really work.
  • sojourner wrote: »
    So, what part did you change to make the ship longer? Because it looks like a pretty standard Luna class currently. If you just scaled the entire ship up, well that doesn't really work.

    I have not the will (and I will not do) to start a nerdy discussion about the details of my FF here...!!
    This is basicly a 3D-Thread, NOT a discussion-thread for Fan-Fictions.

    So please say something about the mesh, if you want, but donA’t bug me with something like that.
    Fact is: The greater version MAKES sense for my FF. Over and out.

    In the future I donA’t tell you any detail about my meshes. I just post the pics and tell you, what IA’ve done - and thatA’s it.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    With an attitude like that don't be surprised if people don't comment on your work. The reason I had asked is because it doesn't make sense. From an engineering standpoint just scaling something up doesn't work. Your aircraft carrier argument doesn't hold water. They're bigger because they were initially designed that way not because someone decided a yacht needed to be bigger with a flight deck on top.

    Ya know, when I was a kid I had the ERTL TOS Enterprise model and the TNG Enterprise model. I would pretend that the TOS-E was a scaled up version of the original so I could play with both of them together. Then I grew up.

    Anyway, I get that this is your fan fiction, but calm your nuts when someone asks a simple question.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    there is a second reason an aircraft carrier like layout makes no sense, you are in space. the shuttles/fighters/other cool small craft don't need a runway to land and take off, they can slowly manoeuvre in and out of the bay using thrusters.
    pilot: i'm coming in hot
    flight deck controller: what are your thrusters broken?
    pilot: no
    flight deck controller:then use them. slow down and stop bothering me!

    but pack in some more equipment,bigger crew, better weapons, larger hangar space, more powerful engines, bigger fuel tanks and i can quite agree with your 100m larger argument, as technology advance ships and aircraft have historically got larger (until they reached points where progress meant becoming smaller). the design looks cool and other than the angular nacelles all the shapes flow together quite well. those panels round the front of the saucer are a cool feature.
  • trekkitrekki964 Posts: 1,417Member
    Hi there,
    that's the ship of Capt.. Riker, right?

    very nice
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