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AnimationApoclypse Flaming Text Which do you prefer?

RandalRRandalR0 Posts: 0Member
edited June 2014 in Work in Progress #1
Would like to get inputs on what you think.

This is for my current project Battlestar Apocalypse:The Battle Begins Pt. 1
See Thread Here
Debate over Texturing of Flaming Text.
The only changes are on the text Front Caps.

This clip is one of what I use for the Intro and Credits portion of the video.

Which Clip do you prefer? Any aspect of any Clip? Dark or Light Text Caps with Flames?
('1st Seq: Currently used
('2ndSeq: a combination of all
('3rd Seq: A solid Grungy Texture

Find myself liking aspects of all, but need to decide which to include in updated video.
Think also I would prefer the Text Caps to be dark.
Also had the idea of building a platform to frame the text and use that as the flames emitter.

Think I prefer the text as the emitter. :)


Randal R.
Post edited by RandalR on


  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    3 is absolutely the best. it looks better to have the text a grey colour rather than black text on a black background. also the red flashes of light against it are very effective. you might be able to make the text a tiny bit grungier though.
  • rojrenrojren2400 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,991Member
    The flashing in the second and especially the third one makes think of a animation looping. I got caught up in wondering "is this repeating?" instead of actually watching the animation.

    Also, the color of the flames doesn't look right. It looks a bit like (really nice looking) gold flake falling upward. Maybe more red? And a git more irregularity in flame height?

    With those caveats, I'd say number three, as well.
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    I would also say number 3. The flames need a lot of work on them though. They need to be more fluid like and random looking. I agree it looks like they have been looped. I've watched a lot of your animations and they have become very, very good, but I think the flames as is, are not up to the same standard and quality as your other work.
  • RandalRRandalR0 Posts: 0Member

    I am surprised to say the least.

    Been working on this Flame text clip/file in C4d to improve it some more.

    As for the Fluidity of the flames, I have done all I know and can on that.Except adding wind, which I do not think would help.
    See Attachment

    I have 3 arcs, a Rise in Gravity,Friction on all emitters and many Particle attributes for the flames.
    Particle is a puff ( Pyrocluster) Using Global Coloring,Age Coloring,Life of Particles are random 60%
    ( which means 60% will have a different lifespan, so not all are the same, but not greater than allowed at 35 frames.)
    And a Phase change over life. Will know when I get to rendering it out to see how it looks with new changes.
    ( appx 4-6 hrs)

    I just saw some Flame Text Presets for AE which are cool and fluid $25.00 USD,but I cannot do that with Pyros that I know of.
    I want to try and keep this as much Cinema4d.

    The Material Texture I came up with to use on the Text. I kept the Ring and Fade Morph materials on the Cap Fillet & Extrusion (Depth)
    See Attachment

    Also, KF'd the Strobe Emitter to not be looping as it were, changes in on/off. And the looping also may have been because I Re-started the Rendering from other than begin after changing something, so the particles will seem to jump.
    Am constantly stopping renderings so I can do something that requires a halt in production :)

    I also tried to use the Galactica text that is used in intro, but because I am using a Sky Object and a Material/Sphere to also Light and Bump,reflections on the material (Galactica), I cannot do the same in Flame setting due it needing a Sky Object also and due to Reflections from said objects.Can only use one Sky Object in a scene.There may be a way to work round this,
    but I could not figure it out while I was working on it.

    Also tried to make it not so gold, which is not easy in this scene with pyros. cuz each particle has a puff, and each puff will use the begin age and global colors and change over life.Since all begin same color,
    and are emitted from the Text itself, unless I duplicate and change puffs(Pyros) to augment or
    supplement different colors, but then it is harder to blend in. :) from my POV.

    Appreciate the Feedback.,

    Best Regards,
  • RandalRRandalR0 Posts: 0Member
    Updated Flame Text.....also includes other updated clips.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    regarding the images at the end of your previous post, the text is WAY too dark. it's going to be against a black background so make it light enough to easily see. just texture with an image as you did in the third clip, it doesn't need a moving texture on it, infact it is better not to have one. i'm not familiar with c4d so i can't really understand everything you were saying about sky objects but my advice comes down to: plain image of grungy metal on the text(with a bump map to make the grimy parts rougher and a speculalrity map so the dirty parts are less reflective if you know how), some random red flashes from light sources to illuminate it more brightly in parts at some moments in the clip, and work on the fire effect or just add in an existing video clip of flames(or maybe abandon it, grimy text with flahses alone can look quite effective).

    onto the latest video: the fire effect has improved since earlier but still doesn't look quite right. the cockpit shot is nice but there is something a bit triangular on the hull just forward of the front of the cockpit canopy(light and dark triangular patches within the red stripe) make the patches less regular in shape and without the triangle shape(if they are rendering errors due to geometry there isn't much you can do though).
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    I really liked the end of the clip where the flames and title recede until they become the eye scanner of the cylon! That was an excellent and creative idea.
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