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3DHopes Foley - WIP

slimdimslimdim331 Posts: 18Member
edited June 2014 in Work in Progress #1
A work in progress cargo ship. Most of the modelling is done, just need to work out the texturing.
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  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    looks interesting.
  • DaemoriaDaemoria331 Posts: 0Member
    This looks like it can fit into the 'Elite' universe. Very nice progress so far.
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    I agree, a very elite vibe.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    I really like what you've shown us with this design. It would go great in the Traveller Universe!
  • slimdimslimdim331 Posts: 18Member
    Just a quick update with some basic colour blocking. I'm still debating colour schemes.
    Also started playing with some glow on the engines.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    ooooh, shiny....
  • slimdimslimdim331 Posts: 18Member
    Here's a quick update showing the texturing, I have 2 questions:
    Do you think the hull looks too distressed?
    Dose anyone know why the engine glow is coming through the geometry? I'm using Maya2014, and the textures are Photoshop files.
    Thanks for any help.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    i've found this ship unusual, seems to simple in overall shape really but with the latest texturing it is looking rather good. the dirt effect is nice and might be expected if this is entering some unpleasant or very dusty atmospheres on it's voyages and the yellow parts are most effective, reminds me of the pictures you see of modern airframes on production lines. i think the red glows look a bit wrong, too big but not bright enough, and the blue spray painted name on top of the hull seems very misplaced, the one on the nose is alright. take off the name on top, cure the glow effects and add a few more details(some radar dishes, antennae or fins) and this could be a decent design.
  • slimdimslimdim331 Posts: 18Member
    Another quick update, got some textures on the cargo bay door, and fixed the lighting problem. For anyone who's interested all I did was swap the PSD textures for jpg ones.
    Any opinions on the antenna on the front? I'm not sure about them right now.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Remember that a cargo ship has to actually haul cargo. You need a way for that cargo to get into and out of the ship, as well as spaces for it to reside onboard. Fairly large spaces, actually, contrary to what the Millennium Falcon may have told you.
  • slimdimslimdim331 Posts: 18Member
    Don't worry Jenny, I have thought about this.
    The big bulkhead door in the middle of the top (the one with the yellow triangles on) gives access to the cargo bay, which takes up approximately 65% of the internal space. There is a matching door on the underside of the ship. The cargo bay is kept in Zero-g so the goods can be lashed to any surface within the bay, and loaded from their the top, bottom or through both doors.
    See attached WIP plans.

    Thanks for all the encouragement guys.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    I like the way your internal space has different orientations using artificial gravity :thumb:
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Do you have plans for how the cargo will be moved to and into those doors? I ask because even in zero-g, objects have mass and inertia. You need boom arms, or mules, or something.

    (Yes, I'm a student of the "functional" school of starship design).
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