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2DAnother Ship



  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Another update!

    So tonight was fairly eventful. I was able to get a decent amount of work done on the MSD.

    ->Mostly finished the Nacelle's [Still have a little work to do in the maintenance area there and the bussards]
    ->The little purple dots are sensor clusters
    ->Added in a second fuel tank. I figured she's a big girl, she'll use a lof of gas. :p
    ->Added in the sesnor / comm dome on the saucer section
    ->Added hydroponic's bays [In my mind these are experimental / hydrid 'crops']
    ->Gym and Brig added
    ->Changed the layout of the Turbolift system a bit. Im happier with this design more than the last

    I think that's it for the updates this round. Might be a while before I can do more, work will have me busy when I come back on Friday.

    Let me know what you think!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    For a ship this size, those fuel tanks might actually be a bit on the small size. The deuterium tanks on the Galaxy class were huge. I know your ship isn't quite that big, but it will need lots of fuel for those long missions.

    Having said that, it's looking great. :)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I'd put the entire warp-core closer to the nacelles, maybe even into the saucer. Having it that far down makes it a vulnerability. One lucky shot there and you risk a core-breach...
    Also, try a different crew-quarter design for the average dunce. I see you only have one quarter-design (and that's the one from the edge, which is likely the one for officers and guests).
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    size of fuel tanks you NEED is as follows:

    first i guess you use deuterium for power reactors as propulsive ones, so you need however much is required for your delta V (in real space)plus some more for powering your systems and warp ftl systems. now i don't know how much delta v you want for your engines but it must be enough for accelerating the ship up, then down again from that speed several times. the rocket equation

    delta V= (v of exhaust)* ln( (mass of fuel + starship)/(mass of ship alone))

    tells you that if your exhaust is for example half the delta v you want then then for every tonne of ship you need 7.3 tonnes of fuel, if your exhaust is relativistic but your ship isn't then you can have a bit less mass of fuel for the same delta v (as the fuel gains mass when accelerated for ejection from the exhaust). if both are relativistic you get into the realm of nightmare differential equations. if you have ramscoops you need to carry less, or perhaps no, fuel but for that you want to burn pure protons as deuterium is far rarer as a component of interstellar dust. then add the "fuel" needed for your reactors to power life support, shields, weapons, warp, etc and you need even more tanks of the stuff.
    p.s. i haven't distinguished between fuel and reaction mass but in the specific setup i'm thinking of they are both the same thing.

    otherwise, it's nice to see such a detailed diagram of all your ships decks although it would be advisable to stick the bridge and other critical parts deep in the hull (trek bridges use screens rather than windows so no point in putting the bridge somewhere vulnerable. ). as for crew quarters you should be able to shrink the officers ones down a little and still contain all the fancy stuff they have, the smaller your quarters, for all ranks, the more other things the ship can carry.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Deuterium fuels the fusion reactors, which power many of the ship's systems and impulse engines. It's also the matter in the matter/antimatter warp core. However, deuterium, unlike dilithium and antimatter, can be easily replenished. The bussard collectors can bring in interstellar particles from space, especially around stars and whatnot, where hydrogen and deuterium would be present. (deuterium is heavy hydrogen) So, while the ship would have to store a good amount of it, it's not like they can't get more.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    spacefighter, you are aware that Trek Bridges always are at the highest point on a saucer/mainhull? It's a common design-error, but one willingly done. Simply because Gene once said any bridge needs to be on top of the main hull (4th Rule, confirmed by Andrew Proert).

    It has been lampshaded and joked upon often enough... "There's no rule that says the bridge has to be on top of the ship." (Reed, ENT: "Babel One"), or the fact that the xindi targeted the bridge and literally shot it off the hull in "Twilight" during the alternative-reality extinction run from the Xindi...
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry for the delay, guys. I had a trainee at work so I didn't have any time to work on this. Thankfully tonight I was alone and it's fairly quiet, so I got a chance to do some work.

    soooo, it looks like this got fairly popular in the time away so I'll try to respond to each of you;

    ->evil_genius_180: After giving it another look I have to agree with you that the tanks we're pretty small. I think the Galaxy class had, what... 45 decks? This one comes in fairly close with 42 Decks. So I did end up increasing the size of the tanks, adding in injectors, emergency fuel dump valves, and refueling valves. I think this will help the ship with those long voyages into the great unknown.

    ->Aresius: As of right now I dont think i'll be moving the warp core. I do like it where it's at and I think it would make ejection simpler from this position, but as things progress that may change :) I did make a different design to the crew quarters, though. The original ones we're mostly placeholders anyways, just to remind me where the crew would be housed. I've added newer ones with bunks and a desk instead of the lounge area.

    ->spacefighter: As Aresius mentioned, Trek bridges are always on the top of the saucer. I'll have to stick with tradition for this one, but thank you for the suggestion. I may alter the size of the quarters a bit more later, still working with the engineering parts right now.


    I added in some fusion reactors to the Engineering and Main hull's, some more transporter rooms, details to the engineering room, and nacelle's. I didn't get as much work done on her as I had hoped but it can't be helped.

    Thank you all for your suggestions, let me know what you think of this update!
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Hey again, guys.

    Once again, sorry for the delay in updating, still training new people at work and we're getting busier!

    I did still manage to find a way to work on the ol' gal tonight so let me know what you think.

    -> I decided to try moving the warp core to the upper level like suggested, and I do tend to like it there more. This area is not final so things could change there. The choice to move the core came from my original attempts to connect the core to the nacelle area.
    -> I have hidden a Starfleet Insignia and Bat-symbol in this design. Enjoy. :P
    -> Yes, I have designed this ship to have a saucer separation
    -> Yes, the saucer section has landing gear (and those things beside the gear are A/G Engines to assist the RCS Thrusters with landing)
    -> Added in the locks between the engineering hull and saucer
    -> We now have official "funny shapes" and "macaroon storage" rooms, because those are obviously essential.
    -> Assortment of other rooms and more crew quarters added.

    This is tough work guys! I'm pushing my imagination hard. :)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Cool work. I agree that the warp core shouldn't stay "there". It's better being closer to the nacelles, but directly under it would probably make it hard to get the warp-core supplied with its fuel (matter or antimatter, whichever you wish to feed from the upper end, usually that's the end where matter flows in).
    Still nice update. ;)
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    think i spotted the fleet insignia,
    coloured blue on a deck just below the bridge
    think i spotted the bat aswell. are you going to label the diagram at some point, just to point out exactly what is exactly where, not sure how it could be done without obscuring detail but if you know how you might be able to put this into a webpage such that a description box pops up when one hovers the mouse over any given compartment. don't know if i said before but this would look great on an LCARS display within a model of this ship's bridge.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    That warpcore needs to go a little lower. Don't forget that normally, the whole M/ARA assembly is protected by lots and lots of layers. Here, it's just the pylon that offers some degree of protection, and not a whole lot at that... Moving it a little deeper might just solve that :)
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Hey guy's, sorry for going MIA. I was straddled with more trainee's at work and have spent the last two weeks trying to keep my sanity. I didn't get a whole' lot done on her, but there are a few minor updates / tweaks. I hope to have more time to work on her tomorrow.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    wow, nice work there!
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